《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 19 - Guilt


"This can't keep happening," Midnight had her iconic whip in hand, "He followed her and made contact already, what's next? What if she gets kidnapped on her way home from school? She's too precious to get dragged off by some lowly creeps."

Your aunt had been in hysterics with the police and All Might. You were surprised that the number one hero made time to visit, but you supposed it had to do with Shigaraki. You could tell he wanted to speak with you, but the police were keeping him busy, along with the many adoring fans in the restaurant.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to, Hitoshi," you said, "You've already been here for hours."

"Don't be stupid," he rolled his eyes, "I've decided to not leave your side, ever. So. Deal with it, I guess."

You made yourselves comfortable at a different booth. Shinso leaned against the wall and you were falling asleep on his shoulder. At this rate, you were both getting accustomed to police questioning. There were even a few familiar faces from the night with Stain - so there's that...

"You know, part of being a pro-hero requires us to face villains on the regular," you grinned.

"Yeah, but we aren't pros yet. So, practice patience."

"It's not my fault!" you frowned. In a way, it kind of was?

Finally, All Might was able to break away. His massive, heroic body and brilliant smile approached your table, "Young (Y/N), and Hitoshi Shinso, is it?"

"Yes sir," Shinso said.

"I am going to personally escort both of you home tonight. Have no fear - there are going to be some changes to ensure that you and your fellow students will feel secure at UA. These villains will be stopped... because I AM HERE!"

"Thanks, All Might..." you gave a lopsided smile.

You knew Shinso couldn't live with you, still, it was sad to see him go. Before you left him at his front door, he pulled you in for a hug and roughly kissed your forehead. "Don't do anything stupid," he muttered.

All Might was covering his face in embarrassment when you returned to the sidewalk - for his embarrassment or yours? He was such a goofy guy, you thought. How could he be so cheery when he's faced villain after villain...

You felt slightly better after All Might organized an overnight watch at your house. But Shigaraki knew Shinso now too... Would he be safe? You didn't plan on sleeping since you had practice with Bakugo in a few hours, so you could check on Shinso as often as you like - if he liked it or not was irrelevant.

Midnight was already inside, and All Might was about to take his leave, but you had to stop him.

"All Might?"

Crickets were your chorus, and the stars were your light. It may be your only chance to see All Might alone. His broad back slowly turned, "What is it, (Y/N)?"


"Do you really think I can be a hero? Someone like you?"

All Might knelt in front of you, his empty eyes full of wisdom, "You can. You can become your own. Stay true to your path, and you will never have to question."

You nodded, "You don't think... because I'm..." Something wet slid down your cheek. Dammit, I'm as bad as Midoriya!

A heavy hand fell on your shoulder, "I don't want you to think about what Tomura said. He wants you to feel alone, that's the only way he can get to you. Even if there comes a time when you do feel lonely, or doubt yourself, just remember that you always have us. Your friends. UA. Midnight. Even Aizawa has a soft side. My point is, being a true hero doesn't always mean people will love you. I face criticism every day - not to mention the death threats... But it isn't about being liked."

He sighed, "It's doing the right thing, even if we receive nothing in return. If you decide to show the world who you are, using your powers for good, and they still choose to hate you for it, it's not the end. But, I think you will capture the hearts of many, as you already have."

You were just a crying mess now. His arms were so large that he only needed one to crush you in a bear hug. Your tears left a puddle on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Thank you..." you sniffled, "Um, there's something else, sir."

"What's that?"

"Can you explain why you and Midoriya share the same energy?"

"... I have NO idea what you're talking about!" He was back to a generic, heroic stance, leaving you to stew and speculate.


"Hi, Katsuki."

You dragged yourself into the gym and tossed your bag to the side. Cracking your knuckles, you made your way towards your angry friend. He actually didn't look as ticked as he sounded. In fact, he wouldn't make much eye contact with you.

"I have a little energy to work with," you said, "You ready?"


Weird. Where did his fire go?

Close combat was going to be your friend. If you wanted to stand a chance at the festival, you'd have to learn to take energy mid-battle. Bakugo's fighting style differed from Izuku's, which was good and bad. Bad because you got your ass kicked, and good because sometimes you didn't. Also good because your opponents weren't all going to fight the same way.

"Where'd you learn that move?" Bakugo suddenly asked, "From that stupid nerd?"

"What's it to you?" you gasped, just barely blocking a kick to your abdomen.

He got more aggressive after that, and eventually, you ended up pinned to the floor. Even though you knew it was Bakugo who was on top of you, you kept seeing Tomura - covered in dead hands. His grip tightening on you as you feared your arms would turn to human sand.


