《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 14 - Who Are You, Really?


Aizawa was bandaged from head to toe. He gazed at the resting body of (Y/N). She looked so peaceful in the hospital bed. He wasn't looking forward to what was to come...

Midnight stood next to him. Her usual confident demeanor was defeated. She shook her head and moved a piece of hair out of (Y/N)'s face. She let out a shuddering sigh, "How did this happen?"

Aizawa said. He didn't have to endure the agony of explaining to the press what had happened. All Might took care of that, and the principal. However, they fudged up some of the truths. "She was already on edge from the attack with Stain. She was forced into a corner, and... you know the rest."

"But now what?" Midnight sniffled, "I didn't think she would have to worry about something like this so young."

"We have to tell her."

Midnight bit her lip, "I don't know if I'm ready for that." Her head sank, as if ashamed.

"It's not about you," Aizawa said, "Tomura seemed to know, which means more people know than we think. WE have to be the ones to tell her. Not someone like him."

"But what will she think of me?" she cried, "Knowing I'm not her real family."

"You raised her. And she's a good kid. She just has too much of her father in her... That was the plan, right? Raise her and train her to use her quirk for good."

"What about her classmates? What will they think? We can't let the public know."

"If the villains find it useful to out her, we might not have a choice. As for her classmates, I doubt any of them would reject her."

Midnight stomped her foot, "She can't know. If she doesn't remember-"

"She will feel a difference," Aizawa cut her off, "The Butcher's quirk gave him more power after every kill. She will feel it. Even if her actions were noble, she nearly sucked the life out of that Nomu. We can't hide it, we just have to hope her heart stays with us."

"Butcher..." Midnight seethed, "How can something so hideous birth this angel?"

Aizawa sighed. Your features remained so still. The dreams you were having must have been soothing, so different from what you were about to wake up to.

The door to their hospital room opened slowly, and a giant All Might walked through. His permanent smile was clear on his face, but there was no humor to be found. "How is she?"


"Alive," Midnight said.

After Aizawa used his last bit of strength to stop your quirk, you fainted. The remaining villains escaped with Kurogiri before All Might could stop them. One of the students, Iida, returned just in time with help. Aizawa knew very well that if you hadn't saved him when you did, he would most likely be dead.

But at what cost to you...

"We told the media that I vanquished the Nomu," All Might said, "No one will know she was responsible. Except a few of her friends who witnessed it. Aizawa... could I ask that you explain to your students the importance of this discretion."

The wrapped man nodded, "But what do you want to tell, (Y/N)?"

"I believe," All Might sighed, "Midnight should be the one to explain. I will happily council (Y/N) afterward."

"I will continue to treat her like any of my students," Aizawa looked to Midnight, "She is not a villain because of her quirk. She just needs the proper guidance."

Midnight nodded, "Thank you. I don't want her to feel like... a monster. I couldn't bear it."

"We're all monsters," Aizawa muttered, "Anyone of us could be a villain - the quirk doesn't make the difference. She will be okay, Midnight."

"It's my fault," All Might said, "Me being at UA has drawn all the wrong attention. They wouldn't have even known to look for her otherwise. They never would've attacked in the first place."

"Quit your moping, both of you," Aizawa scolded, "What's done is done. It was never going to be a secret forever. If I really thought she was filled with the same malice as her father, then I would have expelled her. She wouldn't be at UA - period. But you know as well as I that she has the potential to be a great hero."

"She is young," Aizawa continued, hoping to reach Midnight's ears, "She's just beginning to understand her power. We'll know when to intervene. She's not alone."

Midnight smiled weakly and sighed, "She was so shy to kiss anyone but she'll kill off a villain no problem..."

"The dark side of her quirk has a mind of its own, " Aizawa said, "As long as she doesn't tap into it, she can overcome this."

The door opened again, this time by Aizawa's students. Izuku, Iida, Ochaco, Kirishima, Momo... Aizawa quit counting.

"W-we wanted to visit (Y/N)," Izuku explained. His fellow students nodded. They peered over at your sleeping body.


