《Love at First Fight》Greenie and Jealousy


(Y/n)'s POV

It's been roughly two months since I started sneaking into Gally's bed every night and having him braid my hair every morning. We spend a lot of nights laughing and trying hard to sleep but instead talking to each other and it was hard to fight that I wanted a relationship with Gally.

This morning Gally is doing two braids in my hair, and he is being quieter than usual "Gally is everything okay?" I ask him unsure about his silence. "Yeah, I just um... thinking about how we're getting a new Greenie today is all," he says being a terrible liar, but I ignore it and continue letting him braid my hair.

We go to breakfast and sit together with Winston and a few builders. "So (Y/n) you excited about the new greenie?" Winston asks wiggling an eyebrow causing me to roll my eyes. "Not anymore excited than usual I guess. I like the idea of working a little less though," I tell him as I bite into the sausage of a pig we killed yesterday. "You never know (Y/n) Mr. right could be out of the box fresh today," a builder named Kyle jokes.

"I don't think I'm looking for a Mr. Right, but I suppose anything is possible," I say trying to avoid Gally's gaze not wanting to think about all the unspoken feelings between us. "Ha! (Y/n) already has Mr. Right, right Gally?" Fry teases as he passes by us causing the group to laugh at our red faces. Everyone at this point knows that Gally and I have feelings for each other and if they knew about us sleeping together every night they'd probably tease us harder.

I feel the urge to hug Gally before I go to work but settle for a longing glance and a silent wave. "That was painful to watch," Winston tells me with a laugh causing me to glare at him "would you rathered me grab his face and kiss him in front of everyone?" I ask jokingly he laughs slightly "yes actually, at least then you guys would be doing something about your feelings," he says causing me to sigh.


"Whatever we have work to do," I tell him as if he's not my keeper. I am halfway through cutting up a cow when I hear the box coming up. I grab a towel wiping my hands off before joining the guys to see the new Greenie. The boy they pull out of the box is handsome, and I'm slightly taken back by his bright blue eyes and red hair. He looks like he'd be good anywhere in the glade.

I try to keep myself from staring and look back toward the slaughterhouse where the cow is. "(Y/n) bring the greenie with you show him how to be a slicer," Alby tells me handing the greenie off to me. I smile at the Greenie trying to help him feel at ease.

"So you choose to be a slicer?" The Greenie asks looking at the butchered cow we just finished in horror causing me to laugh lightly. "Yeah, it's not difficult for me I guess. I just understand that it's us or them and not a lot of people join the slicers," I tell him "I wanted to feel like I was really making a difference so it was between them and the builders," I shrugged. He smiled at me and I try to not notice the look he has in his eyes.

When the bonfire rolls around the Greenie sticks to me like glue and I try to be nice, but honestly, I knew he was gonna flirt with me and I just wasn't interested. "So (Y/n) has anyone here been brave enough to ask you out?" he asks me I try not to grimace and I look at Gally not far away in the fighting circle he could probably hear us. "Nobody has asked me out, but-" I try to say but the Greenie cuts me off.


"Well then let me be the first will you let me take you on an outing?" he asks and I kind of just stare at him for a moment. "I'll let you think about it," the Greenie says arrogantly causing me to scoff as he walks away. This guy has to be kidding me I think and I make my way to him a little later when I see him alone at the edge of the bonfire "listen Greenie I'm going to have to turn down your invitation. I like someone else in the Glade and I'm not interested," I tell him causing him to sigh "okay thanks for being honest," he tells me.

I go ahead and go to my hammock to wait for the others to pile in before making my way to Gally's room for the night. When I finally make it there I see Gally waiting for me. "Hey," I say to him with a wave "what did you say to the Greenie?" he asks bluntly immediately I see what's going on here. "Why Gally?" I ask him not wanting to play this game.

"Because I think I should know since I'm the one you sleep next to every night," he says causing me to scoff "Gally if you're jealous do something about it don't accuse me like I'm doing something wrong," I tell him, he glares at me frustrated with my response. "(Y/n), we like each other we both know that the whole shucking Glade knows that. Don't act like you flirting with the Greenie isn't a big deal," I scoff at him.

"I wasn't flirting with the Greenie, and I even turned him down when he asked me out. But at least he had the courage to ask me out. We've been sleeping in the same bed, you braid my hair every morning, and we eat together every single day for the past two months and you don't even admit you like me," I tell him crossing my arms and slightly turning away from him.

"If you want to be with me, you have to do something about it. I can't help you there,"

Gally's POV

I stare at her and feel like an idiot, knowing she's right. I've known for two months that she likes me, but I haven't had the guts to admit to anything. "Gally maybe I should sleep here tonight..." she tells me causing me to furrow my brows. "Wait, (Y/n). I'm sorry I just didn't know what to say. I want to be with you officially, I don't want to sneak you around. I want to proudly be with you, so no other Greenie or Glader can flirt with you in front of me," I tell her trying to convince her that I'm being genuine.

"Gally, that's all you had to say," she tells me going up and hugging me tightly.

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