《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 15 - What An Upgrade


After you and Midnight talked, she stayed with you for a while longer, answering any questions you had about your parents. Maybe there was a part of you that always knew there was something fishy about your lineage. The only person who raised you was Midnight - so as far as you were concerned, she was closer than your own "parents" were.

The only issue you struggled with was your powers...

You had trust issues with your quirk before, now it was on another level. Midnight said she was going to get you some lunch, so she left you in your hospital room. You reached for your phone on the table nearest you. Your fingers clicked away as you searched for videos of The Butcher or Hellia.

You shouldn't be doing this, but your morbid curiosity got the better of you.

The first video was a news channel covering a fight between The Butcher and a couple of heroes. Images had been blurred around him, and you realized that they were dead bodies. You began to nervously chew on your fingernails as the video continued.

Butcher was radiating red light, even coming through his eye sockets. Blood dripped from his hands (I guess they didn't bother to edit that out...) The audio couldn't make out what he was shouting, but the bloodlust and insanity coming from his eyes were difficult to watch. He was able to get his large biceps around one of his opponents and began crushing him - no mercy as he cackled and continued squeezing.

You chucked your phone and felt bile crawl up your throat. You couldn't stop the sobs that followed. Is that what you looked like back at the USJ? Would anyone look at you the same way again?

"Knock-knock," a voice interrupted your sad-fest.

"H-Hitoshi!" You quickly hid your face, "Um, hi."

"Hi?" he scoffed. Your purple-haired friend stood in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He had his school uniform on, and then you realized you had been at this hospital for a while. What day was it?

"May I come in?" he asked.

You nodded, "Of course! I'm sorry, I'm... not feeling myself."

Once he had permission, he closed the door behind him and made his way towards you. You dipped slightly as he sat on your bed. He seemed distracted by his thoughts, and you weren't sure if he was upset about something. Maybe he knew what happened. What you did. Your chest quivered at the thought of him looking at you differently.

"Shin?" you asked.

He cringed at the sound of your voice. His eyes appeared angry, or frustrated, "Could you give me a week, at least, to not worry about you? In the span of a few days you've managed to run into villains twice!"

You were startled by the volume of his voice, but he settled down right after, "I'm sorry," he muttered, and buried his face into his hands, "You just have the worst luck out of anyone I know, and it's going to be the end of me."

If you only knew. You weren't sure if you were off the hook, but you placed your hand on his shoulder. His muscles felt tense. Look at me, you wanted to say, but instead remained silent.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said in a much softer tone.

"I am okay," you said more for him than for you, "Everything is fine, now."

"Are you recovering?" he asked.

"Yup," not mentally, you thought, "No harm done."


He shifted so suddenly that you had little time to react. Your mind was overcome in a heavy fog, and you realized he got you. Again?! You fell back onto your inclined mattress. He was going to regret using his quirk on you. Of course, right now, all you could do was sit there like a corpse.

"Don't lie to me."

His upper body was over yours now, pinning his hands on either side of your head and against your pillow. You gazed up at him feeling confused with your heart picking up in speed. When is he going to let up? Your body still couldn't move.

"I can tell when you're lying," his eyes slowly traced every inch of your face. The seconds that passed were agonizingly long, but he released you. You gasped. Your fingers moved on command again, and you were ready to use them.

You brought your hand up to slap him - nothing too powerful, but he deserved it! He caught it just before you reached his face. His expression didn't appear apologetic, "What are you afraid to tell me?"

The secret you now knew. You turned your head away in shame. "It's bad, Shin. They almost killed Aizawa. The villains who attacked us knew me by name... I've never seen them before in my life, but they knew me."

You sensed his fingers digging into the fabric, thank goodness he didn't do the same to your hand, "What did they want?"

"To kill All Might, I think," you said.

"I meant with you."

You turned back to face him, "Can you keep a secret..? For now?"

He nodded. You took a deep breath, "The Butcher is my real father..."

