《Forbidden》Chapter twenty-four
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There will come a time when we have to pay our due
A simple sentence. Such easy words, not too complex and not twisted. A simple statement that held the weight of the world.
We have to pay our due.
A voice whispered in my ear, almost sneering. It repeated itself, and then repeated itself again and again till all I could utter was that word. Almost as much as my testimony to God.
Sometimes, I wonder if God can hear me. If through the billions of people in the world, through each heart beat, and through each soul. Through every tear and every laughter, if he can hear me. Would he listen.
Then again, I only had God in this world.
My mother and father gave me away, shunned me in to darkness. Roshan, too lost in his own darkness, made the faintest light disappear away from my life and Nourie. Even if she wanted, she couldn't come. She was bound to our family, just as much as I was bound to the darkness around me.
There was a momentary silence that engulfed the air. A silence so heavy it made us all hold on to our breaths, awaiting for judgement.
Each moment that went by, almost felt like a millennia, forced to part ways, from the heart and some from soul. Each memory shredding, and washing across the distant winds.
The sky before me was the colour of molten lava mixed against the blush of a virgin maiden. Filling up the sky, creating a vibrant fiery colour.
The scattered clouds covered the daring fiery pink, almost mixing against it. Even as I stared at it from the moving car, I knew the weight it held. It too, was forced to hide its true self. Forced to be locked away and painted with colours more familiar with the naked eye.
A sudden chill crawled through the moving car making my gaze falter away from the blushing sky and on to the road ahead of me. A lump in my throat had carved its way, and the consistent burning tears appeared and shortly disappeared by the passing second.
" You Did"
Connor had spoken with a mixture of hatred and mock that turned my insides. It almost felt like I was reliving my nightmare which had been stuck in a loophole. Again and again. Those words played in my head like a mantra and I feared they were carved too deep within to ever be erased.
I had wanted to scream, to yell and pull against Connor to speak the truth and if he was, to make sense, to tell me the real reason behind his confession, which he didn't. Instead he looked at me straight in the eyes whilst Kenan moved me away from him, his eyes never leaving me.
" You'll come back Farya. To find the truth you'll climb mountains"
Connor spoke as the next thing I know, Kenan had helped me in to the car. A large jacket wrapping around my body.
Moustafa who had been silent through the whole ordeal had taken a dangerous step towards Emre who had the nerve to smirk.
It didn't take a moment before it started. The shooting. The sounds of bullets raining across the deserted hill. The ground beneath us shook, almost pleading with mankind to be still, to make peace with their hatred. Yet the devils tunes were louder that day and as the men ceased to control their rage. All I could do was stare ahead. Utterly helpless, unable to say anything, unable to do anything.
" Have you told him yet Farya? Have you told him the truth?"
Connor's words whispered against my ears. His mocking smile lightly brushing against my face. I hadn't ever feared anyone, or anything, yet as Connor made that statement. The world around me stilled. Almost as if it had been shunned away from all light and all that remained was darkness.
The little energy I held within was sucked out of me and all I could remember was the look in Connor's eyes as he uttered those words.
Blinking my eyes, warm tears came across my closed lids as I felt a bubbling sob reach through my closed lips. Daring to be let out.
Opening my gaze, warm tears rushed down my face as I now stared at the mirror in front of me. Seeing dark grey eyes trained on me. A storm of its kind brewing in them.
He hadn't uttered a word. Not a single word. All he did was step inside the car and drive off leaving the sounds of bullets behind him.
I should have screamed, cried for help, anything to stop them but there wasn't an ounce of strength within to fight any longer.
I was a passenger on their journey. What path they steered I went. I no longer felt in charge of my life, of my emotions. It was as though I was being controlled, a puppet and them, the masters.
From Connor, to Emre, to Murat to Moustafa.
All they were bothered about was image. Their pride and their name. What was I to them, nothing but spawn in their games.
Staring at the man, I moved my face from his sight seeing the car pass by a small bridge and now rolling towards a small cottage.
Everywhere around us were large green trees, filling each corner. The sight of a small creek with water flowing down suddenly held my gaze as I stared at it, seeing water rush down and through the small pathway near the trees.
The car engine died down as silence greeted us and all I could do was stare at the trees for the longest of times, as if waiting for something. Anything.
In the background I could hear the car door opening. A few moments passed by as the door on my end was opened and the cold winds suddenly rushed in. Glancing to the side ever so slowly, my eyes landed on towards the dark ones before me.
Flickering them downwards slowly, I felt my gaze land on Moustafa emotionless face, as he stared ahead. His jaw clenched tightly, highlighting his now small beard which had transitioned from its stubble.
Not uttering a single word. I stepped out of the car feeling Kenans large jacket reach towards my knees. The strong cologne smell from the jacket now reaching towards my nose.
Swallowing the lump in my throat. My legs became heavy with each step I took. Moustafa who was walking at a faster pace than I was, now opened the large brown doors towards the cottage, pulling it wide enough, he briefly glanced over his shoulder before walking inside allowing me to follow behind.
