《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 18 - Boxed In


"Me..?" Shinso cocked his head to the side, "Why do you look like you're about to kill me? Are you that upset?"

You were crouched and breathing heavily, kind of like a wild animal. One hand still clenched your phone. When your brain finally put it together that this was Shinso and not a murderer you let your quirk fizzle until you stopped glowing.

"What are you doing here?" you asked. Your tone came out more curt than you meant it to.

"I just wanted to see you. I didn't feel too great about how we left things..." He stopped when he noticed that you were shaking, and his brow furrowed, "What's wrong, kitten?"

You sniffled, feeling frustrated tears coming, but you sucked them back in. Pouting, you headbutted Shinso's chest but kept your forehead pressed against him. He grunted, but wrapped his arms around you, pinning your dead arms to your sides.

"You seem edgy," he said.

"I am... I thought you were someone else."

He moved and lifted your chin with the back of his thumb, "Someone bothering you?"

You didn't want to explain it, so you just handed him your phone. He looked at it quizzically at first, but after a moment his expression darkened, "This is just from today?"


"No idea who it could be?"

"I really don't know..."

Shinso sighed, "We could report it, but in all honesty, it's probably some idiot from your class."

"You're already on thin ice when it comes to my class, Hitoshi," you glared.

He shrugged, "I know, and I'm sorry, but my hunch still stands."

You had thought the same thing, though. It didn't make sense, but it seemed like an immature thing to do. The only people who saw you at USJ were Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, All Might, and Aizawa. None of them seemed like the creepy, stalker type.

But villains sure did.

Your eyes widened. What if...

"They didn't reply, huh," he said rhetorically, "But it does seem like they were watching you. Want me to take you home? I can stay for a while."

"No!" you panicked, "N-not yet. I don't want them to know where I live..."

"They might already know if they know you," he cringed, realizing he said the wrong thing, "You're shaking like a rabbit... want to get some food or something, then? We can give Midnight a call, too."

You looked dirty and disheveled, but the food sounded good. Shinso's warm smile made you feel safe - so different from the looks he gave your class earlier. He had been right about you having the worst luck... You nodded, and he reached for your hand.

"Stalkers won't like you if it looks like you have a boyfriend," he explained.

You snorted but took his hand anyway. You could tell he was trying to keep things fun, but he couldn't hide his worry when his eyes were shifting to every alley you walked past.


The fast-food joint you found yourselves in was overflowing with customers. Somehow, the shoulder touching and mixture of body odors gave you a sense of security. You plowed your way to an empty booth - not by a window - and prepared to stay there for the next million hours.

You knew Shinso struggled on the journey here. It was near impossible to control your emotions, which meant those stupid pheromones were running rampant. By the time you made it to dinner, he looked like he was going to either crush your hand or take you right there in public.

Note to self, explain to Shinso that he's not insane... I'm just a walking ball of hormones.

He relaxed in his seat but closed his eyes so as to not look at you. You snickered, feeling terrible that you were torturing him, unbeknownst to him. And enjoying it, just a little.

He took a deep breath, finally coming back to his senses, "Okay. What do you want? Chocolate shake? Burger? Okay."

He stood abruptly from his seat. You barely opened your mouth, "Uh- I- Okay..." He wasn't wrong, that's exactly what you would order.

He's a grump when he's horny... pfft.

When you offered to pay he just ignored you and pat your head. You were left in the booth alone, but it was loud and you were surrounded. You were safe.

None of that was true - maybe the killing part.

What the hell did that mean? You were ready to dismiss it entirely until something dark moved out of the corner of your eye. Before you could turn your head, a body slid into your side of the booth.

"Excuse me," You sounded annoyed, "do you mind?"

Your body tensed as a thin arm snaked around your shoulders. Four fingers dug into your arm, minus the man's pinky, and pulled you closer. Instinctively, you prepared your left elbow to nudge him off of you, but he snatched your hand and held it firmly against the table.

Again, excluding his pinky...

"Let's not cause a scene, (Y/N)," a familiar raspy voice spoke, "It might make people panic if you suddenly turned to dust."

Dust? You shivered and realized exactly who this was.

"You didn't kill me before," you did your best to remain still, and not show that your life was threatened, "why should I believe your bluff now?"

Tomura was in a black hoodie, but he also had a sick mask on instead of that creepy hand on his face. You didn't want to look at him too closely, but you couldn't help yourself. His skin looked very dehydrated and his red eyes were irritated. Though, his pale-blue hair covered his brow so he was mostly hidden. You quickly turned away when he noticed you staring.

