《Forbidden》chapter twenty-two
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" You're lost aren't you, son"
A voice spoke in the dark. In the peak of midnight, almost like a call from the other side as I tensed, glancing around feeling the world around me still for that split moment.
Darkness greeted me from every corner, mocking me for searching for something that wasn't ever there to begin with; as I tried reaching towards that voice, towards the owner.
A sudden jerk to my body had me launching forward, and this time when I looked again at the world before me. I prayed I hadn't searched for the voice.
My head spinned seeing trees in every corner, the light of midnight painted across them.There was acres of land yet no a single sound could be heard, but how could it. It was a graveyard.
A large hand suddenly rested on my shoulder all of a sudden making my body tense. Ever so slowly glancing over my shoulder, my gaze met with those of dark brown ones before me, seeing the familiar warmth in them.
" Baba"
I whispered the words barely reaching my ears as I stared at the man, seeing his small beard now the colour of salt and ash and a rare smile across his face. Reaching forward the man ever so slowly patted my cheek, as if he too couldn't believe I was here.
Silence greeted us the kind where you could feel the hinges to your soul being rattled. It was the kind of silence which left you speechless yet withholding thousands of words, until a sentence could be formed.
" What am I doing here?" I murmured at last looking around the silent graveyard, seeing the headstones marking each ones identity. Their names written on the rock so they wouldn't be forgotten, even if their memories have.
" This is where it ends" He spoke in a riddle as I found Baba taking a step forward making me follow the man. There was a small pathway down the graveyard with large trees building above us as as a bridge, and despite it being the night time, there was light everywhere. Now that Baba was here.
Baba rounded the corner as he stood in front of a grave. The black headstones now weighing the flowers placed above it and on top of the grave. The mud still looked fresh, as if It hadn't been rested yet, as if the news of death was still new on the soil and the body still fading its warmth.
" Whose grave is this"
I murmured looking towards Baba as a sad smile came across the man's face. Taking a step forward, he placed a white rose on the grave before his fingers reached towards the name engraved on it.
In that moment. I could feel the soul within me rattle, almost as if it'll leave me any second now. Cold shivers crept down my spine and I felt my stomach turn.
Staring at the name before me, Baba's hand squeezed on to my shoulder as we both looked at the gravestone before us.
Farya Aydin.
" B-Baba that's my-"
" I know son. So I'll say it again, you're lost aren't you son"
He spoke yet my eyes were trained on the headstone before me. The world twisted and turned as I tried reaching forward, wanting to touch her, to touch her name yet I couldn't move. I was stuck.
" You're stuck son. You have been for years but a time will come when you have to let go. Of all"
Baba spoke his hand occasionially squeezing my shoulders as cold sweat formed down my spine and all energy left my body.
At the corner of my eyes, a shadow appeared, marking its presence yet all I could do was stare ahead at the black gravestone, the letters in white staring back at me.
"It'll be your downfall"
Baba spoke again as his hand shifted from my shoulder, erasing the warmth that once lay there. Glancing upwards, I felt my breathing being knocked out of me seeing a figure walk towards me. A woman.
Her long brown hair fell loosely across her back and some across her chest. Large brown eyes stared at me and just like the moonlight. The majestic white dress flowed behind her with each step she took. The red ribbon around her waist was a little loose, trailing alongside her movement.
She looked tried, as if she had been travelling for years down a road unknown to man. Staring upwards, the woman smiled at me lightly. Her shaky hands reaching forward.
" You found me in the end"
Her voice came as I stared at her like a madman, unable to decipher what was happening. Looking at her, I could see her soft lips were now a light shade of pink. Her large hazel eyes decorated with kohl eyeliner as she smiled, an adorable line wrinkling at her eyes.
" I'll always find you"
I promised seeing the woman shake her head, a sad smile falling across her face. Her shaky hands reached towards my face as she stroked my cheeks lightly, large tears falling on to her cheeks.
" Then I'll wait"
She spoke yet I could see the woman turning around making me reach towards her. Not wanting her to leave. Not wanting her to go down the darkness. I wanted to tell her to come, to turn around and come home with me yet despite everything she kept on walking.
" Farya! Wait don't"
I yelled feeling the world around me disappear in to darkness. A heavy weight fell on to my body as I tried catching my breath. Blinking my eyes, I inhaled a sharp breath wanting my eyes to open.
Wanting this nightmare to be over.
My prayers were answered as I felt a chill creeping down my body and my eyes opening. I didn't know how long I laid on the bed, my eyes trained on the ceiling above, yet it was enough for me to realise that the spot next to me was empty.
Glancing to the side, I felt something within turn seeing her spot empty. The pillows were slightly creased and so was the bedding indicating she was there yet somehow, it felt as though she had never been here.
