《Forbidden》chapter twenty-five
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There was a momentary silence as I stared ahead. I could feel my heart drop to my stomach and the blood rushing towards my ears. Everything in that moment stilled, and the very world beneath me seemed to shake a little, almost as if I had no strength to hold on to myself and I was losing my balance.
Tears blurred my vision, as I stared ahead. Trying to make sense of his words. Of Murat's words.
" She won't-"
" Won't what Moustafa?"
I whispered all of a sudden, the words slipping through my lips seeing dark grey eyes land on me. I could feel all eyes land on me in that moment, as I found myself taking a step forward. My gaze trained on the dangerous ones before me. No longer was I in charge of myself, it felt as though something had taken over me, flicking a light through the darkness.
" Farya what are you doing up?"
" I asked you a question Moustafa!"
I spoke my words stern. It was as though a surge of strength had willed through me and I no longer recognised my voice or the power that was held in them.
A look of surprise flashed across Murat's face but it wasn't him I was bothered about. It was the man before me, the one that held me so gently last night. The man who had whispered promises of the stars and the moon.
Opening his mouth, and then closing it. I stared at Moustafa Aydin, speechless for the first time.
" I-"
" Moustafa! He's here Khizan's here and he's got the place surrounded"
A voice yelled as the door to the small cottage was pushed open and a frantic looking Kenan stormed inside. His dark green eyes landing on Murat and Moustafa and slowly towards me as realisation settled across his features.
Khizan's here
The words rushed through my ears as I felt my body turning limp, the very breath within me being knocked out. It was as though my body had a mind of its own as I rushed towards the door with a blink of an eye, causing Moustafa to rush towards me. His large arms wrapping around my body, holding me still.
" Let go! Moustafa let go. Baba is here"
I yelled at the top of my lungs seeing past Kenan and towards the numerous of black cars parked before the small cottage.
Moving against his hold, I felt it tighten even more causing tears to blur my vision. The overwhelming feeling of loneliness taking over me. The loneliness of losing a family. Of a parent. Which I had, in a way.
" You're going to stay quiet and stay right here Farya. Don't embarrass me"
The man growled, his cold voice snarling near my ears causing a chill to run down my spine. A sudden clogging feeling swirling down my throat.
" Please, Moustafa. Let me see him" I muttered feeling his arm snake around my waist. His hold tightening as I felt his warm breath fanning across my neck, his small beard brushing against my cheeks.
" Moustafa, what should we do?" Kenan stern voice came making the man glance up, as I too stared at him. Seeing an unknown look flash across those green eyes. A look that had my stomach turning.
" Keep her here"
Moustafa spoke as he released the hold he had on me, making me tense. My stomach dropping to my stomach.
Baba was here. After all this time and they wouldn't let me see him.
" No Moustafa don't you dare do this to me. I have every right, he's my father-"
" And I'm your fucking Husband"
He snapped loudly. His dark orbs landing on me making me gasp, a wave of shock rolling through me. Taking a step forward, Moustafa turned around all of a sudden. A dark look crossing his face as his towering figure dwarfed over mine, making me shrink back, if that was even possible.
" And all of a sudden you're my husband now and I, not your enemy" I spat , a little taken aback by my own words yet I couldn't help remembering Esma's harsh words. How she would humiliate me, every single day. In every way possible. If I was the enemy, why wouldn't he let me go. I guess he was taking the whole ' Keep your friends close but your enemies closer' to another level.
" I've always been your husband Farya, or have you forgotten last night" He spoke with a glint of darkness in his eyes making mine widen, taken aback by those words.
Moustafa glared at me, his jaw tightening making me look away. Feeling heated stare on me, leaving me breathless.
" You have no right keeping me here" I muttered lowly, yet loud enough for him to hear as the man glanced over his shoulder. His brows furrowing and a dark smile coming across his face.
" My dear wife. I have every right"
He spoke as he looked at me one last time before he stalked out of the door with Murat behind him- slamming it loudly.
" Kenan please let me go. I have to see him, he's my dad"
I spoke rushing towards the man seeing his jaw clenched tightly and his green eyes blazing. The sight both scared me and surprised me, knowing Kenan hadn't ever looked like this. This angry.
" Kenan?"
I murmured seeing his eyes snap towards me and it was as if a dark cloud was forming over his head as he shook it, his green eyes landing on me.
" You have a death wish wanting to go out there. Do you know how long they've waited to be face-to-face. Their entire lives"
Kenan spoke darkly making my stomach drop. Looking away from Kenan and frantically towards the door, I could hear loud voices from the other end and the sounds of a dry laugh.
This isn't going to end well. They'll kill each other.
" Kenan, you're like my brother. Please let me go. Let me see my dad"
" I'm not your brother Farya, which is why I can't let you do this"
He spoke making my eyes widen yet I didn't heed his words. Walking towards him, I felt my lower lip tremble a little. The overwhelming feeling of being denied consuming me. Looking upwards at Kenan the mans eyes widen as he groaned, throwing his head back.
