《Forbidden》chapter nineteen
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There was a certain silence to the night. A deep havoc silence that whistled through the chilly mountains.
There was a heavy weight crawling through the air and somehow even the moon hid behind the clouds, almost too scared to come out.
I could feel my heart sinking all of a sudden; almost as if a needle piercing its threads had been stitched to it, pulling it down. Forcing it to sink further and further.
The sudden chill from the night made it's way through the open windows making me inhale sharply and wrap my arms across my body. The cream shawl did no justice either as I tried searching for the stars, but even they had left tonight.
A small knock from the door had me glancing over my shoulder. Clearing my throat, I slowly pushed the windows to a close before walking towards the door. Feeling my feet flinch from the cold.
Opening the door, I was greeted to the sight of green eyes from the other end. Looking upwards at the tall man, he was dressed in a cream jumper as he briefly looked towards me then at the floor.
" Kenan is everything okay?" I asked nervously, unaccustomed to the look on his face, which usually was painted with a smile.
" All good Farya, just checking how you were" He spoke turning his face away making me furrow my eyebrows. Noticing something was off with the man.
" And you've come to ask me that at Eleven in the night?" I spoke seeing the man nod before he looked towards me, as if to convince me that those were his intentions.
" I was erh actually hungry and everyone is asleep. So would you be able to tell me the ingredients for Menemen?" Kenan asked scratching the back of his head nervously making my eyes widen.
Holding back a smile I nodded, seeing the man give me a brief smile before he walked down the stairs.
And I thought something had happened. I mentally whispered before closing the door behind me, I followed after kenan towards the kitchen seeing him stand there awkwardly. Almost like a child when in trouble.
" So what's first?" Kenan asked making me clear my throat and look around the spotless kitchen.
" Why don't you take a seat and I'll make it for you, hmm?" I asked seeing him shrug before he sat down whilst I grabbed all the ingredients which didn't consist of much.
There was gnawing feeling at the bottom of my heart, if Esma or Murat came they would jump to conclusion, but then again this was Kenan.He wasn't a stranger.
In the midst of cracking the egg on to the pan and adding the already cut tomatoes, peppers and some coriander, I found myself speaking making Kenan look at me.
" What's wrong Kenan?" I asked placing a lid on the pan and turning towards the man, who sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair.
" I- Farya. When I first saw you, I didn't think you'd be the person that you are-?"
He started making me raise my eyebrows and look at the man hearing him clear his throat.
" What I mean is, you're a good woman. You have a pure heart especially from the kind of family you're from" He spoke making me squint my eyes at him. Even though I knew Kenan didn't mean it as an insult, I felt a pang of hurt flutter through my chest.
My family wasn't always like this.
" If you're trying to compliment me because I cooked you food. It isn't working" I said turning around and turning the stove off. Reaching towards a plate, I held a small cloth, gripping against the pans handle before placing the Menemen on to the plate with great difficulty before I placed it before Kenan.
" Dig in" I murmured grabbing a loaf of bread and placing that beside him. Sighing softly, I sat opposite the man, occasionally taking a bite.
" You know, I don't get all this. I never will, this whole family feud" I spoke taking a sip from my water hearing Kenan clear his throat and lean back on the chair.
" I don't either but it runs too deep to be questioned. It's all money, lands and a woman" Kenan spoke through a mouthful making my eyes widen and look at him.
" A Woman?"
I asked seeing Kenan shrug his shoulder and nod. Sitting up a little more, I placed my arms on to the large table seeing Kenan eat.
" I think I'm too tired or else I wouldn't be telling you this" The man commented as he drank from his glass and shook his head, as if to shake his sleep off.
" Long ago there were two best friends who loved each other yada yada- they were both very rich and good looking and then along comes a woman one day-"
" That's enough Kenan"
A voice snapped all of a sudden making me jump up a little. Shocked at the anger in those words. Looking upwards I felt my eyes landing on Elder Ali who stood at the hallway, his eyes boring on to Kenan who now looked a little uncomfortable.
" Elder Ali" I greeted seeing the man look away from Kenan and towards me. A kind look on his face making me visibly relax.
" Daughter what is this? You're cooking for Kenan and you don't invite me?" The older man spoke making me smile and stand up. Pulling out a chair, the man chuckled a little before he took a seat beside me.
" Now this is something to be greeted to after prayers, especially in the cold I had to walk in" Elder Ali spoke as he whispered a small prayer and started eating the egg dish.
Glancing towards Kenan, I could see there was mixed emotions on the man's face as he glanced wearily at Elder Ali beside me before looking back.
" I think I should go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow" I spoke after a while, greeting the two men who nodded and wished me a good night, elder Ali more so than Kenan.
Walking up the old stairs, I could hear it creak a little as I made my way to the top before walking inside my room. Taking the shawl wrapped around my arms, I found myself approaching my bed before I laid down feeling exhaustion slowly slipper through me.
The last thing that ran through my head was Kenan's confession. There was a woman.
Just as I closed my eyes, I felt time slip through and as it did, for a month had passed and each day was like a battlefield in this house.