"I'd rather not kill you, this is true," he said casually, "but I'm not against drastic measures if it calls for it. It's also close quarters in here, I could easily kill a dozen, maybe more, before any heroes arrived. So let's just have a civil discussion?"


Nothing about this is civil. You would go along with it, for now, knowing Shinso would come back and Tomura would lose interest - hopefully.

You had to swallow your disgust when Shigaraki leaned his face closer. His hoodie was the only thing dividing his head from yours. You still refused to look at him, but to anyone looking in your direction, it probably seemed like an intimate exchange.

"Fine," you hissed, "what the hell do you want from me?"

"Calm down," his fingernails pressed into your wrist, "Just hear me out? I came as a friend, remember?"

You figured the texts were from him now. It was difficult to create the illusion that you weren't in distress, especially when his touch made your skin crawl all over. Not to mention his voice that was too close for comfort.

"My friends don't threaten me or try to kill my teachers," you muttered.

"I guess you and I are pretty shitty friends then. You almost kill them - I try to kill them - seems about even to me."

His words hurt, but you weren't going to show it.

"Huh, I guess I should be worried about your quirk right now!" He laughed, "It's strange being on the other side of things."

You weren't going to tell him about that either. The truth was your quirk did nothing against him. Did it have something to do with you both having quirks that involved touch, and it canceled it out?

Or maybe he didn't have life inside him... just death.

"Get to the point," you said through your teeth.

He sighed, "I've been a bit down lately. Everyone wants to talk about Stain these days."

Seriously? He was upset about a popularity contest?

"You and your boyfriend had a little run-in with him before. What do you think of him?"

Scary. Horrible. A murderer.

"He's a monster."

Tomura chuckled, "And what about me?"

"Compulsive," you crossed your fingers nothing you said would backfire, "And I still don't understand what you're after."

"Hm?" He mulled, "but Stain?"

"He's horrible... and wrong, but he makes sense to me - as a villain. You just seem like a mad dog looking for someone to bite."

You flinched when you felt bruising on your wrist.

"Interesting," Tomura said, "You've given me something to think about."

"Can you go, now?" You asked.

"That wasn't even the reason for my visit, silly," his casual tone was disorienting to your ears, "It just put me in a mood. I wanted to talk about you!"

Your eyes met a fellow customer sitting across the way. A middle-aged man who squinted at you, knowingly. He lifted his phone up and gave it a tiny wave. Are you asking me if you should call for help? You hoped you were right, and you gave the faintest nod you could.

The man went pale, but began dialing someone, and turned away. Thank you, stranger.

Shigaraki's voice brought you back to your current situation, "It must be hard, constantly being surrounded by heroes, knowing who your parents are. After your display with my Nomu, I doubt they have much faith in you."

"You're wrong."

"Maybe, but how can you be sure? They're nice to your face, but they know what kind of power you have. How can you be trusted not to slip up? My Nomu was an enhanced creation... if that were an average human, he would be dead."

These were thoughts you had constantly going through your head.

"You know, the entire world will see you at the sports festival," he purred, "I wonder how they'll take it. Would anyone want you protecting them after they realize who your father is?"

You squirmed, wanting to be away from him and this conversation, "Shut up..."

"Did I hit a nerve?" He chuckled darkly into your ear, "Once you show them who you truly are, they will feel nothing but fear. And when they inevitably reject you, I will be the only one waiting with open arms."

He sounded like an excited child if that child were also a demon. You hated that his words had any effect on you. But they did. Your head was going to explode if you had to keep refraining from screaming any longer...

"You need to leave," you heard Shinso address your table.

Your eyes shot up at him, terror seizing you. He needed to keep his distance from Tomura. Stay away - get back!

Shinso focused on your captor, who to your horror, and relief, finally let you go. That meant his hands were free. You held your breath and watched him carefully.

"Don't worry," Shigaraki waved his hands innocently, "We were done here anyway. See you later, (Y/N)!"

Once he was out the door and you knew he was out of sight, you leaped into Shinso, grabbing his sweater and burying your face in it.

"I'm sorry I left," he growled. You could feel him shaking, "I'm so sorry."

The man who spotted you earlier hurried over, "I called for help. He didn't look like a friend of yours... Are you okay?"

You nodded, but inside you were a disaster. Shinso thanked the man, and the two of you waited for the police to arrive.

"Do you think it's bad luck that we keep inviting the police on our dates..." Shinso asked.

You groaned into his chest but held him even tighter.

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