《Scrapped Metal {Karl Heisenberg X Reader}》"You Really Are A Modern Doctor Frankenstein"


"So... This Is them up close and personal, huh?" You asked as you where looking at one of his creations. Looking up and down at it, both fascinated and disturbed.

After he showed you the massive conveyer belt you wanted to see one up close to get a better look, he agreed and took you here.

Where 'here' was a small hallway, on the left wall was about seven compartments that held his monstrous creations. They weren't human, Heisenberg told you they where Lycans and promised you he's never experimented on a single human.

The creations had ice like skin, parts of them where replaced metal parts like their chest had a red light and one of their arms where replaced by a drill.

"You really are a modern Dr. Frankenstein." You complimented his work, something you think you'd never do yourself but still he deserves some praise.

"Your not afraid?" He asked. He was behind you leaning against the wall with one foot on it too, watching you look at his handy work.

"I'm more fascinated then afraid. I know our first meeting I fainted from what I witnessed, but that's only because I wasn't aware that the smell was going to be that bad." Turning to him, folding your arms and leaning on one leg. Giving him a sassy look.

He chuckled and pushed himself off the wall, "You like creepy things?"

"Pretty much, sometimes I need to mentally prepare myself before I can get into the gore." You giggled. He giggled too, "Well we have another thing in common."

"You have problems with gore?" You where surprised, a man that tested and tore apart creatures to make abominations of flesh and metal has times where he needs to mentally prepare himself from what he was going to do.


"I used to but then over time I got use to it, because so use to it that it doesn't bother me." He folded his arms and turned his attention to the things on the walls, "In my 'family' it's natural."

"Is that why you want to start your revolution?" He face turned back to yours at your question and nodded, "I want to liberate the village from Miranda's control. She treats us all like play things to her, she just made us so she could experiment with the mold; try to bring back her dead daughter. After she gets Eveline she'll pull the plug on all of us."

Your eyes widened at the severity of the situation, this is more than about a petty grudge: this was a fight for his life. He wants both himself and the people of the village to live while she only wants her daughter. He was on a time limit and then again he didn't know how long until her plans come to fruition. For the first time in years you wrapped your arms around him, feeling extremely sad that he might die. He was shocked at your sudden burst of affection but you didn't care; you didn't want him to die.

Still hugging him you asked, "Can I help?"

He just enjoyed your hug, eventually hugging you back, "Well... There's one way but I need you to do something for me."

Pulling away from the warm hug you looked to him in curiosity, "What is it?"

"I want you to stay here with me."

Shock filled you as you just stared into him sunglasses, thinking about the offer.

To be honest you had no where to go, you could still travel the world but there were no other places you wished to travel to. Most places you've been people recognised you and tried reporting you to the police, your 'parents' still haven't given up on you after all this time.


Yes, you've only met this man literally today but you felt comfortable around him, that's saying much since you've never felt this way with someone. Maybe that's because you never got to know people due to you running from search parties looking for you and the police try to return you to your 'family'.

More of the question is would you give up your freedom willingly, to him?

Unlike your 'parents' control over you your entire life this would be your choice, your path to make.

Join a cause to live and free those from the idea that they'll be discarded at anytime a ruler sees fit. Unfortunately you didn't have any powers so it would be hard but if your just here for moral support then you don't see the harm.

But you could die from this. But what else where you living for? You where hardly living in the first place, always running and never turning back. You could finally have a home in this factory, you could finally belong to a place where someone genuinely wants you around. Not because you where from a rich family but because he genuinely likes you as a person.

But what about your adventures?

"I need to think about it more, I'm not sure I want to give my travels up yet." You said, finally breaking out of your internal thoughts.

He nodded, "I understand, this would be a big change for you since you've been used to a life of traveling. At least stay a week, let me convince you to stay."

You thought about it and just smirked, "Okay, one week."

Holding out his hand you took it, he chuckled, "I'll make this week fun, I'll make sure it is."

Leading you through the factory he took you to a room with many equipment and things, on one wall was a machine that made metal parts out of molds. For the rest of the day you two where making things that interested you. He obviously helped you with the materials and equipment, showing you how to use the equipment property and even taking over when you felt uncomfortable using the advanced equipment.

By the end of the day you two made a pistol, looking a lot like Heisenberg's hammer with similar design elements like gears and wires; even having parts look like scrapped metal. You where impressed by what you two created and it even worked, somehow by making this you felt extremely satisfied and content. A feeling you've never felt before.

Yawning you two decided to return to the bedroom, Heisenberg elected for you to sleep on the bed while he slept on the couch. You protested but he ignored you little pleas.

Falling asleep you thought about how fun making that gun was, hoping that the rest of the week was going to be as fun as that.

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