《Forbidden》chapter eighteen
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The time read exactly Twelve. Midnight. The two arrows pointing at the digits on the wristwatch. Almost as if they had come to stop for something and a start to another.
Looking down, it had been exactly two hours since he left home.
Was I counting?
Moustafa thought closing his eyes as he leaned back for a brief moment. Darkness invaded his mind as he tried breathing in. The sounds of the jet numbing his ears.
Everywhere he looked, he realised everyone was succumbing in to the darkness and somehow during the peak of midnight he found himself a traveller with the winds.
He could feel the images of hazel eyes flashing before him. Long locks of brown hair cascading against the winds; it all played like a mirage and it didn't take a genius to know who it was.
Just the sound of her name made something within clench. The idea of not seeing her for the next few months didn't settle well with him. He knew she wasn't like most women.
She wasn't hard to please. Everything she saw, she appreciated it and that's what striked him the first time.
It was almost as though she was looking at the world through a stained glass. Seeing colours in places where there was utter destruction.
It irked him that Farya never complained. Never told him what the truth was. No matter what she went through, there was a smile on her face. To this day, he'd never truly admit the reason why he married her, was it for revenge, or was it because-
Sighing, he rubbed his hand across his face. Trying to get rid of her thoughts but each time it came back stronger.
Moustafa couldn't quite figure out when he fell asleep yet the moment he found himself under the stars, walking down the beach. He knew he was dreaming, and that of someone.
He could see a woman sitting on the sand, near the shores. Her knees hugged to her chest. Long locks of brown fell across her thin form as her hands moved slightly.
Moustafa felt his eyes focus on the movement of the woman's hands and as if knowing he was behind her. She slowly turned around.
He could feel his breathing halt for that split second. Striking hazel eyes stared at him. Almost as though the stars above him had poured in them. A soft look crossed her face as she reached her hand out to him and smiled. A smile that took his heart away.
" Farya"
" Moustafa! We're here"
A voice suddenly spoke making his eyes snap open and land on blue ones before him. It took him a moment to come to terms with his surroundings, before it dawned on him. It was just a dream.
Clearing his throat, he glanced around the jet realising they had landed and everyone was waiting for him.
" We've landed"
Ahmet spoke making Moustafa nod. Standing up, he ran a hand across his face before he reached to his duffel bag and walked to the doors.
" Always a pleasure flying with you Mr.Aydin" The pilot spoke as Moustafa shook his hand with the man. Thanking him for the safe journey.
" Thank you Lucas" Moustafa spoke back before he walked down the stairs feeling his eyes landing on the black car waiting for them. Holding his duffel bag in his left hand, he reached the car seeing the driver open the doors for them.
The cool morning air rushed through his body; like sharp pins being pierced on to ones flesh. Despite his suit, he could still feel a cold shiver run down his body.
" Good morning Mr. Aydin. How was your flight?"
The driver asked as Moustafa sat down, feeling his eyes land on the older man. Seeing his crispy white hair brushed backwards as he wore his tailored black suit. A smile on his face.
" It was good. How are you Zayed" Moustafa spoke and he could see the look of surprise on the man's face before he nodded and started the car.
" All good, with the grace of God" The man spoke as they started driving away from the airport and now leading towards the main roads of Istanbul.
" I'm tired. I'm going to lay down as soon as we reach" Ahmet spoke making Moustafa nod seeing his friend rub his eyes. Clearly exhausted from the flight. Even if it was one hour.
Moustafa had known Ahmet since college. They went to the same university together and even went in to the army together. Both doing an extended three years after their Mandatory service. Ahmet was a good man, thanks to him, he was still sane.
" You do that" Moustafa commented monotone, but then again they were all used to him. The man was like an enigma, unable to be solved. Rolling his eyes at him, Ahmet closed his whilst Moustafa looked out of the window. Staring at everything yet at the same time nothing.
He could feel his breathing hitch for a split moment as his eyes landed on the water, and towards the deck where he took Farya the first time.
It all came rushing back, like a monsoon rain. Drenching the floor. He recalled the moment he found out Farya's identity. Her full name and her family. The unfamiliar feeling crawled down his stomach recalling that day.
" Her name is Farya. She's twenty and currently in university doing arts degree. She shifted back to Turkey last year"
Tahir voice rang in his ears as the man spoke over the phone. Leaving Moustafa dumb founded.
" She's the daughter of Fatih Al-Khizan. Just so you know"
Moustafa didn't know if he wanted the world to split open as he closed his eyes. Images of her form sitting in the mosque flashed before him.
The way her hands were formed in a crescent shape and how her large eyes were closed tightly. Strands of brown hair came across her face despite her veil. And when she opened her eyes and stared straight at him. He felt something within come to life seeing the woman giving him a heart stopping smile.
How could that be Fatih's daughter. As far as he knew, they only had a son. How has he managed to keep her hidden from the world for all these years. All those thoughts ran through his mind as Tahir spoke from the other end.
He traced her down, blinded by anger and revenge. He looked everywhere for her. It was the perfect moment. He would take revenge for Hamza. He'd take revenge for his family, yet as he stood under the midnight sky.