The strong smell of wood and fire reached my nose as soon as I stepped inside the hallway. Glancing towards my left. I was greeted to sight of long wooden bench leaning near the wall, covered with pillows whilst a maroon sofa was planted opposite it. The sight before me was almost something out of an architectural magazine.
On my right, there was a small pathway leading towards a large room with a bed and a few lamps. Staring straight ahead, there was an open door looking in to a small kitchen.
This place may not have been made out of marble, but its simplicity screamed out comfort. Home.
Slipping my shoes off, I walked towards the small bedroom, feeling my legs drag behind me. I almost felt like a traveller with the winds of earth drifting me away.
My feet flinched from the cold floor, yet all I yearned for was the warmth of the strange bed before me. Anything that could take me away from the darkness falling around me.
Stepping inside the simple room with a bed and a small table beside it consisting of a lamp. There was a small crochet cover on the table, matching the white blinds on the window opposite. A small fire place remained near a single wooden chair, and that was all in the room. Nothing yet with everything.
Sitting on the bed, my eyes travelled towards my shaky hands as I felt Emre's face flash before me. The way his hand connected against me, striking me to then Connor's confession.
"It was all because of two men. A woman and honour killing"
Emre had spoken proudly. His eyes gleaming with rage as they stared at me.
Closing my eyes, my mind was overflowing with hundreds of thoughts, and you'd expect my head to ring with hundreds of voices yet it was so quiet that I could hear the sound of my slamming heart daring to numb my ears.
The sound of a chair scraping made my eyes snap open, now staring at the grey orbs before me.
Sucking in a breath, I could see Moustafa sit before me as he held a small First Aid box on his lap. Even if he was sitting on a chair, his heightening figure towered over mine easily.
It was as though the ability to speak was taken away from me as I stared at the man opening a pack of antiseptic wipes. Pulling the chair forward, his strong reached towards my face making me flinch. The sudden act didn't go unnoticed as a wave of pain flashed across his eyes.
His hand proceeded forward, cupping my face slowly as he brought his free hand upwards. The antiseptic wipe brushing lightly against the wound on my lips. Hissing in a breath, I felt my eyes closing tightly. The chemical making contact against the open wound.
Daring to open my eyes, I felt Moustafa stare at me for the longest of times. His dark grey orbs flashing with hundreds of emotions. Almost as if he wanted to say hundreds of things but remained quiet. Not because he was afraid, but because when he does speak. I wouldn't be able to bear it.
His strong hand moved away from my face as he placed the now used wipes in the bin. Bringing his gaze towards me, his eyes were almost predator like as he looked at me. His face now swarming with hundreds of emotions.
Reaching towards my face. His hand snaked towards the back of my neck as he brought my face near his. We were only inches apart. I could almost feel his lips against mine as he placed his forehead against mine, his eyes closing tightly.
" I'll kill them all. One by one"
He muttered in a low voice. There was promise and anger in his words. I could feel my stomach turn feeling a cold chill travel down my spine at the sincerity in those words.
No longer was he the Moustafa that I knew. There before me was a man I didn't recognise. He sounded as though he was emerging with an apocalypse behind him. Ready to wipe everything that came between him and his promise.
" You can't kill everyone who hurts me" I whispered, finding my voice seeing his dark eyes open as he stared at me. His face morphing in to a sneer.
" Watch me"
He promised, making me move away from the man feeling his hold release. Moving backwards, I felt my face turn away from his gaze hearing utter silence fall on us. A deafening silence that haunted us all.
" Why didn't you look when I was with Emre?" I suddenly spoke seeing the mans jaw clench tightly. His eyes fuelling with anger.
" Is it because you thought he touche-"
" Farya enough"
He barked loudly. His voice echoing back across the room making me stare at him. My feat heating up with anger, and tears blurring my vision.
" Have I stained your name- oh wait. I already have, the moment you married me"
I spoke breathless feeling the mans eyes trained on mine. Never blinking. Glaring at me, I could see his fists clenching before he released it. As if trying to calm himself down.
" Farya" He spoke in a warning tone making my shaky hands reach towards the jacket. Pushing it off slightly, I felt it drape around the bed as my now exposed arms came in to his view.
A cold chill drifted past my exposed flesh feeling his eyes on me. A heavy silence greeted us as Moustafa stood up and with one final look he stalked out of the room.
The spot where he once stood now remained empty and the second his presence disappeared, I felt my heart break a little. A silent tremor rushing through my body.
Glancing down at my hands, I felt them shake lightly. A lump forming in my throat as I tried brushing the tears away. The overwhelming feeling of loneliness greeted me, and in that moment it was as though I was a draft in the heavy ocean, sinking further and further.
My shoulders became heavy all of a sudden, and the overwhelming notion of defeat suppressing me.
Even when I tried getting away from here, I was dragged right back by those people I've wanted to escape from. Large tears fell down my cheeks as each breath I took felt it'd be my last and in a way, I wanted it to be my last.
The sound of heavy boots against the wood floor had me looking upwards. My blurry vision barely able to make out the figure approaching forward, though I didn't need a reason to know who it was. I already knew him.
And sadly today, I found the real him.
Blinking the tears away, they rushed down my face as the sound of the door closing reached my ears followed by the wooden chair scraping.
