《Forbidden》chapter twenty
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There was a moment. A split second of a moment that stilled the world around me. Almost as if everything around me was a blurry glass. Reflecting images of our darkest desires.
The photos held in my hands were etched with the darkest of ink in my mind; playing again and again. In that moment, it was as though God stopped the world for me, to give me a moment. To breath. To feel the overwhelming pain before it completely consumed and then it all happened in slow motion as I found my hand connecting against his cheek.
I wanted to stop, but it was already too late. It was done.
Standing before me, Moustafa stood like a king. His shoulders set straight and his head high yet there was a storm swirling in his eyes. The second my hand connected against his cheek, I had expected the man to react. To strike me back yet he didn't even flinch. All he did was stare at me with dark cold eyes that all of a sudden made my bones weak.
Breathing in sharply, I tried blinking the traitorous tears away feeling my limbs burn. Almost as if I ha ran a marathon. Almost as if I had been running through mountains, through hills and down rivers.
Taking a dangerous step towards me. I felt my heart sink seeing the man near me, his faces inches apart. Holding on to my breath, I felt heat radiate from my skin feeling him near my cheek before placing a soft kiss on it.
The moment was torn apart as I felt his hand grip tightly on to the back of my hair, twisting it harshly, making me gasp
" I've told you before, don't embarrass me in front of everyone"
He muttered coldly in a thick accent as I felt my breathing hitching. Gripping against his arm, I tried pushing it away all the whilst his other arm snaked around my waist pulling me flush against his chest.
" You're hurting me" I whispered
the words, feeling his body tense against mine as he brought his lips near my ears. His warm breath fanning against my neck.
" Moustafa Abi" A voice spoke beside us as I tried pushing his hard chest with all the strength I could muster.
" Everyone's looking"
Kenan voice came again whilst I kept my gaze away from the man. Releasing the hold he had on my hair, Moustafa took a step backwards. His hand moving from my waist. Daring to glance upwards, I felt my stomach turn at the sight of his face.
He looked like a deadly predator. Like a monster. A beast.
" What's going on? Have you no shame embracing your husband in front of everyone" Esma cold voice reached my ears as I held tightly on to the envelope feeling my gaze flicker towards the woman. Her face angry and her lips in a thin line.
" How rich of you to talk about shame Esma" I spat with all the hatred and anger I could muster seeing the man taken aback. Her eyes widening, shock all over her features as she glared at me making me shake my head.
" How dare you talk to me like that? You worthless nobody. This is my home you're in"
The woman spoke and it was as though flood of emotions drowned me as I pushed past Moustafa's hold and stood in front of the woman. My soul out bear and my wounds out in the open. It was now or never.
" I'm a nobody? Esma Aydin I'm the heiress to a mulit-millionaire company. I am a somebody"
I spat hearing the woman take a step towards me as she growled. Anger taking control over her.
" Is that why you're here. Is that why you warm your enemies bed. Women like you are a disgrace to the world. If my hamza was alive, he'd have shot yo- "
She spoke as she spat on the floor, near my feet making me chuckle. A dry laugh ripping out of my mouth seeing a bewildered look on the woman's face.
" Enough"
A voice boomed around us all of a sudden. Rattling through each corner. Making me tense. I could feel cold shivers run down my body as I felt a steel like grip on my hand.
Glancing to the side I could see Moustafa give me a cold look and before I knew it. I was being dragged away from the crowd and up the stairs.
" Stop! I don't want to go anywhere with you. Moustafa goddamit stop!" I yelled pushing his hand away, clawing against it yet it was no use. It almost felt as though I weighed like a feather as the man pulled me behind and now reached the door towards our bedroom.
Tugging on to my hand, I found myself standing inside our bedroom. Slamming the doors shut a moment of silence played around us as I breathed heavily trying to blink my tears. All of a sudden it felt as though there was a right rope against my throat, tightening by the passing second.
Moving away from the man, my back hit against the wall as did his arms, caging me within.
" Look at me" He muttered darkly, his voice thick with emotions and when he knew I wasn't going to look. His hand suddenly reached towards my jaw and held on to it tightly, forcing to meet his gaze.
" Let go please" I spoke pushing against his hold seeing the man turn his head in a circular motion. Almost as if there was a beast inside, rattling against its cages.
" I can't" He murmured and despite his anger and his hold, I knew there was a double meaning to his words. Swallowing through the knot in my throat, my fists slammed against his chest in attempt to push him away; yet he was refusing to move, despite all my attempts.
And when I knew I couldn't do much to him, I felt cold shivers creeping down my spine making my palms sweaty almost as if the world around us was going to shatter... when in fact it did.
" If you hated me so, you didn't have to embarrass me like that"
I whispered, the words barely audible yet he managed to hear it as I felt him tense beside me. His hold loosening against my jaw making me reach forward and rub it slowly.
" I can never hate you Farya"
He spoke with a thick accent, his words reaching my ears making something within twist. There was a time where I would have believed every word he said yet all I could do was look at him straight in the eyes and feel nothing.
" Then if you have an ounce of respect for me. You'll never touch me again Moustafa" I murmured seeing something flash across his face as he slammed his fists loudly against the wall making a somewhat cracking noise beside me.