" Don't do this to me Farya, woman you'll be the death of me. Moustafa will kill me-"
" And I won't let him. Just let me see my father" I murmured seeing the wall he was building around himself break a little and before I knew it, he moved to the side, giving me just about enough space to reach towards the door and pull it open.
The world around me spinned, my vision blurring as I stared at the gathering before me. Men dressed in black now surrounded the once serene area. Cars with matching colour were parked all around, scattered like ants making me look around.
My heart dropped to my stomach seeing Agha standing, his familiar features bringing back memories as I felt my heart warm up. Next to Agha stood Baba, his dark blue eyes staring ahead of him. As he stood proudly, his handsome face now turned in to a scowl.
As if feeling my eyes on him, the man looked upwards at me. It took a moment before his features softened and he stood straighter. It was then that I realised he was pointing a gun to someone. Following his trial, I felt my breathing halt seeing Moustafa stand in front of him, his features hidden from me.
" Baba"
I whispered, the words coming out broken as the memories of our last meeting flashed before me. The day of my wedding. That was the last time I stood face to face with him, the last time I felt his eyes on me.
" Farya"
He spoke, his heavy voice reaching towards my ears causing a wave of tears to blur my vision. Knowing he was once the man I admired, the only man I loved just as much as Roshan, that was until he became cruel and his heart turned black. Memories of him standing in the next room whilst my mother whipped my back played before me. How the woman would easily slap me and he'd stand there, not doing anything.
I should hate him, I should never want to see him again yet something about the way he looked. His blue eyes vulnerable and his face a little rough looking than usual made my heart clench.
Moustafa who stood in front of Baba suddenly tensed, his large majestic back turning to the side as his grey stormy eyes stared at me. Hundreds of emotions flashing between them and all of a sudden I felt like a crossfire between the two.
Stuck in between, with nowhere to go.
Taking a step down from the front porch of the cottage, the men before me parted like the red sea as the wind slowly picked its pace and I was now a feet away from Moustafa; glancing straight past his shoulder, I stared at my father, who looked as though he had seen a ghost.
" I told you to get inside. What are you doing here?" Moustafa muttered darkly, his grey eyes staring at me making my breathing hitch, feeling all eyes trained on me.
" I want to see my father"
I murmured defensively seeing Moustafa jaw clench tightly and his eyes turning a darker shade. There was a momentary silence around us as he stared at me, for the longest of times. Almost as if he was juggling fire with his hand, wanting to remain warm yet at the same time, not wanting to get burned.
" Just remember who you are-"
" Yours. I know"
I murmured and a look of possesiveness flashed across his grey orbs as the man ran a hand through his hair before he nodded.
Moving to the side, my gaze flickered towards my father, seeing him stand a few feet away from me. His large blue eyes softening as they landed on me.
" Farya" My father murmured as I took a step forward, and then another and another, till I was right in front of him. A moment of silence loomed around us as the next thing I know. His large arms were wrapped around me and the familiar feeling of home consumed me.
" Father" I whispered, my words broken feeling the man stroke my hair lightly before he released the embrace. His hand holding mine tightly as he moved me behind him, almost as if he was protecting me.
" Farya, come"
Moustafa spoke as I felt my heart thud loudly. Sweat painted across my palms making me looked between my father and, Moustafa, who looked as though he will tear the world apart if I didn't come towards him.
" You are delusional, boy, if you think I'll let you have my daughter"
Father spoke, his hold tightening against mine making me glance towards Moustafa, seeing the man form a dry smile across his face. Turning his head in a slight circular motion he stared at my father, who glared right back at him.
" And what makes you think my wife wants to go with you"
He spoke and I could hear a pin drop silence as all eyes focused on me making me tense. My breathing halting. My father, who had been busy glaring at Moustafa turned towards me. His large blue eyes staring at me and I felt the world stop for that split moment as I looked in to those eyes, those very eyes that mirrored Roshan. It almost felt like I was staring at my brother, as the man before me tilted his head. A kind look coming across his face.
If its one thing I knew, Abu-Bakar- Fatih Khizan never asked anyone twice for their opinion in court of gathering, and even if we were in an outdoor place. I could still see the man look at me, awaiting for my judgement.
Swallowing through the lump in my throat, I stood on my toes, pressing a kiss to the mans cheek before I found myself tugging at his hold. A look of defeat came across his features, as father moved in. His side voice reaching my ears.
" You're going to the very people who killed your uncles, your grandfather. Your br-"
" Fatih, your daughter has made up her mind"
A voice spoke from the crowd and I could feel my eyes landing on the stranger before me, standing near Moustafa. The man had salty white hair and matching beard. His dark grey eyes spoke of the journey he's witnessed and somehow his tall intimidating figure stood proudly across the crowd, like a king commanding an army.
" She wishes to remain with her husband" The man continued, as he took a step forward. The grey suit he wore, matching his very eyes. Glancing away from the stranger and towards my father, I could see hundreds of emotions pass through him as he spoke. His voice low.