" Get up" A deep voice spoke, yet there was softness melted with it making me scoff and look upwards at the man. Seeing his dark eyes staring back at me.
" Moustafa-"
" Today princess"
He spoke in a soft voice making a lump form in my throat. Glancing at his hand, I could see the man was holding folded clothes. Paying no heed, I felt the man's strong arms hold on to my shoulder as he pulled me up gently, causing the jacket to now fall on the floor with a small thud.
Standing in front of my husband in ripped clothes, I felt his warm hand reach towards my white top. Tugging at the hem of my dress- shirt, Moustafa's strong arms pulled the fabric upwards, leaving me utterly exposed before him, with just the white lace bra that I wore now.
Heat suddenly crawled down my neck, as I felt his heated stare making something within tug. Turning around from his now heated look, I now faced my back to the man as I now stared at the wall made out wood blocks.
The worn out layers reflecting the years its withstand against every storm that came its way. My long brown hair now fell across my back, hiding it from the mans view, but not for long.
His strong hands suddenly brushed my hair to the side leaving my back utterly exposed. A heavy silence hummed in each corner and I could feel a warm breath fan against my flesh. Warm fingers slowly brushed from the top of my spine, as it trailed down further and further. Making me tense, my breathing halting.
The mans strong arms suddenly snaked around my waist, whilst his free hand brushed against my back, almost as if he was carving each side in his head. His fingers brushed against the scars on my back making me stiffen, my breathing halting.
Memories flooded my mind as images of my mothers cruelty flashed before me. How she had easily whipped me on my back, punishing me for a crime I didn't commit, to then Esma's cruelty when she threw hot tea on my back.
Biting back a sob, I remember having a strict routine where I cared for my skin, never allowing it to be unhealthy or develop any marks and scars and here I was now, with my back scarred and the side of my abdomen covered with a scar from the car crash. How carefully had I worshiped my body, never wanting anything to happen to it and here it was now. In state that wasn't recognisable.
My thoughts suddenly rushed out of my body as I felt warm lips brushing against my back, and lightly on the scars. Hitching in a breath, I felt the mans beard brush against my flesh making my eyes close tightly, unaccustomed to this feeling.
What is he doing?
His arm tightened around my waist as he breathed in sharply, his lips trailing towards the nape of my neck. Leaving feather like kisses across it, I could feel my knees weaken as he continued with his slow torture.
" Don't ever hide from me. You're beautiful, every scar every mark, tells your tale"
The man spoke as I felt his teeth nibbling against the flesh of my neck making a low sound rip from my mouth causing the man to let out low groan.
His warm hand that was once on my waist traveled towards my stomach as he spoke. His next words leaving me breathless, unable to think straight.
" A day will come when I have our child here. And that day my wife, will be very soon"
He spoke, his tone promising as I felt the man turn me around now. My face swimming with heat whilst my heart drummed in my ears.
I could see the handsome man look at me, with his striking dark eyes and sharp jawline, to his thin piercing nose and his dark raven hair. Everything about this man screamed out perfection. And he was mine, he was my husband.
" The reason why I didn't look at you when that bastard had his arms around you-"
He started as his hand reached towards my face before he placed a hand to the side of my jaw, his thumb brushing against my lower lip.
" It wasn't because I was disgusted. It was because I wanted to blow his brains out but couldn't. You were there"
He spoke through clenched teeth as he leaned in. His lips inches away from mine, making me look upwards at the man. Seeing his grey orbs trained on my lips, as if waiting for an invitation.
" I know I hurt you Farya, those pictures but you have to believe me. I've never wanted anyone more than you. The moment I laid my eyes on you in that courtyard-" He spoke, his warm lips pressing lightly against my jaw making my eyes close tightly, and my lips between my teeth from the overwhelming feeling.
" I knew you were mine. I had to make you mine"
He spoke, his voice raspy as I felt my something within tug, his confession leaving me at loss for words and soon for breath as his warm lips cascaded on to mine, leaving me in a pool of heat.
I could feel his strong possessive hands brush down to my waist as he held me steady, as if he knew I'd fall if it wasn't for his strength.
" Moustafa stop- what are we doing?" I whispered, moving away from him as the man glanced at me. His dark eyes penetrating in to mine leaving me in short breaths from the intensity of it.
" I'm taking what's rightfully mine, Farya Ayidn" He spoke as his strong arms reached towards my waist again and pulled me towards him.
" Only if you allow it"
He spoke, his eyes plastering on mine and I felt a heavy silence fall on me. The once heat from his body was now gone making me want to reach forward and hold on to his warmth, to him.
Glancing upwards at the man again, I felt my eyes flicker and a slight nod from my head. A rare smile came across his face, revealing his pearly white teeth and I swear I forgot how to breath in that moment as Moustafa took an easy step forward.
His warm hand reached towards the strap on my shoulder, before he ever so slowly tugged it down, allowing the cool air from the night to brush against my exposed flesh.
His warm hand reached towards my lips and now the slightly reddish bruise. I could see, his jaw tightening, as if he was remembering that moment again.
Placing my hand against his, I felt my voice echoing across the small bedroom.
" It's okay. I'm here"
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