"What's wrong with your face?" Bakugo scoffed, "Come on, fight back!"

You shook your head, erasing the image from your mind. Without realizing it, you started to hit a little harder and move a little quicker. You were sloppy, but it was enough to make Bakugo turn it up. Block. Block. Block. Another block. Your arms felt like they were about to break. Then, a hit! And another hit.




Hit. Block. Hit. Miss. Miss. Miss...

"Hey!" Bakugo growled, "Are you even listening!"

His strong arms caught your leg and flipped you. The hard crash to the mat was alarming and startled you out of your mini-episode. Your face felt hot and inflated like you hadn't been breathing properly.

You ignored his angry comments and tried hitting him again.


He knocked you to the ground and this time you stayed.

"You idiot!" he got on your level and rolled you over to face him, "Are you fucking drunk or something!"


He saw the expression on your face and flinched. You weren't entirely sure what you were feeling either. Fear? Frustration? You wanted to be able to protect others, but after being threatened so many times, you weren't even sure you could protect yourself.

Bakugo glared into your soul, "I plan to be the greatest hero in the world! When we fight for real, I want the REAL you. I want everyone to know that no one can beat me. If you don't give that to me, I will destroy you. You and stupid Deku."

Was that... heartfelt? Or scary?

Definitely scary!

"I am giving it to you," you used your elbows to prop you up.

"I'M NOT AN IDIOT!" he forced you back down with one hand on your shoulder, "I saw you!"


You could see his anger manifesting like a ring of fire. His pulse was racing, sweat fell from his neck and down his shirt. He was radiating heat. Your body welcomed his warmth, even if he was terrifying to look at at the moment.

"I saw you," his volume dropped and turned to gravel against your eardrums.

For a while, there was only the sound of you two breathing. Panting, rather. Your head was a mess. You wanted to focus and improve, but you were also impatient. There wasn't much time before the sports festival. Who were you going to be? How were you going to use your quirk?

"I'm not doing that to you, or anyone, ever again," you said, knowing he meant your attack on the Nomu.

"That... really... pisses me off."

He lowered his face until your noses touched. His breath hit your face, "I can take it."

"What?" you said.

"I can take it! You won't defeat me, not now, not ever..."

Before you knew it, Bakugo was kissing you. For the second time! It immediately set your body on fire, numbing all your senses. You hadn't closed your eyes - still in shock - and you could see just how passionate Katsuki Bakugo was. His eyelids rested peacefully, but his brows were focused and determined.

You hadn't noticed your quirk releasing pheromones, but then again, you didn't have time to focus on much with Bakugo attacking you. Was that what this was? A spell of yours? His energy was prime... like a bottle of expensive wine.

And I want every drop...

You wasted no time in feasting. Your blood turned into liquid fire as his energy became yours. He pressed the rest of himself against you, escalating the effects. His tongue invaded your mouth, encouraging you to do the same. He tasted like ginger and mint - like a candy with a kick.

You felt a little greedy and started exploring his abs from beneath his shirt. He growled against your lips and ripped his shirt clean off. More feverish kissing. More dizziness. His strong hands gripped your thighs and hips.

Eventually, your shirt disappeared too. You couldn't remember who the culprit was, but the amount of power you felt was mindblowing. It almost hurt to feel his chest against your body, like laying on hot coals. How did someone like him exist? You felt him tugging on your sweat pants but ignored the warnings going off in your head.

You were only in your sports bra and black polyester underwear. Bakugo still had his shorts, but they were athletic and thin. You never had the luxury of stealing so much energy from everywhere, all at once before - not by a willing participant anyway.

The Nomu didn't count...

His moans in pleasure were more like tiger purrs. You got the best response when you pulled on his hair. You also thought you could hear a high-pitched noise, slowly getting louder - like you reached your limit and were going to explode like an egg in a microwave. (lol)

This is enough. It's enough.


When you activated your quirk, the floor trembled. Bakugo was thrown off of you, and you didn't have to lift a finger. You rose from the mat, but once you were on your feet, you noticed that your toes didn't touch. You were floating! Only a centimeter, but still.

Bakugo grunted and rolled his grumpy ass off the ground, but his annoyance was replaced by surprise. Your light was able to reach him, and he had to squint. After gazing at you some more, his rare, haughty smile returned.

You were golden. Skin like molten. Hair billowing like smoke and flame.

"That's more like it," he sneered.

You've never felt more powerful than at this moment. Bakugo was fine. You didn't kill him.

So, why do I still feel guilty...

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