His hand reaching towards his gun, he felt the world halt seeing the young woman sit on the sand. Her large eyes gazing above at the stars, almost as if she was whispering a prayer.
He could have easily shot her that night. It'll all be done with, nobody would know who did it. Yet he couldn't, he couldn't physically pull the trigger and what did he do instead.
He helped her when the glass split her skin open. Images of her hands wrapping around his shoulder burned his mind. Almost as if they were mocking him. He shouldn't be feeling so riled up. It was an innocent act yet the images still haunted his mind.
As much as he didn't want to admit it. Farya meant much more to him than meets the eye.
" I just got a text from the buyers" A voice snapped Moustafa out of his thoughts. Easily looking towards his friend, Ahmet certainly looked annoyed and rather tired as he assessed his phone.
" They want us to meet at a club. In an hour, they probably knew we were coming today"
Ahmet spoke in detest and Moustafa had to control his urge to smile. He knew Ahmet wasn't exactly keen on this deal, and neither was he. But it was good business and that's what lead them here.
" I hate clubs" Ahmet muttered under his breath making Moustafa nod. Of course he'd hate clubs. They had been his reckoning, Ahmet wasn't always the man before him. He had lost himself to drugs and alcohol a few years back. Every night Moustafa would wake up to a call demanding Ahmet be picked up and that at various locations. He was on the verge of killing himself, yet something happened. He could still remember the day he gave it up.
It was the day he found out he had a daughter.
Everything changed for him and now just the name of a club brings cold sweats on his body.
In a way, he was glad Ahmet had given up his way. At least now he was a changed man and nothing could steer him back.
" Alright Zayed here's the directions. We'll only be there for an hour" Ahmet spoke sending Zayed the location to the club making the older man nod.
Leaning against his seat Moustafa closed his eyes momentarily. He could almost feel his wife's arms around him. The way they both danced to the music, almost as if they were in their own little world. A world of fantasy that soon came to a crash as the car stopped and Moustafa stepped out.
Inhaling the cool Istanbul air, he felt it brush across his face. Making him inhale sharply and adjust his suit.
Closing the car door, he ran a hand across his hair as he turned and looked at the sea before him.
In that moment it was as though the world had split open as he felt her soft words reaching his ears. The way her hands held on to his shoulders, almost as if he was her saviour.
" Come back home soon, Moustafa"
Opening his eyes, he took a deep breath before wiping all emotions off his face and walking towards the club with Ahmet beside him.
Moustafa wasn't a man of many words yet his presence demanded respect. The way he walked was those of a King, with an army behind him. Placing his hands to the side, he felt eyes on him yet he didn't bother to look.
The doors immediately opened and even the bouncer didn't need any identifications to know who Moustafa was.
He had a reputation. A side of him which not many people knew of.
Taking a step inside the large hall filled with sweaty bodies and loud music. Moustafa felt dark colours flash across his face as he walked down and straight towards the stairs where he spotted the men who were meeting them.
Ahmet beside him walked at his own pace, with his chest puffed out and his eyes now cold at the sight before him.
Taking easy steps, all eyes were trained on him, particularly from the female crowd. It was no brainer that he was a handsome man. With sharp jawline and stubble and his raven black hair, Moustafa was a sight to behold, yet through the crowd of hundreds. He only wanted to see one one pair of eyes on him.
The moment he reached the secluded area of the club, the loud music once blaring through his ears succumbed and Moustafa could almost think again. Looking around, he felt Ahmet point towards a group of three men sitting at a table, lost in a discreet like conversation.
Clearing his throat, Moustafa stood a little taller, his head held high as he took large steady steps towards the men seeing their eyes land on them and immediately stand up.
Moustafa hid back a smirk, knowing all too well that these men recognised his presence.
" Mr. Aydin, it's a pleasure seeing you here today. I'm Russolvo, this is Vincent and Tobias" Russolvo spoke in a thick accent, introducing the two men beside him who looked around their mid forties.
Shaking their hands, Moustafa sat down beside Ahmet as Russolvo called the waiter. He could feel his eyes landing on the young woman dressed in a black uniform walk towards them. A polite smile on her face.
Something about seeing the young woman and Tobias greedy eyes staring at her made his stomach clench. She wasn't a trophy to be stared at. She was a woman.
" Two vodkas, and gentlemen?" Russolvo spoke looking towards him and Ahmet.
" I don't drink I'd like some coke and Moustafa-"
" Water should be fine"
Moustafa spoke seeing the young woman nod as she walked away. Glancing towards Tobias he could see the man's eyes fixated on the waiter. A dark look playing in them making him clench his jaw in anger.
" They say a man's action speak louder than words" Moustafa spoke in a cold tone earning the attention from the men around him. Tobias who was busy staring at the young woman was last to look at him making Moustafa give a cold smile and lean back on his seat. Knowing already he wasn't going to buy any of the shares they were offering.
" Of course, if you'll excuse me gentlemen I need to use the washroom"
Tobias spoke as he stood up and walked down the hallway allowing Russolvo to pitch in his ideas and weigh his pros for why they should invest in their company.
