《One Night; tk》✨11- Regina and Ice creams


all were on their way to their house, Heejin and Sooyoung to Seulgi's and remaining all to Jimin's, they were expected to gather at the airport tomorrow morning.

i was there all alone in my bed staring at the ceiling, still not being able to sleep. I heard that, I heard Heejin's and Sooyoung's conversation and all I can think about it is, how is Taehyung taking this?

wait why am i even thinking abou---

as on cue the doorbell rang and i sighed heading downstairs,

i opened the door and immediately i had my eyes and mouth wide open, 

"w-why are you here? h-heejin is at seulgi's" i said to Taehyung who was standing there with his hood covering half of his face,

"i know" he said, well then sherlock please leave

"h-hey bro you okay?" i asked genuinely concerned at his red eyes and his mysterious appearance at 3 in the morning

"she broke up with me" he said weekly and i nodded but then what he said settled and i screamed a 'what'

"c-come inside, its cold out there" i said slightly angry at what i said myself and welcomed him in who in return bowed and rushed in. he directly went and plopped down in the sofa and i sat further away from him,

then came in the awkward silence, to be honest it doesn't bother me but if i sit with someone staring at me for 10 minutes, then yes it is a problem. i again took the initiative to break the silence and i asked,

"why are you here then?" i asked to him 

he stayed silent and i thought maybe he didn't hear that so i opened my mouth to repeat the question but was silenced by him,

"the boys are having a double date while seokjin is already asleep and i figured i needed a company right now, if you don't mind that is" he said and i couldn't help but smile evil-y at what i was about to say,

"a double date at 3 in the morning?" i asked sheepishly looking at him,

"i didn't want to say a foursome so i considered a word appropriate" i immediately choked on air on that, and looked at him who was staring at me with a blank face.


"p-eople do THAT?" i asked with curiosity and disgust,

"yes they do, like jimin gets it in b---"

"OKAY MOVING ON!" I screamed not at all wanting the details of what happens.

again the awkward silence surrounded us and i mentally screamed at the silence, until i had to speak again, i can't believe i am doing this

"w-why did you guys break up? if you are comfortable you can talk to me" amazing Jeon, such a nice question to ask, STUPID.

"well she fell out of love and i-i may have spilled about us"

"oh okay WAIT WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" i screamed not believing my ears and my face showing betrayal to the peak,

"wait calm down---"

"don't you tell me to calm down!"

how can someone say 'calm down' when they just exposed your shameful ass to someone

"can you please listen?!"

i then tried my best in calming down, even though it didn't work it was worth it. I nodded my head motioning him to continue,

"well she said she wanted to break up with me because she believed she cheated on me as she began to like Sooyoung, then-- wait why aren't you shocked?"

"i know about that, i heard the conversation" i replied with a determined face signaling him to continue, which definitely scared him

"s-so she said that we need to break up and i said that i cheated too and i told her about us. She was shocked and then she understood the fact that we were drunk, she told that that is a better reason on why we need to break up, she told we will be in a toxic relationship if we continued" he finished and that's when i realized that i was all this while stupid to think that i was suffering the most,

when this guy right here has been heartbroken when he still loves her, all though i was pissed at max i still decided to take out my anger at him another day when he doesn't look so.... messed up

i sighed and nodded smiling, ensuring him that i wasn't pissed anymore,

"its fine, i hope that you know whatever she said is the truth" i said slowly


he nodded at that, and i smiled getting up from the couch, it's been long since i did this

"w-wait where are you going?"

"we are going to have a breakup marathon, i did this with Heejin when she broke up with Seungmin" i said and his face turned sour hearing the name seungmin and then gestured me to do whatever i was about to do,

this is my only excuse to have ice creams at night, i feel guilty otherwise

i pulled out all the ice creams from the freezer and took the soju out, but then quickly stuffed it back in, i don't want history to repeat,

i then went to the couch and switched on the TV and clicked on Mean Girls,

"mean girls seriously?"

"shut up its scientifically proven that Regina cures breakup syndrome" i said handing him the ice cream and the spoon,

"who said that may i know?"

"i said. now shut up and watch loser" i said and turned the lights off and the movie on.

"what no!"

"honestly yes"

"sassy bitch"

"hey no cursing"

"what you gonna do motherfucker?"


"did you just say gasp"

"does this ice cream have alcohol?"

 "no this is chocolate ice cream"

after the movie which we barely watched and were fighting mainly ended we both headed to the kitchen to get some hot water,

and good lord, it felt NICE.

as i was drinking the water i faced Taehyung who as well was drinking the water, soon enough the water from my glass got over and i put the glass down and turned back again to face taehyung, but this Time it was us both staring with this awkward tension floating around us,

i can seriously touch the tension

"hey bro wanna play overwatch, this time---"

i was immediately cut off by him grabbing my waist pulling me to him,

"i swear to god that ice cream had alcohol" with that said he harshly pressed his lips to my neck and began sucking it hard, i immediately tried getting out of his grasp which after many tries i won,

"what the hell?" i screamed,

"i am sorry but i need to do this" he said on his way unbuttoning his shirt,

"yeah you need to do this, i am going to my bed to sleep. i am not making a mistake again"

"but Heejin and I broke up, its not going to be a problem"

"well no, next day morning we both are going to call it a mistake and we both will began regretting it and sooner or later we will start doing this often"

i said whatever came to mind out there open, waving my hands expressing on how serious i was,

"then let's do it!"

"okay-- wait what? Taehyung are you listening to yourself, we barely know each other we talked properly only like 2 times, as a matter of fact you are straight! on top of that i just had my first kiss yesterday night. we are rushing way too fast, also have you thought about the consequences?" i said for a minute me being the older one among us

"why would you think about all that? we are young so stop putting all the responsibility on you yourself, when was the last time you had fun huh? we are not going to be in a relationship, lets just be friends with benefits. no kissing, no cuddling and no falling in love" he said his mouth being puffed,

"i don't want to have fun, if i do this what kind of impact will i have on Heejin? she will be ashamed of m--"

"SHE WON'T! you don't understand, she is old enough to know whats right or wrong, she is not stupid to follow any one. plus it can be a secret"

"why are you so damn interested in this?"

"because-- because"

"see exactly, you are only saying this because you are heartbroken right now and let's be honest you will use me right now to get over her, won't you?" with what i said he stayed completely silent, he looked down and nodded

after a minute we both sighed and then he spoke 

"i am sorry i don't know what got over me"

"it's fine, i understand you just broke up and shit, lets just go sleep and forget whatever we talked about today, you can go and sleep in the guestroom and i'll hand you some clothes"

"hmm sure"


i originally had the plan to make them FWB but then i realized that i made jungkook's character pure and it would be honestly stupid to make them that,

with love,


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