《Forbidden》Chapter 8...


The went to the rest of my classes in a foggy haze. I remember getting to the classroom and writing down notes but I had no clue what was said at each one. My mind was entirely consumed with Hunter. It wasn't smart for the first day of new classes to be distracted but nothing I did could get my mind away from him. If I was this consumed after one day what is it going to be like later on?

Every part of me knew this was wrong. Yet a part of me I didn't know I had was turned on by the taboo feel of this whole thing; knowing that if I engaged in anything with Hunter I could get caught. Every time the word "Forbidden" flashed in my mind I felt my core tighten and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

I wasn't sure what was up with me. This was not like me at all. I didn't sleep with someone after barely meeting them. I didn't get turned on by the fact that I had slept with my History Professor. And nor did I want to do it again.

I had no clue if any of that was a good or bad thing.

After every class I told myself I wasn't going to meet Hunter at 3. Nope I was going to get in my car and drive back to my apartment and forget this ever happened. But here I was at 3 o'clock heading towards the history classroom.

With every step my heart beat got faster and I felt a little light headed. Regardless of how nervous I suddenly am I knew I wanted to do this. I've always been careful and did everything for others.

When my father got sick I put aside my future and spent every second I could helping him. And when he passed away a few years ago I threw myself into school barely letting myself have fun. The few boyfriends I had didn't last long because I felt like I had to have them. Everyone around me had someone to spend time with and I thought I had to. And even in those relationships I put them first, not me.


Well now I was going to do something I wanted, albeit it be slightly scary. For some reason I couldn't even fathom why I wanted Hunter and he wanted me. So while it may be wrong and nerve-wrecking, I was ready to dive in.

Taking one last deep breath I pushed open Hunter's classroom and stepped inside. My eyes immediately landed on him by his desk but he wasn't alone. For a split second I felt jealousy run through me at the sight of the shoulder length hair, but when the person turned around I felt myself relax. It was just a guy with long hair.

Mentally I slapped myself for being so stupid and automatically getting jealous. Following the guys gaze Hunter looked at me, the corner of his lip twitching into a smile.

"Ah Ms. Gillian I'll be with you in one moment." The way he said my last name in that husky voice and with such authority it made me gulp and knees wobble.

While Hunter turned back to the conversation with the other guy I made my way to a seat near the door. Not wanting to interrupt their talk I absentmindedly scrolled through my social media. I glanced up a few times as I caught little pieces of their conversation. Every time I looked over at them I found Hunter looked right at me, leaning casually against his desk looking beyond sexy.

After the third time being caught staring at him I forced my eyes on my phone and willed myself not to look up again. Time seemed to slow as they continued on talking. Their conversation didn't seem to be overly important but it kept dragging on. I could have sworn the last time I looked over at Hunter he was smirking and purposely dragging this on, further torturing me.


Finally after a good 15 minutes the guy with the long hair left. Not a word was spoken even after the door was firmly shut. Hunter stayed on his desk and I stayed in my seat. The tension between us rising and what happened earlier before the fire alarm was starting to build again.

The silence was starting to get to me but seconds before I blew Hunter spoke.

"You showed."

"I did."

"Come here." The way he said it felt no room for discussion. I found my legs moving in his direction before I even realized what I was doing. He already had such power over me.

I came to a stop about a foot away. Unconsciously my hands fidgeted in front of me and my teeth were gnawing on my bottom lip. Hunter's eyes were so intense as he stared at me. My skin heated up under his gaze.

"Tera." The surprising softness of his voice made me blink and look at him more clearly. "If you don't want to do this then you may leave." For a split second I was worried that he didn't want me anymore making me dip my chin down. "But do know if you don't walk out I am not letting you go." Strong fingers grasped my chin and tilted my head back up.

Hunter now stood inches away from me, his fingers softly gripping my chin. His green eyes were still intense and filled with lust.

"Tera, whatever you decide to do I will respect." I already knew my answer before he was finished. Even after hearing how respectful he'd be with what I decided I knew what I wanted to do.

"I'm going to stay."

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