Shinso leaned back, but only a little. The stunned expression on his face was to be expected, but he didn't seem disgusted as you feared. "Fuck."

You snorted, "That's it? I'm the lovechild of the two most shitty people in the world."

"Huh," Shinso's brow furrowed, "And you're sure?"

"I didn't believe it either," you shrugged, "But Midnight confirmed it. And... after doing some rather unhealthy investigating, I can see it too."



Shinso groaned and dropped his head so his hair tickled your nose, "Oh, (Y/N)... can't catch a break, huh?"

You chuckled, darkly, "I try. So, do you think I'm a freak, now?"

"Why would I think that?"

"Because I could be evil."

He lifted his head and gave you an exasperated look, "Yeah, right. You cried when you sat on a butterfly at the park. That hasn't changed just because you found out who your dad is. I mean, have you met that ice kid in your class? His dad is a huge dick. Although, I kind of think he's a dick too... nevermind. Bad example."

You giggled, "Be nice. They might be your classmates one day."

He rolled his eyes, "Great..." At the sight of your smile, his expression lightened, "Are you really okay, (Y/N)?"

"I think I will be," you nodded, "It's a lot to take in... I'm scared of my powers. Part of me wants to quit and do something mundane with my life, just to not be a risk to anyone."

"I get it, but I know you. You'll regret it. Give yourself a chance, " he said, "But, do you think that's why the villains approached you?"

"I have no idea. For a second there I thought they were going to take me. I don't know where, but they weren't trying to kill me like everyone else. They had plenty of chances."


"Hm," Shinso's eyes darkened again, "Be cautious. They might have some delusional motives and are trying to use The Butcher's relation to you as an excuse."

You smiled. It worried you as well, but you were glad your friend still looked out for you. This went over much better than you expected. Shinso still looked annoyed, but your heart was so relieved. Overflowing even.

Everything was light... airy... sweet.

Am I lightheaded or something?

Shinso's already tired eyes looked at you in a curious way. His head tilted, like an adorable puppy. He lifted his hand from your pillow and used it to caress your cheek.

"Hitoshi..." you whined.

"What?" he played dumb but had a wicked grin on his face.

"We're in a hospital," you whispered, trying to remove his hand.

"I locked the door."

"Isn't that dangerous?" you squirmed beneath him.

"Is it?" he didn't seem to be listening anymore. His tone got low and raspy. He leaned in until he could reach your ear. You shivered as his breath tickled your skin, "You seem to like danger lately..."

"NOT the same, and no I don't," you scoffed.

"You sure?" his voice vibrated against your neck, "I'm tempted... Maybe I should use my quirk to keep you all to myself."

You knew he was kidding but you didn't dare speak. You weren't going to fall for that again. He chuckled at your silence, "Getting smart, are we?"

You held in a squeak when he suddenly bit your earlobe. Your body felt hot. That sweet, floaty sensation increased. He moved his hands to grab both of yours, interlacing your fingers. At first, you thought it was to be cute, but now you realized he was keeping you from preventing his next move. He brought your hands above your head and slid his mouth towards the sweet spot in your neck.

You bit your bottom lip to stop the weird breathing noises you were making. The euphoric feeling was replaced with slight pain, and you felt his teeth grazing your skin. You could feel your skin bruising and you nudged him with your knee.

You couldn't hold back anymore, "You're leaving a mark, Hitoshi!"

"Mhm," he hummed lazily but refused to move. Your mind was taken again. Dammit, Hitoshi!

As you predicted, he was just doing it to piss you off, and you were back to yourself within a second, "Shin!"

"Shh," he finally quit sucking, and blew air on your skin, "Don't get too excited."

You blushed, "N-Now I have to cover that up, idiot..."

"Oh?" Shinso pouted, "I want to make sure that angry pomeranian sees."

"Katsuki?" you glared, "Are you jealous, Hitoshi?"

"I'm a man, (Y/N)," he didn't look amused, but you were laughing, "Oh, you think this is funny?" his mischievous look was back.

