《Forbidden》Chapter 10...


Despite how much I wanted to spend more time with Hunter and take him back to my place I knew it was best I didn't. I had homework to do and I also needed to get my head straight. If I stayed around Hunter much longer I'd forget the deal I made with myself earlier.

Thankfully Hunter understood and kindly drove me back to campus to get my car. When we got to my car I didn't want to leave. Just the mere presence of Hunter made me feel...good. However I forced myself to grab my back and unbuckle my seat belt.

"Tera wait." Instantly my hand stopped inches from opening the door. "You didn't give me your number."

"How do I know you won't booty call me at 2 in the morning?" I raised an eyebrow at him but my hand reached for my phone.

"You won't...I'll just ask for nudes." He grinned. Rolling my eyes I handed him my phone. Like I was really going to say no to having his number. When he handed me my phone back I noticed he texted himself.

"Thank you for dinner Hunter."

"Anytime." The sun was starting to set making it hard for me to see his face clearly but I could see the lust gathering in his eyes. Before either of us could do something stupid I opened my door.

"Goodnight Hunter." With a smile I got out. and shut the door. As I backed away the window rolled down, Hunter leaning forward to see me.

"Goodnight Tera."

Feeling like a giddy high school girl I walked over to my car and slid into the drivers seat. Hunter still sat there in his car waiting for me. Such a gentlemen. I thought. With one last wave I backed out and headed towards home.

The entire car ride I had a stupid grin on my face. Hunter's face was front and center in my mind and I knew it wasn't going to leave anytime soon. Not that I minded.


Thankfully when I got back to my apartment Thalia wasn't there yet. It was only 6 o'clock so she'd be a while longer, probably busy with her new boy toy. Placing my bag on my bed I heard my phone go off. Scrambling for my pocket I pulled it out and instantly a smile lit up my face.

Hunter: Had a great time. I'll be looking forward to our next date, kitten. ;)

He was going to make it hard to stay away and not sleep with him.

* * * * * * * * *

The next day I didn't have Hunter's class. I only had two classes on Tuesday and I had work today. Surprisingly I felt a little down about not seeing Hunter today but I knew tomorrow and Friday I'd see him.

With the History class only being one semester I had it three times a week because there was so much information to go over in just a few months. Before I was a little peeved about having it three times a week but now that Hunter was my professor I didn't mind at all.

All day I've had a smile on my face from waking up this morning to a good morning text from Hunter. Who knew just a simple text would make me feel so good all day. Because Hunter had to teach all day we only texted for a few minutes this morning.

Even though our conversation only last fifteen minutes I was on cloud 9 all day. Because I felt so good the day went by surprisingly fast and before I knew it I was at work.

I worked at a local bar about a mile away from campus. It was the go to spot that every single student went to. No matter what time it was busy; although working nights when the football team plays is horrible.

It was an okay job but it paid well. Along with a wage I got tips. Sometimes college students can be cheap but most nights guys would tip me big as they flirted with me. When I first started I was deeply offended at the stares and the comments guys gave me but after seeing how much they tipped afterwards I grew to ignore the comments and play along.


I learned quickly though that you had to have a backbone to work at a college bar. Guys didn't take no for an answer and sometimes could get very grabby when drunk. There have been many, many times I've had to spill beer all over guys to get them to stop. Thankfully though the owner had a few security guards around that would haul the guys out when they got to rowdy and touchy.

Hopefully this was my last semester working here. I was hoping by time the semester is over I'll have an job or at least a full time internship to teach. I've been working my ass off in order to have something as soon as I graduated so I could stop working here.

It seemed like time slowed the moment I stepped through the doors an hour ago. Group after group came strolling in all in need of pitchers of beer and food. It wasn't too surprising how busy it was, it was the second day of a new semester after all. Most students need a drink after the second day.

I went to table after table taking orders. I was a seasoned pro at this as I carried huge pitchers to multiple tables along with food. I was so use to the job that I rarely spilled beer anymore. Back when I first started I would come home smelling like I fell in a barrel of gross beer, and let me tell you the smell was a bitch to get out.

Well into my shift and into my nice yet busy mood I walked up to my new table. Not even glancing up from my notepad I rattled off my usual speech.

"Hello I am Tera. What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll take a Guinness and you on the side, kitten." My eyes snapped up to see a grinning Hunter sitting there.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out. I could feel my pulse starting to race seeing that he was here. I had thought I wouldn't see him at all today.

"Well this very beautiful waitress I know works here and I thought I'd come and surprise her." A grin threaten to break out on my face.

"She was definitely surprised." I answered.

"I should have come here sooner." His eyes traveled my form. I noticed his jaw clenched at the sight of my cleavage at the top of my tight tank top and at the shorts I had on. The uniform here was horrible, basically a rip off of Hooters outfits. My breasts were pushed high up and the shorts were like booty shorts.

"You are definitely going to be wearing that later." My skin got hotter with each pass of his eyes. Clearing my throat I drew he attention back to my face.

"I'll get you that beer..Mr. Davis." At his expression I couldn't help but smirk. Found a weakness of his. He liked it when I called him Mr. Davis. Sending him a wink I turned and walked off towards the bar, making sure to put a bit more swing into my hips. The sound of a groan was cut off by the loud noises of the bar but I still heard it.

It was going to be so much fun teasing him.

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