


My day started so early when my ever hyper best friend knocked on my door with her two children in tow.

"Good morning, Sweetheart!" She greeted energetically. "You look like you haven't slept."

I kissed her cheek and opened the gate widely for them to enter. I picked up her daughter, Lara, who was holding her right hand. "Good morning, baby girl!" I said and kissed the girl's chubby cheek and hugged her tight as we walked to my home. "Why are you guys here so early?"

"I already had a plan to see you today, but my car broke down yesterday, so I had to send it to the garage for repairs. I brought my husband's car. We sent him to work first before coming here, his call time was early, that's why we are here at this time." She explained as she laid down her two-year-old baby boy who was still asleep on the sofa.

"Have you had breakfast? I'll reheat the lasagna that I made last night." I said as I put down Lara on the floor.

"Even if I already had, I would still eat your lasagna. You know how I love your cooking."

I just chuckled at her reply. "What do you want, Baby Lara?"

"Can I have some milk, Uncle Fluke?"

"Of course, Baby. Is that all? Don't you want to try my lasagna?"

"I want, too! I want a lot!" She said enthusiastically. I giggled at her answer.

"See that? Even my four-year-old girl is in love with your food."

"Okay! Just get settled then, it will only take a few minutes."

As we were eating, Liza told me all her plans for today. Leave it to this woman to have everything planned, from the places, restaurants and other stuff that she wanted us to do or buy.

I've known Liza and New since my first year in the university, and right then, I never felt they were my seniors. They treated me as their friend. They were my best friends. We shared the happy and sad moments of each other's lives. They were there when I first published my book. I remembered they even took a day off from work, just to surprise me at school and asked my professor to excuse me from class for a reason they haven't revealed yet until now. From then on, we always made sure to celebrate each other's achievements. They were there whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on. Liza was actually the one who took care of everything when my grandmother died because I was so shocked about what happened. They were the best.


"You're lucky I've already finished a few chapters last night."

"Why? You mean you won't come with us if you still have chapters to finish?" She said exaggeratedly.

"Of course not. How could I do that to my baby munchkins? It would be hard to refuse these cuties." I said as I wiped Lara's lips with a napkin.

"Good! Because if you're not coming, we're ready to kidnap you."

I looked at her and said, "Why I am not surprised?" and we both laughed.

It has been a tiring but fun day. I couldn't remember anymore the last time I had such a fun and memorable day. It has been a long time.

It has been almost two hours when we arrived at Liza and New's house, and we put the kids on their beds right away for us to prepare dinner. Liza actually suggested to just have food delivered, but I insisted on making dinner because I knew that New would love to have home-cooked meal as well after a tiring work day. After cooking, I told Liza that I would just go to my room to take a shower -- yes, I have my own room in their house -- while she was still cleaning up the kitchen.

After I freshened up, that was the time when Noah suddenly woke up and started crying. I saw Liza on her way to the kids' room, so I told her to just wash up and I would take care of the kid.

I've been sitting on the sofa for about fifteen minutes now with Baby Noah on my chest, for he didn't want to be put down on his bed again. My eyes were already closing on their own, until I couldn't take it anymore and let myself be drown in the darkness.


We arrived at P' New's house a little over seven in the evening. He got off the car and opened the gate so I could park my car inside. The house was very quiet when he opened the door. They had a two-storey four bedroom house and it looked really nice. He told me that his house had four bedrooms, but he made one into his office.


"Maybe they took a nap before dinner." He explained. "Let's see where they are."

A staircase would be welcoming you a few feet as you entered the house and there were two doors just a few steps away from both sides of the stairs. We entered the left room which happened to be the dining area and the kitchen. The smell of delicious food was spread all over the room that made my mouth watered. I must have been really hungry.

"Oh! Someone very special cooked for us!" He said as he checked the pots on the stove. "Now, I'm hungry! I have to locate all of them, so we could eat."

We headed out of the kitchen and he started walking up the stairs. He told me to just stay in the living area on the opposite room to rest while he looked for his family.

Imagine my surprise as I entered the room and saw Fluke almost lying on the sofa with a young boy on his chest, both sleeping soundly. He looked so good even when he was sleeping!

How did I ever get lucky like this? My day wasn't that good because of the incident at the shoot, but now, I felt like the luckiest person in the world! If this was the punishment for the one I did at work, I would gladly embrace it.

I didn't notice that I was already standing there for quite sometime and I didn't even make a move from the door. I was just contented seeing Fluke looking so serene. The little boy on his chest was an add up to make my imagination go overboard once again. This could be a good scene to see when I got back home after a tiring work day. Don't you think?

A clearing of throat brought me back from visualizing my future. I looked behind me and saw P' New with a little girl in his arm and his wife.

"Don't tell me you are imagining your future with Fluke again?"

Ugh! How could he read my mind again?

"H-- How? --" I stuttered.

"You're too obvious, Ohm!" He said and chuckled, he removed my hand from holding the doorknob for them to go inside and walked to the sofa to wake up Fluke.

"Hi, Ohm!" P' Liza greeted me with a teasing smile. "I know everything." I felt shy and just gave her a nervous smile. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna do something bad to you. . ." She whispered, "yet." and walked towards the others.

I looked at them and saw Fluke was already awake still holding the little boy in his arm. P' New called me to come over and sit with them.

I held my heart and let out a deep sigh before joining them.


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