Sitting upwards, my hands brushed through my hair down through my face. Washing the nightmare away that somehow was still etched through my soul.
Glancing around the bedroom, an eerie like silence fell across each corner leaving my heart a little unsettled. Pushing the blanket away, I stood up feeling the morning breeze wash past my body.
Walking towards the bathroom, I splashed cold water on to my face before quickly drying it.
You found me in the end
Her voice whispered making me close my eyes. Images of the gravestone flashing before me, leaving me in short gasps. Opening my eyes, I was met with the reflection before me. The mirror now staring back. Mocking me, for all my sins, for all my crimes.
There was an unsettling feeling at the pit of my stomach. Almost as if it was warning me, of a storm that would soon destroy everything.
Brushing the thought away, my gaze focused on the reflection. Dark grey eyes stared back as I looked at the man's features, seeing this thin nose and his lips and onwards to the stubble hiding his features. His dark hair, a mix of brown and black now fell somewhat on his face. As he looked ahead, utterly emotionless.
He was handsome. That could easily be said, he knew many were after his looks yet he only pursued one.
Shaking my head I walked out of the bathroom whilst closing the light. Looking towards the small bedstand, surprise filled me seeing the photo frame gone.
Roshan Khizan's photo.
Just the thought of that name, of that surname sent a dark feeling down my body. Making my blood boil.
Hamzah's smiling face flashed before me. The way his face used to light up, and a smile to gradual appear on his face. Then images of his dead body played before me. How there were six bullets exactly pierced in his heart and how his cold lifeless eyes stared ahead at his killers. Their images marked in his eyes.
I promised myself, the day when Hamzah's coffin was lifted that I'd kill them, all one by one. I'd kill every single on of them, and only then would I bring justice to my brother, to my grandfather yet fate laughed at my plans and brought along her.
Farya Al-Khizan
The daughter of my enemy who he had tried to hide from the world, from everyone and out of all the places I could have met her. I saw her in a mosque, sitting down.
The images were still fresh in my mind. How she sat at the courtyard with hundreds of people walking past her yet all she was bothered about was her prayer.
Long black dress covered her body and a matching veil covered her hair yet there a few strands that fell loosely on her face, crowning her features.
Her hands were raised in a crescent shape as she whispered under her breath. Her stunning features leaving me at loss for words, and then she opened her eyes. The world stopped for that split moment. Standing up, she held herself with confidence yet shyness at the same time. Through the crowds of hundreds, her eyes somehow caught mine and what did she do.
She fucking smiled at me.
The type of a smile that would bring a grown man to his knees, that would wage wars across kingdoms. The type of smile that made you forget all your worries and feel warm inside.
And it was in that moment that I knew I had to have her. No matter the cost. And what prize did that come at, she ended being that one mans daughter, who I could kill a thousand ways yet feel no remorse.
Life had other plans when I came across her at the beach, seeing her soft features staring upwards at the stars. Almost wishing to be amongst them.
I could have easily killed her that night and no one would have known. I could have easily reached towards my pocket and taken her life but I didn't. Instead I married her.
I made her an Aydin.
Because somehow, somewhere a voice whispered that she too wanted to leave. Wanting to escape the nightmare.
When I married her, I didn't expect her to be the woman she is. I thought of her as nothing but my enemies daughter, but as each day went by. I realised there was so much more to the woman than met the eyes.
Whatever came her way, she smiled it off. Offering a piece of her heart as if she had thousands at her disposal. Despite hearing taunts and abuse of every kind, she stayed silent and looked ahead almost as if she deserved it when she didn't. She fucking didn't and that somehow irked me. She had no idea of the dark games being played.
I didn't want her to be like this, I wanted a reason to hate her. To take my revenge but I couldn't. I couldn't do it and here I am, with my soul at my sleeve, searching for that one woman whom I had sweared the world upon, that I'd get rid of.
" Farya"
I called, unable to recognise my voice as I glanced upwards at the clock seeing it now Half-Eight. Thinking she was probably downstairs, I made my way down hearing low voices and the smell of tea reaching my nose.
" Elif have you seen Farya" I asked walking inside the kitchen seeing Elif turning towards me, her large hazel eyes landing on mine before she shook her head and continued making breakfast.
Glancing to the side, my eyes landed on Elder Ali sitting on the chair as he recited his morning prayers.
" What brings you up so early son" A voice came allowing my to turn around, seeing mother stand before me. Her large eyes scanning my appearance before she looked towards my face.
" Nothing" I lied knowing I couldn't bring myself to tell her who I was looking for.
I knew by marrying Farya I had hurt my mother, my entire family but somehow she had now become on of us and even though everyone was accepting of her, my mother still had deep hatred rooted for her. A hatred that is only scratched through time.
