《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 16 - Who's Your Daddy?


You stood outside the door of class 1-A, burning holes into it with your intense glare. Focus. You had to focus, or today was going to be a shit-show. You pulled your collar up to hide the love mark on your neck, which hadn't faded yet. Stupid Shinso!

Midnight and Aizawa let you take another day off to recoup. Really, you and Midnight were trying to harness your quirk. As silly as your aunt was, she wasn't a bad teacher. In fact, she could become quite terrifying... and ruthless.

You learned that the weird, love spell that came from your body was activated either at will or by nerves, excitement - any range of intense emotions. You were still trying to control it, which would be possible, you just needed more time. For now, you had to practice feeling absolutely nothing.

Too bad you were nervous at this moment.

The door opened for you, and you saw Aizawa standing there. He had bandages all over his face and body. You gasped, "Aizawa? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? Class is inside."

"But you're-"

"Inside, (Y/N)."

"Okaaaay," you didn't question him again. He was insane to be here with his injuries, but at least less attention would be on you.


Kirishima was the first to bombard you, saying how manly he thought you were for fighting the villains. You didn't even know he saw you at the USJ. Was this going to be a normal thing? Every time you went to class you were welcomed with a parade.

"Students," Aizawa sighed, "I know we're all excited (Y/N) is back and well, but we need to discuss something of gave importance."

Everyone sat at attention. The tension and anxiety from the USJ were still felt by all. You felt a few eyes in your direction but couldn't bring yourself to look back. You had to remain calm. Deep breaths...

"What is it, sir?" Tsu asked.

"The sports festival is in a couple of weeks," Aizawa muttered.

Everyone sank in their chairs in relief. Except for Mineta who raised his hand, "Wait! They're still going to host the festival even after we were attacked?!"

"The school thinks we'll be sending the message that we aren't afraid of the villain threat. Security will be tripled - many pro heroes will be present. Besides, this is one of three opportunities for you to shine for future employers."

"But I am afraid!" Mineta cried.

"Oh wow," Uraraka smiled, "That means recruiters get to see us in action!"

"Yeah, I mean, USJ was terrifying, but I'm ready for the games!" Kirishima pumped his fist.

"(Y/N)?" A calm voice came from behind you. You hadn't noticed that Todoroki chose to sit there today. You glimpsed once at his handsome face, then quickly turned around. Oh no... I can't even handle looking at a cute guy?!

"Hi, Todoroki! What's up!" you said a little too loudly.

He seemed to notice your discomfort, "Could we talk?... Have lunch with me."

You could tell your quirk was starting to manifest. Should you run, now? Before the entire class got high from your stupid pheromones? You relaxed your shoulders and tried imagining Todoroki ugly.

"Um," you peered over your shoulder. His eyes were serious and unblinking. You were more nervous to decline than accept at this point. "Sure, sounds great..."

You wished Momo hadn't been so close to your conversation. It wasn't a spoken truth, but it was obvious Momo had a crush on Todoroki. Unfortunately, her crush was a one-track-minded guy, as far as you knew. What did he want to talk about, though?


After Aizawa explained more about the festival, you were dismissed. Two weeks was all you had to get ready. Hopefully, that was enough time to get you accustomed to the new changes you were experiencing. What made you the most nervous was introducing yourself to the world at the sports festival. If you showed all of your powers, everyone would know you shared similarities with The Butcher.

Izuku approached you while everyone else stood by the door waiting to leave, "(Y/N). How are you? We came by to see you, but All Might wanted us to wait."

"Hey! I'm better. Thanks for coming anyway... I'm glad you're okay too. I'd like to catch up with all of you some time. I haven't gotten to see anyone since... yeah."

"Definitely! H-have lunch with us! We're all headed to the cafeteria!"

"I actually have plans today..." you explained, "But we should meet up for training later? Or ice cream?"

"Oh, okay," Izuku's smile weakened, "Yeah, I could use all the training I can get!"

The two of you heard your classmates start to get upset about something.

"Hey, what gives?"

"Why are they blocking the hallway?"

You and Izuku shared a confused glance before rushing to see what the issue was. Students from the other classes were blocking the doorway from the outside. The whole hallway looked flooded. Iida addressed them, stating something about it being a safety hazard.

"Hey," Bakugo spotted you with Izuku and glowered, "I want to talk to you. Not you, Deku!"

Izuku flinched, "Um! Right."

A cold voice cut you all like a knife, "You can wait." Todoroki stepped between you and Bakugo, leaving you and Izuku to creep away like the cowards you were.

"Hey, what is up with them?" you whispered to your green friend.

"Well," he said thoughtfully, "The only thing I can think of right now is we, and Kirishima, were the only ones to see you at the USJ..."

"They want to talk to me about that?"

"We all do. I don't know why they're being weird about it, though," Izuku kept the whispering going, "With the sports festival coming up, maybe they see you as a threat?"

You rolled your eyes. Could they get over themselves already? Couldn't they just be happy everyone made it out alive? You decided to break up the dog fight before the pomeranian bit the two-toned fox.

"I already agreed to meet up with Todoroki. We'll talk later, Kastuki?"

"You-" He was about to question it, but made a loud 'tch' sound instead, "Whatever. See you at the gym, (Y/N), and don't be late, or else!"

"You work out with him?" Todoroki and Izuku asked at the same time. Izuku sounded terrified.

"Long story," you shrugged, "Geez. I hope we can get out of here, soon."

You were beginning to sweat and get anxious again, which wouldn't be good for you - or anyone. The kids filed outside were making you feel claustrophobic. The load lightened on your shoulders when you spotted a mess of purple hair moving through the crowd.

"Why are they just staring at us?" Uraraka whimpered, "It's freaking me out."

