《Forbidden》Chapter 11...


Hunter stayed through my entire shift, his eyes never once leaving me as I went from table to table. If it was anyone else I would have found it extremely creepy. I purposely walked by his table every few moments and sent him little winks.

Teasing him and knowing he couldn't do anything in return made me feel slightly...powerful. It gave me an upper hand that I found myself liking. With every pass of his table I could feel the sexual tension building between us. Every inch of me felt alive as I worked. I knew tonight I wouldn't be going home alone that is for sure.

With Hunter there it somehow made work go by faster. Before I knew it 9:30 and my shift was done. Not being able to take any more teasing I quickly took off my apron, grabbed my stuff and headed towards Hunter's booth.

"All done?" His eyes landed first one my breasts then my face.

"Yep." When Hunter stood up to his full height I licked my lips. I loved that he was so much taller than me.

With a hand on my lower back Hunter lead us out of the bar towards the parking lot. We weren't even halfway to his car when his phone suddenly started to ring. He growled under his breath before digging his phone out of his pocket.

I stood there silently as he talked to whoever it was on the phone. Only being able to hear his side I could tell Hunter wasn't liking what was being said. A minute later he sighed and ended the call.

"Sorry that was my friend. He is going through some relationship issues at the moment."

"Is he okay?"

"I think so." Hearing the uncertainty in his voice I knew his head was now with his friend. Placing a hand on his arm I drew his attention back to me.


"You should go see him." As much as I wanted to take him home with my tonight I knew it would be selfish. His friend sounded like he needed him.


"Seriously it is fine. Go see him and make sure he's okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Plus I'll see you tomorrow in class Professor."

"He is such a cock-block." Hunter mumbled. Laughing I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. The bold move surprised the both of us. Hunter's hands come to grab my waist. "I'll make it up to you."

"Yes you will." I grinned. "But no worries I have some studying to do anyways. Got to show up to your class prepared."

"Yes you do. Just cause you are sleeping with the professor doesn't mean you can slack off."

"So you aren't going to pass me because we are sleeping together?" I pouted. "Not even if I did something special for you?" I put emphasis on the word 'special'.

"Hmm I could be persuaded." The naughty look was back in his eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind." Leaning forward I pressed my lips to his.

Our kiss was soft and sweet. His grip on my waist tightened and pulled me closer. My back arches pushing my chest into his. We finally broke apart. My lips tingled and ached to kiss his lips again.

"You better go."

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." With another sweet kiss Hunter let me go. He walked backwards towards his car, his eyes never leaving mine. My heart swelled at the cute smile he had on his face as he watched me. "Be good, kitten!" He yelled as he reached his car.

With him thankfully far enough away he couldn't see my pink cheeks.


"Won't make any promises." I called back. Seeing him get in his car I walked over to mine that was two cars to my left. As I got in my car and started it my phone binged with a text.

Hunter: I'll dream of you in that outfit, kitten.

I liked the nickname even if it turned me on. Sending him a winking emoji I backed out of the parking lot and headed home.

The next morning I was got up earlier than I normally do. I was so excited to see Hunter that I didn't even care I had over an hour until class started. I dreamt about him last night and it just made me want to see him that much more.

In some ways I did think our relationship was moving pretty fast but in others I felt so comfortable with Hunter. Maybe it was because we did sleep together when we first met but whatever it was I wasn't going to complain about it. For the first time in my life I actually felt like this could go somewhere.

I was finally doing something for myself and I was surprisingly happy. I use to shy away from relationships. Knowing that my mom left my dad shortly after I was born made me see love in a different way. I didn't ever want to get that close to someone and have them suddenly leave.

Then my dad passed away, leaving me all alone. After him I couldn't bring myself to get that close to anyone. In the small relationships I did I kept them at arms length, and I never really felt bad that they ended. It was just easier that way.

But then Hunter came along. From the moment we met things have changed...I have changed. I had a one night stand for crying out loud. And it wasn't until yesterday that I realized I had been smiling all day long. For the life of me I couldn't remember a time I smiled that much, especially in the last three years.

Sitting there in my room so early in the morning I came to the realization that I didn't need to have known Hunter for years to feel the way I do. So what it has been a total of five days since we met. Sometimes you can feel more in those five days then you could in five years with someone.

With that in mind I got ready with an even bigger grin on my face.

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