《Forbidden》Chapter 12....


An hour later I walked into my history class and instantly my eyes landed on Hunter. I was a good ten minutes early so there weren't many people here just yet. With a sly grin I made my way to the seat I sat in last time. Now I was glad I picked the seat directly in front of Hunter's desk.

Hunter was engrossed in something in front of him so I made a big show of sitting down. My bag loudly hit the floor making him look up. When he noticed it was me a grin grew on his face. My own grew.

I swear every time I see him he just gets handsomer. My eyes looked him over. His dark hair was styled in the same sexy, slicked back way with a few pieces of long hair hanging down his forehead. Today he wore a deep dark green button up shirt that just made his eyes look even prettier. It hugged his upper body so perfectly and I wanted nothing more than to rip that shirt off and trail my lips across the muscles underneath.

Thankfully my seat was situated just perfectly that I was close enough to his desk to hear him talk and others in the room wouldn't.

"Right on time Ms. Gillian. Did you sleep well?" If anyone did hear they would think we were just engaging in simple talk but I caught the underlying meaning to his words.

Around 11 o'clock last night Hunter texted me when he got home. We talked about random stuff for a bit before things got...spicy. We ended up texting one another things that shouldn't ever be repeated. It was finally around two in the morning that we called it a night.

Just thinking about our texts last night made my core tighten and I shifted in my seat. Hunter noticed the movement and his jaw flexed.


"I did Mr. Davis. Thank you." His eyes darkened at my words and inwardly grinned. Definitely going to have to remember that for later on.

"I'm glad. Don't want my students not paying attention in class from lack of sleep."

"Oh no I am all rested up Professor."

Unfortunately our little banter was cut short as more students filed in. Still wanting to keep our new relationship under wraps Hunter stood up, but not before sending me a sly smirk.

Once the bell rang Hunter went into his teaching mode. I watched as he shifted to confident professor as he spoke to the class; not at all intimidated by the hundreds of eyes on him.

"Good morning class. Lets get started on Chapter 4 shall we?"

Throughout the 2 hour lecture my eyes never once left Hunter. He moved around the room talking excitedly about events that lead to the colonies. Pushing aside my feelings towards him I felt myself drawn into his lecture; as did everyone else.

Everyone around me was just as fixated on what he was talking about. He was a very good professor. He involved everyone with questions and the way he spoke and described things made it feel more personable somehow. My past history teachers would just boringly state facts that happened in history and that was it. With Hunter he was the exact opposite.

By the end of class I realized I hadn't taken much notes down, too involved in his story telling of events. When he dismissed us everyone didn't seem as eager to leave as with other classes. Wanting to keep college students in class longer than the two hours needed was a miracle. No wonder he was teaching college students at 28.

As everyone left the classroom I slowly gathered my things. Hunter talked to a few students and I waited my time. When I couldn't wait any longer because of my next class I got up. With no real opportunity to get him alone I headed for the door.


Right before I reached the door his voice stopped me.

"Ms. Gillian I'd like to see you back here at 3. I want to discuss a matter with you."

I felt peoples gazes on us. Behind me I heard a few girls ask each other why he wanted to see me. All of it made me smirk. Little did they know that when I came back at 3 Hunter and I would be doing more than just talking.

"Looking forward to it Professor." I said over my shoulder to him, a huge grin plastered on my face, my eyes shining with later promises.

As I walked down the hallway to my next class I thought back to what Hunter said to me the other day, "Things that are forbidden are the best things".

And he was right. Knowing that our relationship between Professor and Student was forbidden just made me want to see him even more. Besides it being taboo and against school rules, I knew there was something between us. Something neither of us could just brush off and continue with our lives like nothing ever happened.

I wasn't sure where we would end up. Maybe we will continue on dating after the semester is over, or maybe a bit down the road we won't work anymore. But as of right now I wanted nothing more than to see the guy that is my professor, and who makes me feel like I'm alive.

Hunter Davis was someone I didn't care about breaking the rules for.

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