" Let me explain. I've not- I've not been disloyal Farya" He spoke slowly, as if he wanted every word to register yet nothing made sense and I could see through the walls of fog was the images of Moustafa embracing the woman passionately.
Her arms snaked around his neck as he displayed kisses on her neck, then on her cheeks and then on her lips. Just the thought of those pictures made my stomach turn, bile rising in my throat.
" Let me go! Let me go right now" I yelled pushing him away seeing the man stagger backwards. A look of pain flashed across his face yet what did he knew of pain. I was having my heart practically torn apart.
" My drinks were spiked goddamit! Farya believe me. That's all I'm asking from you" He yelled making me hold the envelope in my hand. Reaching towards the photos, I displayed it before him seeing his face pale a little. The large man now at loss for words.
" You're right. You were drunk, by lust" I muttered slamming the photos on his chest seeing him hold my wrists tightly making me gasp.
" If I wanted another woman. I would have done it before you Farya, I'm not dishonourable" He spoke making me stare at him, at loss by the words that were coming out of his mouth.
" I may be younger than you Moustafa but by god, I'm not stupid" I muttered pulling my wrists away from his hold seeing the man run a hand through his hair. Sighing exasperated.
" And I've told you Farya. I have no reason to look at other women. I was tricked, it was what they wanted"
" Sure Moustafa. Your drink was spiked and so was Roshan's when he started drugs"
I spat hatefully seeing his jaw clench tightly as he closed his eyes. Counting backwards as if to calm himself.
" All you had to do was tell me Moustafa! I would have understood. All I ever did was be a wife to you but no more - as soon as I get my passport-"
I stopped myself as I felt the world around me turn blurry, black dots were filling through each corner, overpowering my sight. Staggering backwards, my throat constructed as I tried breathing in sharply. Trying to calm my wild heart.
"You can have any woman you want. Anyone, heck you can even go back to her but all I ask from you-" I started standing right in front of him and in that moment it didn't matter that I had tears rolling down my cheeks and my heart on my sleeves. All I wanted was for him to hear.
" You're to not touch me Moustafa Aydin, from this day forth and as soon as I get my passport. I'll leave" I spoke finally, feeling all the energy drain away from me. Closing my eyes I could hear his thick voice reach my ears as he spoke.
" Do you even know what you're asking for"
" Yes, I do Moustafa"
I spoke seeing the man stare at me for the longest of times before he nodded. His hand brushing past the growing stubble on his face and through his hair.
Closing my eyes again, I brushed my hand across my face and the next time I opened my eyes. He was gone. As if he hadn't ever been here.
That night he didn't come to the room, nor did he the next day or the following weeks. Time passed by and each time Deniz would call me to inform me of the latest update on my passport renewals and the Roshan's will. I'd smile and nod and he knew something wasn't quite right, but Deniz didn't question.
He had then passed the phone to Nourie and just the sound of her voice reminded me of home. All I wanted was to run back to Istanbul, back to the house yet I knew it was empty. No one was there, they had all gone.
" Farya what world have you gone in to now?"
A voice spoke from beside me making me look upwards and glance to the side seeing Layla's large eyes stare back at me.
" I'm sorry what?"
I murmured looking towards her feeling a smile on my face. Today was Layla and Zubair's wedding day. Layla had opted for lace and silk dress that fitted her perfectly. Her hair was covered by a matching white scarf in a turbine style and her face covered by a see through veil adorned with a crown.
Least to say when Imaam Mebarak and Aslie looked at their daughter, the two needed more than a few tissues. Imaam had proudly walked towards his daughter, placing a kiss on her forehead whilst Aslie held her hand.
Today had been the first time I had met Zubair and to say the least, he was a very charming man with a contagious smile. You could tell he was smitten by Layla with the way he looks at her. Asking her every now and then if she was okay.
The wedding was held in a large hall just near the beach and primarily near where Zubair lived with his family.
" Where's Moustafa?" She asked slowly making me glance away from the woman, feeling my stomach turn.
" I don't know" I spoke seeing her give me a puzzled look a she shook her head a little.
" What do you mean? Call him to check" She asked again, the last thing I wanted was to ring the man and speak to him.
I hadn't uttered a single word to him ever since that day. And he too understand, yet now and then I'd catch him looking at me before he averted his gaze.
Though this time it was me, that stared at him as the man all of a sudden walked through the doors to the hall, with Mirya holding his hand. I could feel my breathing hitch a little seeing him sport a black suit and tuxedo. His raven hair was brushed backwards, yet a few rogue strands fell on to his face as he walked further inside the hall, no doubt catching the eyes of many women.
" He's here" Layla spoke making me nod and slowly stand up, away from Layla and now in search for a table to sit at.
" Where are you going?" Layla asked softly making me smile a little at her, after telling her I was going to sit down with her parents, she reluctantly nodded even though there was a small frown on her face.
Walking towards where imam Mebarak sat with his wife, I felt a smile at the sight of the two as they looked on lovingly at their only child.
