《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 20 - Slumber Party


Aizawa showed up not long after. Thankfully, you at least reclothed before he got there, or that would've been the end of you! When he noticed that you and Bakugo were about to destroy the gymnasium he captured you both with his scarf. You thought you were going to get detention or something, but it was worse...

He took advantage of your powered-up form and decided to give you both grueling, intensive quirk training. You were grateful at first, but he knew how to push (or punish...) his students. He had you throwing, running, lifting, fighting... anything to show off your quirk.

"Impressive, (Y/N)," Aizawa said, "But if I catch either of you damaging school property you'll both be expelled."

We literally blow up buildings here... you thought.

Bakugo wasn't the worst to talk to. At least, he wasn't yelling at you the entire time, so that was a plus. Solidarity? The mutual suffering must've brought you closer during Aizawa's training. He was amazing, though. As much as everyone disliked the guy, aside from maybe Kirishima, he had an undeniable drive. His intensity was scary at times, but you admired it all the same.

Didn't he feel awkward that the two of you totally made out - half-naked - on the gym floor? It bothered you! Bakugo didn't bring it up again or even bat an eye. Maybe for him, he really was just proving his own strength. That made things easier on your mind...

I guess.

What would Shinso think? He already didn't like Bakugo. Your guilt carried over to the next day at school, and Uraraka was the first to greet you.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" her bubbly smiled faltered, "I know we haven't gotten to see each other much. Are you coming to Momo's sleepover?"

You forgot about it entirely, but Uraraka's hopeful eyes swayed you, "Y-yeah, totally. I'll be there."

"Great! It'll be so nice just to have the girls together for once."

"Sleepover, huh?" A short figure emerged between the two of you. You both cringed when you saw Mineta's giddy face.

"Does that mean you're busy this weekend, (Y/N)?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, but let's pick up where we left off next week?" You insisted. That came out totally normal to you, but to your listeners in class...

"Woah, Midoriya," Denki slid onto the scene, "Have you been hitting that?"

"WHAT?!" Izuku yelped, "What does that even mean!"

"Someone's inexperienced..." Mineta muttered.

"Like you aren't, Mineta?" Jiro called from across the room.

From the front row, you noticed Bakugo silently fuming. His shoulders were reaching for his ears. What's his problem? Never mind, when does he not have a problem?

Tsu joined in the conversation. You relaxed, knowing she was a level-headed person, but what she said made everything worse, "It would make sense for (Y/N) to date someone like Midoriya. They have similar strengths, and she probably needs someone powerful to compliment her quirk. It would actually be a strategic move for (Y/N) to couple up with someone."

Uraraka gazed at the frog-woman in awe, "Why do you say that, Tsu?"

"Think about it. If you were compatible with someone whose quirk benefited your own, and you needed another person for your quirk to manifest anyway, wouldn't that make sense? Ribbit. Not to mention it would make the process less awkward."


"Oh..." Uraraka frowned, "I see. It does kinda make sense."

"W-we aren't dating!" you tried to save poor Izuku who melted in his chair, "We just go running sometimes!"

Denki beamed, his yellow hair seeming to stand up more than normal, "I volunteer as tribute!"

"That's not what's going on here..." you facepalmed. Was Tsu right? Would having a boyfriend actually be a benefit to you? It didn't sound romantic when putting it that way.

"Leave her be," a calm voice from the back said, "She is powerful enough without a companion. If she chooses anyone, it'll be for more than such selfish reasons."

Your eyes lit up when you realized Todoroki had come to your rescue. That's right, his parents were in a loveless marriage for power. He knew better than anyone...

Bakugo abruptly turned in his chair to look directly at Izuku. The class stilled, knowing any confrontation between the two was never good. "She wouldn't choose someone like Deku, anyway. Quit being delusional!" he huffed.

To your surprise, Iida was the one to step in next, "I don't know. I think they perform well together. If not lovers then perhaps a proper hero team in the future."

"You're all idiots," Bakugo snickered. You didn't expect him to smile - if you could call that evil grin a smile! "Her powers would be wasted on someone as weak as him."

"You seem to have a pretty concrete opinion on this," Todoroki said.

"Yeah. So what!"

You looked around for your teacher, wondering why he hasn't stopped this yet, but he was snuggled in a sleeping bag on the floor. Figures!

"Maybe you shouldn't speak for her," Todoroki's tone dropped in temperature.

"She can speak for herself," he shrugged, "She's an idiot but she's not stupid. She knows what's good for her."

What did that even mean? You facepalmed again. This time, it was mostly to hide from the glaring match between Bakugo and Todoroki.

Mineta leered in your direction, "What about your 'crush' - the guy who sort of looks like a purple zombie. Does he even have a quirk? He's in general studies of all things."

Uraraka tilted her head, "Oh, yeah. Who was your friend from the other day, (Y/N)? Is he nice? He seemed kinda scary."

Shinso? You looked around the room at everyone who was still paying attention. They probably wanted to know if he was actually dangerous. You loved your class, but you loved Shinso too and wanted him to have a shot at the hero course.

"I'm sorry," you grimaced, "I don't think it's my place to talk about his abilities. But, yeah, he is nice, and his name is Hitoshi Shinso. He sometimes struggles socially, but he's cool when you get to know him..."

"Hey, you have to be loyal to our class, (Y/N)," Denki whined.

"True to an extent, Kaminari," Iida waved robotically, "We are classmates, but in the end, we are all up against one another. I think it's fair that she won't expose his technique before the upcoming competition."

Denki just continued to pout. Izuku finally revived from his mortified state, looking serious, "Iida is right. Even if we're all friends, we're all fighting for the spot at the top. The other classes are going to come at us with everything they got. We made a name for ourselves already after the villain attack, so we're targets in their eyes."