He attacked your lips. His tongue didn't wait and explored your mouth. You heard yourself moan, without even meaning to do it. It embarrassed the hell out of you, but Shinso took that as encouragement.

Before you knew it, the rest of his body was on the bed. He released your hands and instead explored your body. It was a narrow space, but he straddled one of your legs and pulled your other leg up against his hips to make room. This was moving too quickly. What had gotten into him? Or you, for that matter.

You were still in a hospital gown, so when his hand slid up your leg, you pushed him off your face, "S-Slow down!"

His face was red and flustered. He pressed his head into the crook of your shoulder, his breathing was slowing, "Ugh... I'm sorry. I can't control myself around you lately."

Your heart was still beating at an alarming rate. You felt like you were surrounded by a pink haze, and all you could think about was Shinso's body against yours.

"It's okay..." you sighed, your hand played in his wild hair, "I liked it."

He lifted his head and smirked, "Well, I'm glad I didn't scare you. I have that effect on people."

"No," you were giving in to the haze from earlier, "We're still going to kill each other in the sports festival... right? You aren't going to go easy on me?"

"Of course. I'm not holding back."

"We'll be 'professional' after today?"

"Totally, professional. Until we get licensed. Then, I'm coming for you, (Y/N)."

You nodded, "Alright. Then... kiss me again."

What the hell was that?

What the HELL was that?!

You were finally released from the hospital and got in the car with your aunt. Luckily, she returned with lunch right after Shinso left. You were practically a pile of mush, feeling so giddy and flustered over some boy. And pissed. You couldn't wait to crush him at the festival.

Your aunt was no idiot, though, she could tell that you were perkier upon her arrival. As soon as you were safely in her vehicle with no hope of escape, she pounced.

"So," she said in a sultry voice, "Did someone pay you a visit?"

"Oh no..." you rolled down your window to get some air.

"Still being safe I hope."

"Ugh! Nothing like that happened," you grumbled, "It was different, though..."

"Is this Shinso?" she asked.

"Well, yeah... I mean, I know we kinda like each other, but he was on another level today. I mean, I do not look good. I've been in the hospital for days, after behaving like a madwoman. But he was- uh- he was..."

"Cuddly?" Midnight offered with a devious smile.


Your aunt suddenly looked at you funny. Like seeing something on your face or lettuce in your teeth. But she continued driving without saying anything.

"What?" you asked.

"Well," she mulled, "Now that we know a little more about your quirk, I'm wondering if you might notice some changes."

"Because of that Nomu?"

"Yeah," Midnight moved along quickly, "We'll have to pay attention, especially during your training. I can already sense... something."

"What? What something?"

Midnight laughed nervously, "Ah haha. I think it may have to do with your mother's quirk. You see, you're giving off some powerful..."

You waited, "Powerful what?"

"Well, to be frank, pheromones."

You both went silent. Did she say what you think she just said? You quickly looked around your body as if to see spores floating off of your skin. "WHAT?" you demanded.

Midnight rolled her own window down, "It's a little intoxicating."

"What the hell are you talking about!"

Midnight giggled, "My dear, I want to be tactful, but I'm not great at it. Let's compare you to... a flower! You smell nice and the bugs come, but you're not just a flower. You're going to eat those bugs."

"Are you comparing me to a venus fly trap?"

"What an adorable hero name!" she exclaimed.


"But yes. Your quirk requires you to take energy from the touch of others. Your body already naturally draws your prey to you, but now you've upgraded."

"Gross!" you cried, "Can I control this? I have to! Oh my gosh. Now it makes sense why Hitoshi..."

"Hisothi - what?" Midnight's eyes lit up.

"Nothing!" you continued to check your body, "I can't go to school like this. Just tell everyone I died!"

"We'll learn how to control all aspects of your quirk, dear," she said, "Don't worry. Oof..." she began fanning her face, "We'll need to get that figured out real quick. You're intense."


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