Bakugo scoffed, "Isn't it obvious. They're scoping out the competition."

"So this is class 1-A?" Shinso emerged from the cluster of students in gray jackets, "I heard you guys were impressive, but you still seem like an ass."


Bakugo glared but didn't utter a peep. Did he remember Shinso brainwashing him after training? You were happy to see Shinso, but you forgot he wasn't exactly a fan of your class. Even if he desperately wanted to be in it.

"I was sad to come here and find a bunch of ego-maniacs," Shinso sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. His eyes shifted to yours and your heart skipped a beat, "How can you stand it, (Y/N)?"

You swallowed. Now, not only were the students outside staring at you but so were your own classmates. He smirked, knowing he was being a pain in the ass. Can't you just play nice!?

"You know this guy, (Y/N)?" Kirishima asked.

"You've been talking to other dudes? That's cheating on m- our class!" Denki pouted, but no one else seemed to agree with his reasons, "C'mon man, you have your own chicks..."

"Wait!" the boy with sticky-balls for hair stepped out from behind Denki, "Could this be... (Y/N)'s mystery crush?! She did say he wasn't in our class!"

Kill me now.

This wasn't helping you stop your quirk at all. You were all screwed if you didn't get out of this soon.

"You heard the yellow idiot," Bakugo suddenly said. He wasn't growling, which was a nice change, but he got right in front of Shinso, "Step off if you know what's good for ya."

"Kacchan..." Izuku mumbled. He sounded as surprised by the explosive monster same as you.

"In fact, all of you extras need to get out of my way," Bakugo said.

There he is...

"Bakugo!" Kirishima panicked, "We don't want everyone to hate us! Say something!"

"Yeah," Shinso's eyes narrowed, "Why don't you say something?"

Bakugo clenched his teeth together.

"We just wanted to meet the famous students who took on real villains," Shinso's voice was smooth, and starting to annoy you. If this is how he wanted to play, then you were allowed to be just as bad.

"I promise we're not all this brash!" Iida began moving his hands frantically, "Bakugo, make nice with our fellow students!"

Bakugo snorted, "These people don't matter. The only thing that's important is that I beat them."

He bumped into Shinso's shoulder before forcing his way through the sea of gray jackets.

Now that everyone was over Bakugo's rude departure - except for a kid with silver hair and insane eye-lashes - the attention returned to you. Shinso's gaze was playful and taunting. You could already feel the hazy sensation coming full force.

Calm down, it's not like everyone is going to jump you!

"I..." you noticed Denki was staring at you in a way that made you uncomfortable. Even sweet Izuku was looking at you and blushing profusely.

It's too late!

"I have to... go to the bathroom! Bye!" you escaped the classroom but had to get past Shinso next, and then the mob...

"Wait, (Y/N)," Shinso chuckled.

"N-No, it's an emergency," she insisted.

"I was just going to fix your shirt. Looks a little out of sorts."

His fingers traced the collar of your shirt. Oh, gods... the hickey! He wouldn't embarrass you like that in front of everyone - would he? These pheromones were making everyone an ass today!

"It's fine! It's fine!" you pulled away. He looked surprised, but not by you.

Todoroki appeared and grabbed onto your arm. His heterochromatic eyes looked void of emotion and it made a few students next to Shinso step back. You held your breath, wishing so badly a teacher would step in the break all this tension.

"You've seen your competition," he said, "If this is a declaration of war, consider the feelings mutual. There's no reason for us to keep standing here when we all have work to do."

Shinso had kept his grin up until that moment. You felt him watching you as Todoroki dragged you through the crowd. Everyone could feel the pressure rising. The wary aura was so thick you could almost taste it.

Todoroki's hold loosened once you were far enough away from everyone. He was still guiding you through the halls until you found the exit to a courtyard.

"Where are we going, Todoroki?" You asked, "we might want to..."

You were about to complain about not getting lunch first, but he surprised you when he sat at a bench and pulled a box out of his bag.

"Here," he offered.

"Oh, thank you?" You were puzzled. He made you food? Wait - he made both of you food... That was a show of confidence, you guessed?

Glad I showed up today?

It was a bit awkward at first since he didn't speak to you right away. He sure made a fuss about getting you here too. You decided to take a bite of the food, which actually looked delicious.

"Wow," you smiled, "this is just as good as Lunch Rush. Thanks, again."

"My sister taught me a bit about cooking. I'm not as good as she is though..." he muttered.

"You made this? It's great! I can't cook anything but ramen."

"I like ramen."

You grinned and continued eating in silence. It was fairly empty outside which meant your class was probably still enduring the mob. Class 1-B and then Shinso's class... you didn't recognize the others.


You put your chopsticks down.

Todoroki did the same, "You told me before that Midnight was your aunt. I can see similarities, but not so much in appearances..."

You chewed on the inside of your lip, not excited with where this was going.

"My family isn't as perfect as people think. My father is second to All Might, Endeavor. He's seen as powerful but really he's a monster. Abused his children and his wife. He only cares about power - and even forced my mother to marry him because of her ice abilities." He looked down at his hand. "I too share his fire abilities, but I refuse to use them. I want to prove that I can beat him in my own way, without his help."

You knew about his father for a while, and it wasn't a secret he was a bit of a brute, but you were still stunned by his words.

"He sent my mother away... after she gave me this scar."

A tiny gasp made it past your lips. You had always been curious but worried it'd be rude to bluntly ask about it. "That's terrible..."

"I know I have my issues, but I couldn't help but notice..." he paused, "that you might have some daddy issues of your own?"

Did he figure it out too? Already? You couldn't answer, just in case his hunch was way off.

"Are related to the villain, Butcher?"

Spot on...

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