This particular day was proving to be extra difficult as Esma had a 'few' people around for Mirya's birthday and somehow me and Elif ended up in the kitchen for the most generous part of the day.
A few friends of Mirya came as well and the house was decorated with balloons and unicorn decorations, as Mirya seemed to be a huge fan of unicorns.
Drying the plates I had washed, I looked towards Elif adjusting her hair in the mirror before she pulled it in to a loose bun allowing a few strands to fall. She really was beautiful, anyone with eyes could see that except the woman herself.
" If I were you. I'd leave it open" I spoke causally seeing the woman shake her head as if I had just asked her to jump off a cliff.
" Or maybe not" I teased hearing her laugh a little before she went in search for Mirya who was probably on the verge of damaging her vocal chords, with the amount of times she called her mom.
Wiping my hands, I ran them across the cream knitted dress. Glancing at my reflection through the glass, I almost didn't recognise the woman before me. She looked so lost, so sad.
Closing my eyes I felt my mind wander to Moustafa. He had been gone for over a month and during that period, he hadn't called home.
I mean - it wasn't that I'd expect him to call me or anything- but he hadn't called anyone in the house and they didn't seemed fazed either. Almost as if they were used to this.
Turning around, I found myself walking towards the stairs when I heard voices from the room making me tense, my steps faltering.
" My heart does ache for you Esma. You are a strong woman- having to see your sons killer in your house share a bed with your eldest. My heart sends peace upon yours"
An unfamiliar voice spoke making my stomach drop hearing Esma speak. Her cold words sending chills down my spine.
" I pray to God that the arrogance she has is shredded away. That she becomes so broken, with such pain that nothing can revive her back"
Esma spoke as I gripped on to the stairs handle feeling my throat clog up and a wave of chills run through my body. They say a bad omen whispered by a wounded heart does go somewhere, how was I to know it'd strike me so soon.
" Farya come I need your help"
A voice called behind me making me glance over my shoulder and look towards Kenan suddenly.
" What is it" I spoke clearing my throat seeing the man walk towards me. A grin on his face as he held a pair of keys in front of me.
" We need to pick Mirya's cake and because you've worked so hard. I'll let you drive" Kenan juggled the keys in front of me, almost to tempt me making me roll my eyes and reach forward. I needed to get out of here, and if that was to pick Mirya's birthday cake then so be it.
" That's the spirit" He grinned placing the keys in my hand as I walked towards the door way and easily reached towards my jacket.
" There's nothing hotter than a woman in a leather jacket" Kenan grinned behind me making me glare at him. Raising his hand in surrender I let him take the lead as we walked out of the house, now approaching a black car.
I could feel my heart halt for a brief moment. Images of the car crash flashing before me. The blood suddenly rushed from my fingertips as I felt it throat clogging up.
" Kenan" I murmured seeing the man stand in front of me. A foot or two taller. His warm hand suddenly reached towards my cheeks, as he brushed my hair strand to the side. The act leaving me surprised.
" I know, but the best way to overcome your fears is to face them" He spoke seriously, his voice calm yet there was authority in his words making me nod. Surprised that Kenan could be serious.
Inhaling a deep breath, I walked towards the door before opening it. Sitting inside the car, I felt Kenan sit beside me at the front. Now waiting for me.
Rubbing my hands on to my dress, I placed the keys inside before turning it hearing the engine come to life. Glancing towards Kenan, he gave me a encouraging smile before he nodded.
Mustering courage that I didn't know I held, I started the car, driving out of the large patio and now on to the road.
" I knew you could do it. Now here's the direction, follow it"
Kenan spoke putting the display screen on and typing in the address. The good thing was, the bakery was only Fifteen minutes away, the bad thing was, it was on the same road the car accident happened.
To say I was grateful when we approached the small bakery would be an understatement. Parking the car at an empty spot, Kenan stepped out allowing me to step out and follow the man. Stalking inside the warm looking bakery, I was greeted to the sight of Kenan grinning at an old lady who had a maroon scarf wrapped around her hair, showing the front part of her greying strands.
" You wound me, I am too young you say? Why I never in a million thoughts love was an age thing" Kenan argued, what seemed like a reasonable response, making the older woman laugh and shake her head.
" I give up. I can't win with you, here's is the cake and give Mirya my love" The woman spoke as her eyes briefly flickered towards me making me smile kindly at the woman. Returning the gesture, she handed the cake to Kenan who continued to hit on her.
I didn't know Kenan had a thing for older women.
Walking out of the bakery, I fell my eyes landing on the building across the street, seeing a few men dressed in black suits walk out. I recalled the times men like them guarded our house. Day by day they were there. Almost like a part of the architecture.
Sighing softly, I rounded towards the car. Opening it, my gaze landed on to the reflection of the window, and it was as the universe had planned for me to look upwards just in that moment.
The world around me froze and I felt my knees given in seeing a tall figure walk out of the lavish looking building. Almost like the king, the man had security guards around him, as he took his shades off revealing his dark blue eyes.