" Come with me Farya. I'll take you away from here. Away from him. You can study in London, like you wanted. It'll all be okay, we'll go home. To Nourie"
Father spoke as he looked down at me, his large blue eyes softening. And for a moment I believed him, for a moment I wanted to go with him yet I knew what fate awaited me the moment I stepped inside that house.
I could still picture the day I got married. How imaam Mebarak looked at me in the eyes and spoke. His words soft.
" If you don't marry him, they'll kill you"
At least, if I was with Moustafa I knew he'd look after me. Swallowing sharply, I glanced at my father before looking towards Moustafa.
" I can't father, my home's with Moustafa" I whispered quietly, my gaze flickering towards the man I called my husband. His dark eyes looked stormy as his jaw clenched tightly, to others he looked like a King. Standing tall, and proud. Yet to me, I knew that look all to well.
He was scared. He thought I'd leave him, and I would have. I'd have left all of them, right here, right now. Yet I knew all too well that the men that stood around my father and Moustafa, had guns tucked away in the back of their suits and trousers, and the moment I took a wrong step. Hell would break loose. I didn't need to be the cause of anyone's death, I already had enough blame as it is.
" You're making a mistake Farya. You don't know these men"
My father spoke as I glanced at Agha, seeing him utterly quiet yet his eyes never left me. Offering a smile, the man's eyes softened a little before my attention was brought back to my father.
" I'll be okay dad. I'm still alive, that's all that matters" I spoke not giving him another chance to speak as I moved away from my father, and Agha and towards the army of men behind Moustafa.
" Moustafa-"
" Get inside Farya"
He spoke through clenched teeth as I felt my body stiffening, my eyes widening a little. Knowing there was no room for argument, and he had specifically made it clear to not embarrass him.
I found myself walking towards the small cottage, yet somehow it felt as though I had strings attached to me, and there was a puppeteer controlling my every movement. Stopping in my tracks, I glanced over my shoulder seeing Agha and Baba standing there. Their gaze trained on mine.
I didn't know what took over me as I raised my hand and waved at them lightly, and somehow. It felt as though that'd be our last time we'd see each other. Whether it's me seeing them for the last time, or vice versa.
" This is not over Aydin. I'll come back for my daughter and there's nothing you can do to stop me. In fact-"
Father spoke as he glared at Moustafa who looked completely unfazed as he stared at the man before him.
" You'll willingly give her to me"
" Over my dead body"
Moustafa growled animalistic making father chuckle a little. A dark smile falling across his features causing my stomach to turn.
" Then so be it"
" That's not to say, if I do it first"
Moustafa spoke with a dark edge to his words making my body turn limp. Knowing when he says something, he'll carry it out, even if it's the last thing he does.
I could see my father look at him one last time before he stalked towards the cars parked a few feet away from the cottage. In a short span of a moment, the place that was once surrounded by men and vehicles now dispersed away leaving only a rumbling dry clay with their departure.
Pushing against the door handle, I found myself walking inside the cottage. My back now facing Moustafa and the army of his men, behind.
Kenan who had been leaning against the door way, suddenly looked at me before he nodded. An unusual look coming across his features.
Ignoring the look Murat and the older man from earlier gave me. I found myself walking towards where the bedroom was. Stepping inside, I slammed the door shut feeling a wave of emotions take over me.
A bubbling sob made its way through and soon later a moment passed as I felt tears running down my face. My body turning utterly limp. Somehow, managing to make it towards the bed and the fresh clean sheets I put on this morning. I felt my body crashing on to the mattress feeling my head dizzy and the all too familiar black dots invade my vision.
Trying to calm my breathing, it was only a moment of silence that greeted me when the door handle suddenly started rattling and the sound of the door opening followed by a loud slam.
The sound of loud boots reached my ears, but I didn't need to sit up to know who it was. The all too familiar scent of wood and ocean reached my nose as I felt the bed dip a little.
A minute went by when I felt warm hands reach towards mine, which had covered my new red face, exhausted from all the crying. Opening my eyes, I was met with dark grey ones as Moustafa stared at me. A pained expression falling across his face as he leaned downwards. His face lightly resting against the crook of my neck.
" If he had taken you. I'd probably would have killed him"
Moustafa dark words reached my ears as I felt another set of tears run down my face. The horrible reality falling on me. The reality where I was married to a man who could kill my father in a blink of an eye, and so could my father, with the promise he had made only ten minutes ago.
" Why Moustafa? Why does it have to be this way. Why can't we not be -normal" I breathed out, feeling my words choked as the man hovered over me, his body laying on the bed yet his face inches away from mine, well at least his jaw was from his towering height.
" There's not ever normal Farya. We never will be that. Not with the way our blood runs" He spoke softly making me glance upwards at the man, feeling tears blur my vision.
A sudden wave of chills went through my body, and Moustafa too must have realised as his strong majestic arms wrapped around my body. Pulling me near him, so close that I could his loud heart beat.
I could feel his warm thumb brush under my eyes, wiping away the tears as he kissed my forehead. Bringing me close to him.
" Everytime you cry. Its like I'm being stabbed. As if my heart is bleeding and I have no control over it"
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