The room turned solemn after that. You knew you shouldn't feel torn, but imagining your friends losing to Shinso, or Shinso losing to them, broke your heart. He worked too hard to not make it. But so had they.

No biased feelings. Every man for himself! You reminded yourself. At least at the sports festival.

The weekend arrived, and Momo asked all the girls to meet by the gates after class. Uraraka walked with you as you discussed pretty normal stuff, like her family business and the pop quiz you all had to endure.

When you made it to the gates, a long white vehicle was parked right in front. You wondered if some pro-heroes were visiting or something.

"Hop in everyone!" Momo announced, "my driver will take us to our destination!"

Everyone gaped at her. Ashido was beside herself, "Wait, WHAT?"

"Is her family super-rich or something?" Uraraka asked you.

"I guess. If the sleepover is at her house we're about to know for sure," you said.

You all filed in one by one. This was your first time in any type of limousine, and it did not disappoint! Instead of the rows on either side, there were individual chairs in bright pink and black leather. The bar held fancy champagne glasses, but instead of alcohol, they were filled with pink cotton candy and a chilled cider sat in a bucket of ice. The ceiling had led lights installed to look like stars. and organic shapes to reveal open sunroofs.

"Momo!" Ashido squealed, "What is even your life? This is the cutest form of transportation I've ever seen!"

Momo smiled, "There are gift bags for each of you in your seats! We all get matching pajamas to really get this sleepover rolling!"

It was a little unsettling how generous she was, but you were still excited. You all began opening your gifts to reveal pink, silk outfits and thin, floral kimonos. Also inside were fuzzy slippers and a selection of face masks and chocolate treats.

"Momo!" Uraraka cried, "I don't even get this many gifts on my birthday! You're too generous!"

She waved nonchalantly, "It was nothing. I had to go with the cheaper slippers because they didn't have enough of the other ones I wanted..."

"Your life..." Ashido moaned.

The Yaoyorozu home was basically a mansion. Standing inside made you feel like a tiny ant. None of you had any idea just how well off her family was, aside from the comments she made from time to time. Now, there was no doubt.

Momo had a bedroom the size six of yours back home. Seven small mattresses decorated the floor, all with their own plush blankets and pillows. Ashido was quick to leap into her mattress while Tsu leisurely perched onto hers.

"The mini fridge is in the back across from the vanity," Momo said, "Plenty of water or chocolate milk. Whatever you fancy, really."

"I feel like I'm at a sleepover for a glamorous idol," Uraraka deeply inhaled her pillow, "It smells like an enchanted forest..."

Everyone got cozy in their beds and the giggling commenced. Ashido began stirring trouble by asking everyone about their crushes. Uraraka hid under her blanket to avoid being called on, "No it's too embarrassing!"

"Do you have a crush, Momo?" Ashido asked.

"Oh! I haven't... thought about it. Too focused on the festival," she shrugged.

"Boring!" Ashido frowned, "Tsu? What about you?"

"No. There is a guy I think is cute, but he's a little older and in a different class."

"Speaking of different classes..." Ashido's head whipped in your direction, "(Y/N) who do you like!?"

"I..." you choked.

Tsu rolled over in her bed, "Is it hard to know your true feelings, (Y/N)? I would think so, considering you have to be somewhat intimate in order to use your quirk."

Ashido gasped, "That's right. I keep forgetting - you've probably kissed so many cute guys. I'm jealous..."

"Don't be," you laughed nervously, "It might sound fun in theory, but, it's true... It does confuse me."

"Can I know who? Please!" Ashido begged, "I have to live vicariously through you!"

"Leave her alone, Mina," Jiro said, "We already know she had to kiss Mineta. I'm sure she doesn't want to relive that!"

"That's not who I meant, bleh!"

Uraraka finally emerged from her blanket prison to peek at you, "So you don't like anyone? Not even your friend, Shinso?"

You sighed, "It's confusing. I do like him a lot. He's been there through everything, but then Katsuki keeps-" You slammed your mouth shut.

Momo, Ashido, Uraraka, Jiro, Tsu, and Hagakure (if you could see her head) all turned to face you with horror in their eyes.

"Wait..." Ashido pulled her hair, "Wait. BAKUGO!?"

I've done it now.

"How did you get near that monster?" Momo gasped.

"I guess he is cute if you can get past his rage," Hagakure giggled.

Uraraka was actually calmer than you expected, "He would be great for you, (Y/N). Just like Tsu was talking about the other day. But, maybe if he wasn't so... ferocious?"

"I don't think so," you scoffed, "He has some serious issues when it comes to his feelings. Every time he kissed me it was because he wanted to challenge me."

"Sounds like Bakugo," Jiro said.

"What was it like?" Ashido asked.

"Um, other than him being an idiot, and smelling a bit like lighter fluid, he's... warm. It's like kissing sunlight and while it burns a little it's still comforting. Sorry! I should explain my quirk - out of context that probably sounds strange!"

"A bit!" Momo breathed in, "But it was for your quirk so, do you like him or not?"

A loud clack came from Momo's window. The girls screamed and huddled themselves together to one bed. Yours. Conveniently, yours was closest to the door...

"Guys," you tried moving under their limbs, "We're heroes, right?"

"... Right," Momo cleared her throat. She stood, and dusted herself off, "I will investigate this threat."

Momo slowly approached this window. With her quirk, she created a baseball bat out from her thigh. She held it at the ready and pulled apart her curtains. You all waited anxiously, but instead of panic, Momo sounded exasperated.

"How did they get my address?" she moaned.

"Who?" Jiro asked.

"Who do you think?"

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