Turning around, I made my way up the stairs feeling anger stir within me. Farya was asking for it today. Where could she possibly be. This is completely out of her character, to just disappear like that.
Growling, I ran a hand through my hair before walking inside the eerie quiet bedroom and it was only then that I started noticing the small changes, how the one perfume Farya wears is now gone and how there was an unmistakable cleanliness to the room.
My desk which usually consisted of my paperwork was now all tidy and placed to the side.
Farya's nightgown which she wears was one gone as well as her brothers picture and in that moment it was as though a large boulder was smashed against my body as I nearly lost my steadiness feeling the world spin around me.
Farya what have you done.
I murmured inwardly as I walked towards the bed. My legs came to an abrupt stop seeing a paper laying at the side of the bed.
It must have fallen when I stood up.
A cold chill suddenly crept down my spine as I took steady stops forward, praying that this was a nightmare. That this wasn't happening.
Reaching forward, I felt the breath behind knocked out of me seeing Farya's handwriting scribbled on the paper, almost in a rush.
I had once asked Imaam Mebarak if it was possible to have met someone without knowing and he told me a story of how all of our souls have met in another realm before creation, and that's why when you meet someone. You have an instant connection with them. I guess that's maybe one of the reason why this world has witnessed star crossed lovers and love at first sight.
All I'm trying to say Moustafa Aydin is that I believe our souls have met way before our time and if it's meant to be. It'll meet again.
I'm sorry for all the pain my family has caused you, I'm sorry for Hamzah, I wish he was still with you guys and at the same time. I wish Roshan was with me. Maybe we'll meet them again but for the time being, its time to say farewell.
Thank you for saving me, thank you for letting me live again. I'm leaving and I beg you to not look for me. Please Moustafa.
I'll always remember you.
I read it and then I read it again and again till I knew each word. Till I knew each stroke of the letters, each sentence and each full stop. I read it till such an extent that I knew each line by heart yet it wasn't registering it. It wasn't making sensing.
I was seeing yet I wasn't looking.
She's gone. Farya is gone.
A flick of a switch went off as I stood up, seeing red. Where could she possibly go, she had no one here. All her family was gone.
She didn't know her way around and fuck she was so innocent- hundreds of thoughts bombarded my mind as I walked towards my cupboard and pulled out the small chest. In a heartbeat, I loaded the gun before placing it in my backpocket knowing all too Farya wouldn't have seen this.
She never did. She never saw this part of me. The dark side of me.
Almost like a madman, I stormed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. My loud footsteps echoing across the eerie quiet house.
The front door was opened and closed as Murat walked inside. Slipping out of his shoes, the man looked at me. An unknown look flashing across his face before realisation settled on his face making a dry chuckle escape my lips.
He knew.
He knew she was gone.
It all happened too fast as I launched towards the man, seeing red. In an instant I slammed Murat's body against the door hearing a low crack and the sounds of yelling behind me.
" You know. You fucking know she is gone" I screamed in his face seeing a daring chuckle come across his features as he slammed his head against mine making me stumble back. Shocked.
" Dont fucking touch me. She left on her fucking own will. Thank God she's gone" Murat spoke, hatred seeping from his mouth making my eyes widen and my harsh breathing reaching my ears.
" What did you just say? That's my wife-"
" And she's the daughter of the man who killed Hamzah. The man who shot him straight through his heart six times or have you forgotten"
He yelled as my fists connected against his jaw seeing blood rush through his mouth yet all he did was laugh like a maniac.
" She doesn't fucking know" I screamed at the top of my lungs seeing my brother shake his head as the next thing I know. His fists connected against my jaw making me stumble.
" Oh yeah let's blame the fucking fire and not the flames for burning everything"
He screamed as the next thing I knew. I held the gun straight at the man seeing a cold look come across his face and our mothers horrified scream echoing behind us.
" Moustafa! Will you kill your brother for her.. for that whore? Come to your senses son" Mother yelled as she grabbed on to both of my shoulder before she shook me lightly, pulling me away from Murat who now had Elif wiping his bloody face. Her shaky hands barely able to swipe the blood away.
From the corner of his eyes he looked at her, and I knew that fucking look all too well.
Oh shit!
" She's my wife and I'm going to find her or so help me God"
I muttered storming out of the house. My mind swarming with hundreds of thoughts. Where could she be? Is she okay.
All I could think about was her. Her face flashed before me in everything I did. In every step I took she was there.
Grabbing my phone, I called that one person who I knew I could trust. Who could find someone even if they were hiding under the ocean.
" Adam, call the men, gather them up"
I spoke coldly through the phone and didn't give him much of a chance to respond. Walking towards my car, I stepped inside before turning the engine on and losing myself in to the alluring feeling of oblivion which I wanted to disappear in.
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