



"Baby!" I called as I entered his house. "Why is the door open?"

I looked around the living room, but I didn't see him. Where could he be? I went to the kitchen, but he wasn't there, too. He might be in his office. I put the bouquet I brought for him on the dining table when something caught my attention. Someone was sitting on a chair on the back porch. Thinking it was Fluke I went outside, but I was surprised to see someone I haven't seen before.

My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him. "Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh! Hi, Ohm." He said with a smile.

"How did you know me? How did you get in here?"

"Let's just say I've been observing you."

"What do you mean? Where's Fluke?" I asked. I started to get worried, for I haven't seen Fluke since I arrived. "Baby!" I called again.

"Baby. . ." He repeated and nodded his head a little. "Don't worry, your baby is okay. I'm here to talk to you by the way."

"Huh? Why? Do I even know you?" I said irritated.

"No. . . But we have something in common." I was getting even more confused. I looked at him and was about to ask him, but he talked again. "We both love the same person. . . Fluke."

"Who are you?" I asked seriously.

"His first love."

My eyes widened from what he said. That's when I realized it was just a dream. "What's the purpose of your visit?"

"Just to be sure, I guess." He simply said. "He's precious and very special, Ohm. Treat him as the most important person in your life. He doesn't deserve to be hurt again. Love him with all your heart. Make him the happiest." He smiled bitterly. "I failed to do that before, for I needed to leave him. I made him cry."


"No, you made him happy, too. Even for a short time, you made him feel loved and protected. I know Fluke would say the same thing."

"I'm letting him go now. I just came to tell you these, for I know you're the one destined for him. I hope you would cherish and love him more than I did before."

"You can rest now. . . I promise to take care of him for the rest of our lives."

"Thank you, Ohm. Tell him I love him."

Then he was gone and brightness welcomed me as I opened my eyes. I looked at the clock on my desk and saw that it was a little over six o'clock. I slept more than usual.

I took my phone and a smile immediately appeared on my face as I read my boyfriend's message. He said he was already preparing breakfast for us, so we could have a meal before we went out. The night before while we were having dinner, he told me he would do some errands the next day, so I, being the best boyfriend ever, offered to drive him to wherever he was going since I didn't have any work to do.

After replying to his message, I stood up right away and prepared for the day. It has only been a few hours since we last saw each other, but I already missed him.


"Baby! I'm home!"

I smiled as I realized how I sounded like a husband coming from work letting the love of his life know he has arrived home. Well. . . that was actually what I wanted to happen - to be his husband and lifetime partner.

"Hi, Baby!"

I couldn't help but smile widely as I hear him say our endearment. It has already been a week since we became together, but it always made my heart jump inside whenever he called me Baby.


I strode faster to reach him and hugged him so tight. I lifted his body a little and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I moved and sat on the couch with him straddling me. I moved his body back a little to see his face.

"I missed you, Baby," I said and gave him a peck on his lips.

"It's only been a few hours, Baby." He said, ". . .but. . . I missed you, too."

My smile turned wider as I heard him. "I think I missed you more." I kissed him on the cheek. "I missed you." and another kiss on the other cheek. I peppered his face with kisses as I said how I missed him.

He giggled at my actions, "Stop now, Baby, please."

"Okay. Last one. . . give me a proper kiss this time." I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows.

He looked into my eyes and we both leaned our heads and reached for each other's lips. The once single lip kiss turned deeper as we were both hungry for more. I held him by his waist and pinned him closer to my body kissing him hard. His hands automatically went up around my neck and caressed its back gently, literally giving me chills on the spine. I bent him a little with my hand supporting his back, still devouring his lips, and got lost in the romantic moment.

We both stopped what we were doing when we suddenly heard the continuous ringing of the doorbell.

Both panting and gasping for air, "Are you expecting anyone this early?" I asked and kissed his lips lightly. Forgive me, but I still couldn't get enough of the moment. I moved my lips and kissed his jaw, traced downwards to his neck, and heard him moan. That sound made me bolder and sucked his lower neck a little, then licked it. His moan became even louder. I moved my head to face him and as I was about to devour his lips once again, the doorbell rang one more time.

I couldn't help but let out a loud sigh. "This should be important, or else. . ."

"Baby!" He said and hit my arm a little. "It must be Lizzie. . . " He said and my eyes widened. "No one comes here, but you, Liza, and New. . . You know that I don't let other people come to my place."

"Hold tight, Baby," I told him and lifted his body as I stood up from the couch. I walked us to the monitor to see who was outside, but to my surprise, it was the person I didn't want to see again. I looked at Fluke to see his reaction, he, also, was surprised to see him outside his gate. I clicked a button and talked, "Why are you here?"

"Uh. . ." The man outside looked confused as he heard a different voice. "Fluke? Is this still Fluke's house?"


"Hi, Sir. . . Tell him it's Mark. I just want to talk to him."

"What if he didn't want to talk to you?" I said firmly.

"Oh. . . Well, I guess. . . Well. . ."

Fluke moved my head with his hands to face him. "I'll talk to him."

"Baby. . ." I said and shook my head.

"It's okay, Baby. Let's get this over and done. Maybe this will formally close what we had in the past." He explained. "I love you." He said and kissed my lips. "I love only you, Ohm. . . Okay?"

I nodded my head a little in understanding. He was right. They needed this talk. I put him down but still held him in my arms. "I'll open it. Stay here." I gave him another kiss before going out.


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