I could feel my heart skip a beat as I stared ahead at the man now sitting inside the car.
Tears suddenly blurred my vision seeing Agha next to him, as the two men sat inside the car which now drove off. A part of me felt like a little child again, I wanted to run towards the car. Towards Baba and Agha, the men who had raised me. I wanted them to stop the car and for Baba to come out and hug me, like he did all those years back.
Closing my eyes, I felt the tears sting as I inhaled a sharp breath remembering how baba stood in the other room whilst my mother whipped my back.
Breath Farya!
I mentally whispered feeling a tap on my shoulder. Glancing towards the side my gaze landed on Kenan standing beside me with a frown on his face.
" What's up bunny?" He asked making me roll my eyes at his newly found name for me. Bunny.
" Nothing. I just erh-i want to go home" I murmured seeing the man nod and he knew something was off but he didn't question it.
Walking around the car, the man took a seat making me glance around before opening the car door further. Taking a seat I found myself turning the car on before reversing, driving the car from the bakery and now down the road, I felt tears blur my vision making me clear my throat and blink them away.
" Who did you see Farya" Kenan spoke beside me making me shake my head and continue on driving.
" No one" I replied back. Gripping against the steering wheel, I figured if I ignored it and focused on the road. It'll probably be more easier and that's what I did. I focused on the road ahead.
" One day me and Elif got in to a fight because she had one those slingshot, so anyway. I cried for three hours wanting to have the slingshot but Elif was adamant. She wasn't going to give it to me despite how much I cried. Her Mom ended up giving me the slingshot"
Kenan spoke as he remembered the day, a smile on his face making me glance at him briefly before looking at the road ahead.
" When I got it. I felt happy but when I looked at Elif. She was upset and it made me realise that no matter what worldly things came across. The love I had for her was beyond all that" He spoke sounded like a philosopher of the decade making me nod and look at him.
" And what did you do. Give it back?" I asked seeing the man give me an absurd look whilst shaking his head.
" You crazy bunny? Of course I didn't. Your boy don't play like that" He spoke in what was a horrible attempt at East-London accent.
Silence fell on us as I found myself driving towards the familiar driveway seeing large black cars parked near the patio. Glancing towards Kenan the man looked at me unfazed as I stopped the car near the gates.
" What's going on?"
" Go check for yourself bunny"
The man commented, stepping out of the car, I felt warm breeze wash over me seeing the bright sun flicker across the large courtyard and on to the open doors to the house.
I could feel my stomach turn all of a sudden as I walked further and now entering the house.
It was as though the house had somehow felt more bright than ever. Almost like a lost soul had returned home. Glancing around, the hallway was empty as I looked over my shoulder at the room hearing giggling and laughter. My eyes landed on Murat with Mirya in his arms as he danced with the girl whilst Elif looked on.
Smiling at the scene before me, I slowly slipped out of my heels and walked inside the open kitchen. Placing my keys on the counter, my gaze landed on a large envelope.
That's strange. It wasn't there before.
I thought hearing Kenan yell for me. Looking upwards the man came in to the kitchen with an exasperated look om his face.
" What do you think you're doing. Get in here we're cutting the cake" Kenan spoke reaching towards my hand and practically pulling me behind him.
" Kenan stop" I protested but he was having none of it as he walked inside the packed the room. My gaze landed across the large crowd clapping in excitement as Mirya stood at the centre of the room with her cake on the brown table. Closing her eyes tightly, the little girl whispered something before she opened her eyes and blew her candles making the room erupt in to cheers.
" Smile. It looks good on you" A voice spoke beside me making me look towards Kenan seeing him stand beside me. His tall figure heightening over mine.
" Yes daddy"
" Don't give me ideas"
He grinned in response causing me to gasp and smack his shoulder playfully.
" I need to check on the food" I murmured walking away from the man hearing him laugh loudly. Walking towards the table where the envelope was placed, I felt surprise float through me seeing it addressed to me.
Farya Al-Khizan
Holding the envelope in my hands, I felt a surge of nerveness float through me. Not knowing who sent this envelope, or what it contained inside.
Unless it was from Deniz and it was with breakdown of the will- but then Deniz did say he was still working on it.
Shrugging my shoulder, I proceeded forward and started opening even though with the passing second I felt my stomach drop.
" Farya" A deep voice spoke behind me as I felt a chill creep down my body. I could feel my muscle tense feeling my eyes widen. Turning around ever so slowly, my gaze landed on the figure standing at the door way.
It was as though the world had halted for us in that moment. Perplexed my gaze remained on the man before me. It almost felt like a mirage seeing him stand there, in his long black coat.
His face was now sporting a small beard as he walked further inside, his grey eyes trained on me. Almost like a hawk.
" Moustafa"
A voice called from the room as I stared at Esma walking out of the room, now embracing her son who hugged her back, before holding Mirya in his arms and showering her with kisses making her giggle.
The sight of Moustafa holding Mirya in his arms made something within warm up. What if one day we have-
Shaking the thought, I turned around and slowly opened the envelope slowly. The first thing I was greeted to was a note in black ink.
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