《Forbidden》Chapter 9....


"So what made you get into teaching?" I asked Hunter, shoving a few fries in my mouth.

The two of us were currently sitting in a booth at a cute little diner that was about twenty minutes away from campus. Neither of us wanted to eat at the diner closer to school incase someone saw.

"I've always loved History and it all kind of worked out in college. I got an internship my junior year and had a job as soon as I graduated." Hunter explained, munching on his own friends.

After my stomach had growled very embarrassingly in the classroom soon after I told Hunter I'd stay, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards his car. He was already a keeper by not being horrified at the sound my stomach made, and now as I stuffed my face with food.

"Being a college professor is pretty insane."

"This is only my second year but I already enjoy it." I smiled at the way he talked about his job. Although I paid little attention today in class I did see how passionate he was about history.

"Did you say you want to be a teacher?" He asked looking at me curiously.

"Yeah. I want to teach elementary." I grinned.

"What made you pick that?"

"Well it was my first grade teacher actually, Mrs. Clark. She was so amazing! When she found out I loved to read she would give me books after books to read. She just made me love school and when I grew up I realized I wanted to teach little kids and make them love school to. Just a small way to help kids. I don't care what grade I teach either."

Realizing I was rambling I shoved three fries in my mouth to shut me up. Hunter laughed.

"You are cute when you ramble."

"You're just saying that to get in my pants." I teased.

"I already did kitten." The naughty smirk on his face and the nickname made me squeeze my thighs together.

"No you don't." My voice came out all high and squeaky. "None of that. I want to get to know you first." I wiggled my finger at him. I didn't need him to get me all hot and bothered when I was trying to learn more about him.


"Okay, fine." Hunter put his hands up and winked at me. "Ask away."

* * * * * * *

We spent the next little bit getting to know one another. I learned that Hunter was originally from Seattle and moved here two years ago when he got the job to be a professor. He had an older sister who still lived in Seattle and had two kids. His parents were still happily married and retired.

Hunter told me funny stories of his childhood as well as college stories. I found out he loved seafood but hated sushi. His favorite color was green, which made me point out his gorgeous eye color. He was a huge animal lover which just made me like him even more.

"Enough about me, what about you?" Hunter leaned forward waiting patiently for my answer. Our food was long gone and the diner was getting slightly louder as it got closer to dinner time.

"Theres not much to tell." I shrugged, playing with my straw in my water.

"Not buying that." Seeing as he answered all my questions I knew he deserved the same. With a sigh I leaned back in the booth.

"What do you want to know?"

"You're 23 right? Shouldn't you already graduated, no offense of course."

"None taken." He was right. I should have graduated before now but with two years on hold I had a lot of catching up to do.

"Right after high school my dad got really sick." I stopped looking at Hunter and instead stared at my hands. A small lump started to form in my throat. Even after two years it was hard to talk about my dad.

"I decided to not go to school and stayed home to take care of him. I didn't have time or the money to go to school so I didn't. Right before he passed away he made me promise I'd go to school. So for the next three years I took extra classes to graduate a year early."

I quickly blinked away tears as I thought of my dad. I missed his smile and the deep laugh he did whenever he found something funny. And most of all his big bear hugs. Those were always the best.


My dad was my only family, or at least the only family that I knew I had. He always told me his parents died after he graduated college and he had no other siblings. My mom left shortly after I was born, claiming she didn't want the responsibility of a child at 23. So it has always just been us two.

A warm hand grasping and squeezing mine on the table brought me out of my thoughts. I glanced up with watery eyes at Hunter.

"I am so sorry Tera." The sincerity in his voice made my eyes water even more. I always hated the fake sorry's I've gotten over the years but Hunter's wasn't that way. I could actually see the hurt in his eyes.

"Thanks." I squeezed his hand back. Clearing my throat and wiping my eyes I laughed awkwardly. "Wow, I sure know how to bring the mood down don't I?"

It was our first 'date' and here I was crying. Great, he definitely won't want to see me again.

"It's okay. Plus you look cute when you cry." At that I laughed loudly.

"Now you really are sprouting bullshit."

"Made you laugh though didn't I?"

I took that moment to fully looked at him. When he smiled the left corner of his lip titled up more than the right. Looking full on his nose looked like it may have been broken once and didn't heal perfectly straight.

Being this close to him I could see just how green his eyes really were but they also had little flecks of gold in them. If the light hit them just right I bet they would pop out even more. I've never really noticed how beautiful green eyes were; my own brown eyes paling in comparison.

Hunter was beyond handsome. I had a feeling he had plenty of girls hanging off his arms. With a defined jaw that had a very sexy beard along it, a girls weakness. Wide shoulders than went into a narrow waist that only came from working out.

I had absolutely no clue how a guy like him was with me. There were plenty of girls that night in the club that were far prettier than I was, but somehow he came up to me and came home with me. An immature part of me was smirking at the fact that I managed to nab the sexiest professor I have ever seen.

"Are you done checking me out?" Hunter asked, jerking me out of my thoughts. "You've already seen whats underneath."

"Wasn't that spectacular." I scoffed, flat out lying. By the growing smirk on his face he knew I was too.

"Oh really?" He cocked an eyebrow, his head tilting to the side a little bit.

"Yep. I've seen better." I glanced out the window knowing that if I looked him in the eyes again I'd give into the very dirty thoughts I was having. On the way here I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't sleep with Hunter again until I got to know him a bit more and that I knew this could be more than a 'friends-with-benefits' thing.

"Have you now?" Turning back to him I made a show of looking him up and down and scrunching my nose up.


Hunter suddenly let out a booming laugh. He threw his head back and one of his hands came up to clench his chest. It was such a deep laugh I could have sworn I felt it vibrate through my whole body. I was instantly hit with nostalgia of my fathers laugh.

As I watched him laugh I found my own lips stretching into a smile. My chest expanded as I stared, realizing that I could see myself falling hard for Hunter.

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