" Can I sit" I spoke seeing Aslie look towards me, a bright smile on her face. " Of course my love. Here sit next to me" Aslie spoke excitedly making me smile and walk around the table to sit next to the woman.
" You look so beautiful my love. It's a shame your dress had to be too long" Aslie spoke referring to the turquoise bridesmaid dress making me glance down at the dark blue, black dress that I had to get last minute.
" I know, but it doesn't look that bad?" I asked softly hearing the woman laugh a little as she shook her head adorably.
" Of course not. You look absolutely beautiful and look you're matching with your husband" She spoke looking upwards making me trail towards where she wad looking. I could feel my breathing halt seeing Moustafa walk towards the table before he pulled the extra chair out to sit, which was right next to mine.
Inhaling a sharp breath, I smiled at Aslie before sitting upwards. Feeling heated eyes on me, I moved my head away a little my gaze landing on Kenan at the end of the hall clearly talking to an attractive woman. As if feeling my gaze on him, the man look upwards and gave me a devilish grin before focusing back on to something the woman beside him was saying.
" If you'll excuse us" Imaam Mebarak spoke as he stood and reached towards his wife's wheelchair before he pushed her slowly making me smile at the sight. They were so adorable.
I could see Aslie sit next to Layla whilst Imaam Mebarak sat next to Zubair and his father. Aslie lovingly stroked her daughter's face making my stomach turn remembering my wedding.
Tears dared threatening my eyes and I was fast to react as I glanced away, my eyes focusing on to my hands.
My parents didn't even want to glance my way at my wedding, never mind hold my hand as lovingly as Aslie did with Layla.A small tear suddenly fell down my cheek, making me sink my head further not wanting anyone to see it.
I could feel a warm hand reach towards my face, making me look upwards seeing Moustafa's fingers slowly brush my tears away.
Staring at him through my blurred vision, I felt the woman fingers linger on to my face before I moved away seeing an expressionless look flash across his face.
Zubair's father stood up all of a sudden announced that they'll be taking the bride away making all of us stand up.
I could see Aslie reach towards her daughters face and cover it with a veil before she stood up alongside her new husband. Although Imaam Mebarak wanted to keep the wedding very simple and religious, somehow someone had tipped the drummers to come as they played on traditional drums and trumpets whilst Layla walked from the stage and now down the hall with her husband.
Walking towards the woman, I could see her stop as she saw me. Smiling brightly at the woman, I felt teary eyed all of sudden, having spent a week at her house whilst preparing for her wedding.
" Thank you for everything" She spoke, her voice faltering making me reach forward and embrace the woman feeling her hug me back tightly.
" Don't cry, you have an amazing husband who loves you very much"
I spoke as Layla releasedthe embrace whilst she held my hands tightly, making me look upwards at her.
" So do you Farya. You just need to open your eyes" Layla spoke making my heart drop. Trying to contain my emotions, all I did was smile at her as she greeted her friends and walked further down the hall.
The loud chattering and music dispersed further down the hall as I felt my breathing halter a little. Feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden, I found myself walking out of the halls through the exit doors.
Rushing out of the building, I found my eyes closing tightly as the cool night air brushed past me. It's finger rushing past my hair and snaking around my body.
I didn't know what I was doing. My mind was all blurry yet I found myself crossing the road seeing the beach across me. Without another though I reached towards my heels and slipped out of them. Walking closer and closer towards the water, I felt tears rush down my face feeling somewhat at home.
Spreading my arms, the cool air hugged tightly against me as I slowly opened my eyes and glanced upwards at the twinkling stars, shinning brightly.
" Oh you, you've witnessed tales of every decade. Which desert has my story been written on?" I murmured looking upwards at the stars, hearing utter silence around me.
Sitting down on the sand, I felt the bright moon illuminate the sea, painting it dark blue as I stared at mesmerized, like a long lost lover.
Holding the sand in my hand, I raised it up on my palms, feeling the winds rush past it. Blowing it away.
" Why is a pretty woman like you alone on a night like this" A voice spoke behind me making me tense. Standing up all of a sudden, I turned around feeling my eyes land on a tall man before me. Sporting headphones around his neck, and a megawatt smile on his face.
" I'm sorry what-?" I asked dumbly seeing the man smile again as he shook his head, his blonde hair falling on to his face.
" That's okay! Hey listen I'm hosting a party over there. Wanna come?" He asked as he pointed towards a small bamboo hut with people dancing whilst some sat down enjoying a few drinks.
" You're a complete stranger"
" Don't worry I'm not asking you to sleep with me"
He spoke laughing a little making me raise my eyebrow as a form of expression seeing his smile falter away.
" Sorry. Seriously it'd be cool, I'm the DJ there and it looks like you need some company" The man spoke making me sigh, a part of me wanted to decline and tell him to do one, but another part argued against it and instead I found myself walking with the man, who was not so much of a stranger. His name was Tariq and he had been a DJ for the past four years.
The moment we walked inside the large bamboo hut, I realised Tariq was a bit of a celebrity as everyone cheered for him whilst he raised his hand greeting everyone.
" Hey Tariq would you have a notepad and a pencil?" I asked all of a sudden as he walked towards his laptop and gave me a strange look before he nodded.
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