《QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)》Part 10 - The Date


Shinso didn't reveal any clues as to your night's activities. Even when you gave him puppy eyes, he simply looked away and chuckled to himself. What insanity was he planning? Usually, if you ever hung out outside of school it was takeout and a movie in your pajamas - and Midnight was usually around.

You had no idea what to expect.

"Do you enjoy torturing me?" you put your hands on your hips, "We've been walking for forever. How do I know you're not about to kidnap me?"

He laughed, "That wouldn't be hard to do."

"Don't be creepy!"

"I'm just saying," he shrugged. You stuck your tongue out at him, causing him to snicker. You were in the thick of the city now. With how busy it was, you naturally drew closer to Shinso's side. You loved where you lived, but in a world of quirks, the number of heroes vs. villains was dramatically different. Probably because heroes had to work hard to legally use their quirks, and villains just acted selfishly with their powers.

It was amazing there was no sense of order at all.

Shinso felt you bump into him twice. He scoffed quietly before grabbing your hand, "Don't worry, we're almost there."

It almost felt natural feeling his fingers against yours. He forced yours to separate so they were interlaced. How long had he felt this way? How did you not realize it sooner? Oh right... your quirk. Had you ever kissed anyone purely out of affection?

I guess not... Am I a bad person?

"(Y/N)?" he asked.

"Yes!" you jumped, realizing you spaced out.

"First stop," Shinso pulled you into what looked like a cafe. It was intimate and cozy. The various sweet smells tickled your nose, and the warmth was welcoming after being outside in the cool air. The two of you sat across from each other at a booth, and you were ready to take one of the menu slips.


"Ah-ah," Shinso snatched it, "There's only one thing anyone gets here - and it's amazing."

"You are enjoying this," you glared, "You little-"


"That's suiting, yes."

"We'll see how you feel after this," he winked.

A waitress came by with a large bowl. You stared at it in horror, wondering what the hell could fit in this thing. Your questions were answered when ice cream was piled into it. Not just ice cream, but almost any sugary goodness you could think of, like whole waffles and handfuls of Pocky sticks.

"Oh... my..." your eyes widened.

"We burned enough calories earlier - I figured we could skip dinner. What do you think?"

"... I am totally and completely okay with this!"

The two of you made some damage to the giant ice cream bowl, or at least you thought you did. After giving yourselves sugar comas, which was the best decision ever, Shinso took you to another spot nearby. The walking was nice this time around, as you knew you would need to walk thousands of miles to get rid of this stomach ache.

"What is this?" you asked. It was a little exciting not knowing, but you weren't going to tell him that.

"You'll see!" he said, "Just trust me."

You noticed the tall tower earlier, but you had no idea you were actually going to go inside. Shinso just smiled at you as he led the way. You passed through the sliding doors and made your way to an elevator. There were only a couple of stops for such a tall structure.

After reaching the very top, the doors opened, and you were met with a wall of windows.

"An observatory," you breathed. It was shockingly empty. In fact, it was possible you two were the only ones there unless some stragglers were hiding on the other side.

"I know," Shinso said, "People don't think they're as cool anymore, now that they can fly and whatever. But I think it's-"


"Beautiful," you finished, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm not a fan of flying."


You got close enough to the windows to put your hands against them. The city looked massive - endless even. The lights made it look like a glowing sea of jellyfish.

"Congratulations," Shinso said, suddenly.

"For what?"

"Well, for doing so well in your class. I guess we'll be seeing each other at the sports festival."

"Thank you. Yeah, I guess we will..." you tried focusing on how lovely the night was, but now your mind went back to UA, "I'll be rooting for you."

Shinso smiled, but his eyes dropped.

"You really spoiled me tonight, Hitoshi. You didn't have to."


You turned to see him facing you, and very close.

"I wanted to steal you away tonight, for a million reasons, but..." he sighed, "I wanted to do something big before everything gets too crazy."

"You mean at UA?"

He nodded, "I have to focus on the sports festival. So will you. And then internships and... so many things. I didn't want you to forget about me along the way."

You shook your head, almost laughing, "Why would I forget you? We're f-friends?"

"Ah, (Y/N), you know I... like you, right?"

You couldn't look away. Of course - you liked him too, but your lips wouldn't move. You were still so confused! You wanted to grab his face right now and kiss the crap out of him. But how did you know if it was love or if it was just your quirk getting hungry?

"I... How do you know?" you asked.

He tilted his head, looking puzzled, "How do I know that I like you?"

You nodded slowly. He paused for a moment, then slid his hand down his face. You heard him silently chuckling.

"I'm being serious!" you insisted, "I just-"

"Okay, okay," he cleared his throat, "Well. You're kind and understanding. Not to mention stupidly hot..."


"I like being around you," he continued, "For our 'meetups' or if we're just talking. It's always... nice. I'm happy when I'm with you."

So that's it, you thought. "Then... I might like you too?"

He smiled, "You don't have to know yet. We have some time. Especially since I'll have to get used to you kissing other people..."

"Hey," you frowned, "Don't go for the low blow."

"I'm teasing! I know the drill," he suddenly looked down at your lips, "Would it be weird if I asked to kiss you, right now?"

"N-no," you knew your face was redder than a tomato but you didn't care.

"You can take whatever you want," he said, "Just know, this time, I'm kissing because you look so pretty, and there's no one else I want here with me..."

Shinso's face brushed against yours, and the familiar sensation of his lips. He was right about one thing, it wasn't quite like before. He cupped your face and tilted your head back slightly, deepening the kiss. For the first time, you let yourself relax and not focus on needing the kiss for anything other than... him.

Your heart went into a frenzy. You were so happy and scared at the same time. You didn't want the moment to end...

But it did. Thanks to the loud sounds of chaos from beneath the tower.

The two of you stumbled, alarm disrupting the romantic mood. Sirens could be heard from outside, along with shrieks of panic. You looked up at Shinso, and then out the window of the observatory.

"Gods..." you muttered.

Shinso grits his teeth, also getting a look at what you saw, "We should get out of here."

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