"You will have to come another time," All Might instructed, "She still needs rest."

They whined. "Is she going to be okay?" Kirishima asked.

"She will. But," the mighty hero paused, "She is going to need the support of her friends."

"We'll be ready when she is released!" Iida declared.

All Might nodded. He followed the group out and pulled Midoriya aside. The green-haired boy looked up at him, but had a question already prepared, "All Might?"


"Does..." he fiddled with his fingers, "Is (Y/N) somehow related to... to The Butcher?"

"Perceptive as always," All Might muttered, "She is, young Midoriya. And I'm afraid, even if we are to keep it a secret, it won't be for long..."

Izuku seemed to process this information, "I just thought she had a little kissing quirk, you know? It was uncomfortable for her, sure, but it was innocent."

"Make no mistake," All Might said, "She is still your friend. The reason she overused her quirk like that was to protect you, and the others. I do not believe she has the same heart as her father."

"What is her quirk, exactly?" Izuku asked.

All Might crossed his arms, "I think it could be a mutation of Butcher's quirk and her mother's. Her mother was a witch of sorts, a charmer. I believe her villain's name was Hellia. Physical touch could bewitch others and also sense their emotions and desires."

Izulu gulped, "So, (Y/N)'s touch can do things similarly, but also take a life?"

"She uses the energy of others to make herself temporarily stronger, yes. If she kills anyone... it's like a permanent upgrade. The more dead the more powerful she could be, that has been proven, now."

Izuku dropped his head, "But... s-she's not... she's not a murderer!"

"No, she is not. I just hope the world can still see her as the girl we know she is."

You were surrounded by warmth, but also the discomforting smell of chemicals. You rolled over onto your side and realized you were in a bed and in a loose gown. When you blinked your heavy eyes open, you saw the outline of your aunt sitting close to your bed.

"Sweetie?" she asked.

"Hey," your voice was hoarse.

Midnight suddenly grabbed your hand and held it close to her chest, "How are you feeling?"

You looked around the room, noticing the two of you were alone. It was sterilized and white everywhere. Except for a bouquet of purple roses behind Midnight.

"Okay. Actually, my head hurts something awful..."

"It will feel like that for a while," she said, "You overexerted yourself."

When the memories came flooding back, your eyes flew open, "USJ! Aizawa - my friends? Thirteen!"

"Calm down," Midnight urged, "Don't get worked up. We have a lot to discuss."

"Is everyone okay?" you asked.

"Yes. Aizawa is in serious recovery, and a few others had to get patched up, but everyone is okay."

You sank into the mattress, "Thank the gods... Midnight. I think I lost myself back there. I can't really remember much, but I have a horrible feeling in my gut."

Midnight flinched, "There's something I have to tell you, (Y/N)."

You sat in silence as Midnight explained to you who you were. Who you really were. Not her niece, but she had adopted you. Your parents were The Butcher and Hellia, one of the most notorious and hateful villain couples ever known. You knew the names well. It didn't feel real, but the more you thought about your quirk the more it made sense.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

Midnight nodded, "I'm so sorry we kept that from you..."

"I understand why you did..." your eyes were glued to your lap, "So, I really am a freak."

"(Y/N)!" Midnight was suddenly gripping the side of the bed, "I will not listen to that kind of talk. You are, and will always be, my sweet, caring, and strong niece. I don't care who your parents are or where you came from, do you hear me?"

Her words were meant to be harsh, but they were exactly what you wanted to hear. You turned to face her and slowly nodded your head.

She wrapped you in a hug, "You are my hero, (Y/N)."

You thought you would be angry. Upset that you were lied to. Traumatized by the idea of sharing the blood of a serial killer. But, in a strange way, it gave you clarity to the many questions you had about yourself - like your quirk. How you fought against yourself for so many years...

Midnight chose you. She knew you were the product of two monsters, and she still chose to love you. So had Shinso, and even your teachers and peers. And that gave you hope.

Now, you could move forward, and decide your own fate.

The two of you remained like that for a while. The world wasn't going to be the same for either of you. So, you held your aunt close and savored this moment.

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