《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 9 - Meow?


Aizawa had the three of you lifting, sparring, and running laps until lunchtime.

You sprawled out on the grass on the track field. Everything hurt. The idea of getting off the ground made you want to cry. Just leave me to die...

A shadow cast over you, but you refused to open your eyes. You heard the perpetrator's chuckle, "Don't tell me you've kicked it already? Going on a date alone is going to be pretty awkward for me."

That woke you up. You instinctively wanted to sit up and not look so pathetic and vulnerable, but your body refused. A weak cry escaped your lips as your efforts were futile.

"I'm sorry - I'm broken. Take Bakugo," you moaned.

"That's a funny joke, (Y/N), keep it up," Shinso scoffed, "I forget this is your first time. Don't worry, a few more days of this and you'll get used to it."

You sobbed, already dreading it, "I didn't realize how out of shape I was..."

"You kidding? You kept up with us, for a while anyway. You pushed yourself."

"I have to," you opened your eyes, "I can't be weak anymore."

Shinso's eyes darkened, "Don't let that overgrown fuzzball put you down."

"No. He's right. If I'm going to be a hero I have to rely on myself and my quirk. Right now, I don't really trust what I'm capable of."

Shinso crouched to get on your level, "I like the spirit, but don't look so down. You give me hope, you know."

It took you a moment, but eventually, you were able to sit up. You felt like an old woman with her back out, "Aw, you're just saying that..."

"I'm serious," he smiled, his eyes still cunning as ever, "I have to prove I'm a hero too. You're already ahead of me."

You saw a flash of sadness cross his face.

"Consider us competitors," he grinned.

"Won't that make our date awkward?" you laughed.

"Don't be silly. That's an entirely different game, (Y/N)."

He gazed at you with his cocky grin and drowsy eyes. You almost wondered if he used his quirk on you since you were so silent. In reality, you were just stunned by his boldness. This training he'd been doing with Aizawa was giving him the confidence he needed. It made you happy to see him growing and chasing his goal. Even when the cards weren't in his favor.

You inspire , Shinso.

Which is why... maybe, I shouldn't like you more than I do?

"You two done sulking?" Bakugo was sweating, but nothing else about him seemed worn out. You just rolled your eyes and miraculously got yourself to stand. Taking a single step made your leg cramp up. Your head was about to explode from trying to hold your breath instead of screaming.

Bakugo scoffed, "Can't take it, then quit while you're behind, (Y/N)."


"You share a class with this asshole?" Shinso asked you.

"Hmph," Bakugo hardly gave Shinso a glance, "Get lost, lousy extra."

You thought you'd heard the last of him as he brushed past you, but then he paused. Sighing, you gave Shinso a warning look. Don't engage. Don't engage. Don't-

"Are you her stupid boyfriend?" Bakugo's voice was low and threatening.

Shinso's lips curled upward, "What makes you say that?"

He brushed the question aside, "You should know, I've kissed her already."

You could only gape at him. What the hell was he doing? Why?! Was he seriously just being an ass because he could? You were boiling over in rage, which Shinso took notice of. His smile vanished, and his determined eyes shifted.

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," Shinso put a finger to his lips, "You shouldn't embarrass the poor girl. She already has to live with the memory."

Oh, dear...

Shinso was grabbed by his collar. He stood taller than Bakugo, but you knew who would win in a physical altercation.

"Guys," you stepped forward.

Bakugo ignored you (shocker...), "She fought better today than yesterday - figure that one out." He raised a brow, trying so hard to challenge Shinso.

He has to be competitive about everything, doesn't he? He really thought your one kiss was superior, but he didn't even see your fight against Todoroki. However, if you had kissed him as long as you had Shinso, you knew the energy would differ. Bakugo is more powerful.

That didn't make his attitude acceptable, "Real mature..." you grumbled.

Shinso remained cool, looking amused by Bakugo's fury, "Ah, I see. I guess she had to before you wailed on her, huh? There lies the difference between you and me..."

Bakugo's frowned deepened even further.

"She asked me. Did she ask you? Or did you force your behemoth body on her?"


He went silent, dropping Shinso instantly. You cringed. It was always a little eerie to see Shinso's quirk at work. His victims looked like bodies without souls. It was fascinating - you knew he could become someone powerful someday, if not already.

"That really sickens me," Shinso muttered.

You wished more people could understand Shinso. You grew up with other kids fearing you or treating you like a villain, but he had it way worse. At least now you found peers who respected you. All you wanted was the same for him.

Bakugo probably wasn't going to be that person, anyway.

You quickly grabbed Shinso's hand, "It's not worth it. Let's just go."

He glanced down at you, his warmth returning.

"You're wrong, (Y/N). I'm defending a lady's honor, as a hero should... Now, what should we do with him?"