Somewhere along the conversation the sleazy man came back and despite being genuinely interested in what Russolvo was offering, Moustafa knew he wouldn't be investing in their company.
The drinks were brought to the table and surprisingly the conversation was going steady till Tobias sat up a little, his brown eyes lingering on Moustafa before he spoke. His tone curious.
" I heard you married your brothers killers. That's messed up. I didn't expect that from you especially with your reputation. Weren't you called 'Hawk'. The best of the best. A sni-"
The minute those words reached Moustafa ears it was as though something had sprung within. Almost like a lighter being ignited in the dark.
Utter silence fell across the table and Tobias could feel his heart beating loudly as he stared at the man before him. Seeing his grey eyes flare up and his jaw clenching tightly.
" I think that's all for tonight- men I shall see you when we've come to a deal. Right Moustafa?" Ahmet spoke hesitantly placing his hand on the man's shoulders. Trying to hold him still.
It was as though something possessed the man, as he suddenly stood up. His large figure stalking towards Tobias quaking figure. Almost demonic like, he pulled the man by his collar before slamming him against the glass railings hearing the man yelp and shouting beside him.
Anger became his master, seeing his fingers wrap around the man's throat. His attempt to breath now slipping by each second.
" Talk about my fucking wife again and I'll have your tongue ripped out" He growled slamming his fists on the man's face repeatedly seeing blood pouring down his worthless mouth.
A large hand reached towards his shoulder before he was pulled back. Ahmet's scared eyes stared back at Moustafa. Trying to bring him back reality yet his mind was hazy, nothing was making sense.
" Moustafa calm down. Go get some fresh air. I'll get them escorted out"
Ahmet spoke as he signalled for one of the guards who walked towards them. Inwardly groaning Moustafa pushed past the men and towards the end of the club seeing an open balcony.
Growling he slammed his fists against the wall seeing blood smear his knuckles. As he tried taking deep breaths.
There was darkness when Moustafa closed his eyes, no doubtedly that's the first sight everyone is greeted to. A shiver ran down his spine as he tried taking in some more deep breaths.
The cool morning air brush against his face as he tried calming his breathing. The burden of his sins weighing on his chest. Lost in darkness he tried finding his home, yet he knew he had left it behind.
Clenching his fists and letting it free from the hold. He opened his eyes and stared at the sea before him. Seeing the waves crash against the shores and through the glamour and city lights he searched for that one thing that was true and not a deceit.
He shouldn't have lost his temper, heck he couldn't remember the last time he let his anger overpower him but just the sight is Tobias smirking face made him see red.
Running a hand through his hair, he felt a few of the strands fall across his face as he turned around and walked back inside the building.
Greeted to the blaring music, Moustafa almost forgot his thoughts as he walked down the the private sector. His head was spinning and his throat dry yet he knew this was all the work of anger.
Nearing the stairs, he could feel eyes on him. Ignoring the looks he received, he walked with ease down the steps.
His eyes fell easily across the women hanging near the railing and he could see one of them reach towards him. Moustafa knew she was an attractive women, with dark blonde hair and large green eyes. The little piece she wore had the men turning their heads yet as he looked her. He felt no desire.
" Hi handsome"
She murmured sultry as she reached towards his face. Her finger brushing against his jaw making Moustafa look towards the woman. His face emotionless and his eyes a shade darker.
He could see the woman visibly pale before him as she cleared her throat and backed away making the man turn around and walk further down.
Glancing at the dance floor he could see hundreds of bodies dancing. Each one lost to the music. The smell of alcohol and sweat drifted through his nose and he had to force himself to not throw up.
He could feel his eyes flinch from the bright colours swarming the club. Glancing around, his gaze landed on the bar as he took easy step forward. His strides strong and with a purpose.
The man behind the bar looked at Moustafa walking towards him. He could feel his grey eyes assessing his surroundings making him swallow sharply and force a nonchalant look.
" Hello sir, how can I help?" The bartender spoke making Moustafa reach towards his blazer causing the young man to take a step back, the act not going unnoticed by Moustafa.
" Give this to Russolvo. He'll know what it is" Moustafa spoke simply as he placed a black business card on the till allowing the young man to reach forward and inspect the blank card. Confusion settled within him yet he dared not to question and instead he nodded his head and glanced upwards, now greeted to the man's retreating back.
Moustafa had it all planned out, which he did most of the time; he'd leave the club and go to his hotel and the next day he'd leave for Berlin. Everything was ready for his business trip. He even had the hotel staff iron his clothes.
It was all set in motion yet what he didn't expect was through the flashing lights, a hand reaching towards his and holding on to it lightly. Much like any other person, he reacted, yet it wasn't immediate. It was a calm reaction as he glanced upwards. His eyes landing on large hazel eyes before him.
Moustafa almost forgot how to breath as he stared at the sight before him. It was as though he was slipping in to oblivion as he stared at the woman before him. Dressed in a red dress with her long locks of brown cascading down her back. Black kohl liner decorated her hyptonic eyes as she smiled sweetly at him, and slowly disappeared in to the crowd.
It took him almost a moment to realise what was happening as he shook his head and stared at the spot the woman once stood at.
This is a trick!
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