"Hitoshi!" you masked your giggle, "Seriously, come on."

He feigned annoyance while giving you a grin, "Fine. Go hide in the janitor's closet then, Bakugo. I'm sure we'll see each other again."


You watched as Bakugo blankly starred ahead and walked back towards the school. He kind of deserved it - right? Part of you wanted to stop him, but you gave in to your weaker side who wanted to enjoy the prank and walk away with Shinso.

You didn't realize that your hand never left his.

It felt like an eternity, but he still didn't let your hands separate. You thought feverishly about your hand being too sweaty, but he didn't seem to mind. Or he was just being polite...

"Um, Hitoshi?" you said, "I didn't bring a change of clothes or anything..."


"So! Don't I need to get nice for a... date?"

He laughed, "If you want, but I'd take you like this."

"I-I'd like to shower at least!" you admitted. As excited as you were about hanging out with Shinso, you wanted to do it right. The two of you hung out plenty in your gym clothes. Did you want to show him something more you - more feminine?

"I'm teasing," he said, "I made plans for us tonight. I just felt like walking you home."

"O-Oh, really? What plans?" you looked at him in bewilderment.

He peeked down at you, "It's a surprise."

Shinso was full of surprises lately. When you first met him, he seemed quiet and reserved, but here he was being all suave and bold.

After you spoke to him the first time, you learned that he wasn't actually all that shy, he was just selectively social. Considering his quirk, that made sense to you. Even you had a time in your life where you didn't speak much to others.

You were so grateful to have met him when you did.

The walk came to a halt outside of your home, and he finally let your hand free.

"I'll see you later, kitten," he said.

"Kitten?" you giggled, "Why kitten?"

He shrugged his large shoulders, "I like cats... kittens are cuter. Too soon for pet names?"

You just laughed and ran inside so he couldn't see the goofy smile on your face.

Now was the hard part; what to wear? It was getting colder out, so maybe a sweater. You sat crossed-legged on the floor, glaring at your closet. Speak to me, Cave of Wonders...

The front door opened and closed, and you heard Midnight calling, "I'm home! (Y/N)?"

"Welcome home," said, but your focus was still on your wardrobe. Your aunt's heels clacked their way to your room and she spotted you sitting and brooding.

"What are you doing down there?" she asked.

"I need an outfit."


You hesitated, "... It's kind of a... date."

Midnight dropped her purse, startling you. Her eyes were so wide you worried they would pop, "A DATE?! My niece has a date! I'm not surprised! But this is so exciting! Who is it? Do I know him?"

"Yeah..." you actually didn't know your aunt's take on Shinso, "Hitoshi Shinso. He's in generals."

"Shinso? Your friend, Shinso?"

You nodded.

"Oh my," Midnight fanned her face, "It was only a matter of time. You already do more than most couples your age-"

"LALALALALA," you covered your ears, "It's just kissing, I told you! And..." you let your hands fall, "I actually didn't know if he felt that way, or if I felt that way. He always teases me, but I thought that was just his personality."

You looked up at your aunt, "Do you think it's a bad idea? To date my friend?"

She tapped her chin, "Do you want to go on this date?"


"Then, just go and see how you feel?" she said, "You aren't marrying the guy. If you like your date then great, if you don't then maybe you guys will choose to remain friends? Although, that will be hard for him, probably."

You knew she was right - you loved spending time with Shinso, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't have a small crush on him. What did you expect when you made out all the time?

If that hadn't been the case, would he have ever grown to like you? Now you were confused. And were you just going to ignore the fact that Bakugo kissed you?

It was so different from kissing Shinso. Good different? No - you hated that guy! Bakugo was just a bully...

This quirk is going to be the end of me!!

"Don't stress about it," Midnight smiled, "Have fun. You're a gorgeous girl and men will just be drawn to you, so accept it! Get off the floor and let's get you an outfit!"

You returned the smile. She was nuts, but you did love the woman. The first few outfits she suggested were a definite no, most options coming from her own closet. You both settled on a cream sweater with a teal, overall dress that hit above the knees.

"It's classy and sexy," Midnight winked, "Make him weak, (Y/N)!"

"Thanks, aunty..." you facepalmed.

A knock came at your door hours later. You finished curling your hair and practically ran to answer it. You were met with those familiar sleepy eyes, but the wild purple hair was kept in a loose ponytail. He also wore a nice sweater you hadn't seen before. Woah! He looks older, somehow.

Doesn't he almost looks like...?

His eyes suddenly got wide, before relaxing again. A faint blush dusted his features, "You look nice..."

"So do you! I don't think I've ever seen you tame your hair," you said.

He scratched his head, looking embarrassed, "It seemed appropriate." You giggled, enjoying a little shyness from him. It didn't last long, because his grin returned.

"You ready, kitten?"

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