《Forbidden》Chapter 7...


The kiss between us wasn't soft and sweet. No it was rough and passionate. At first it caught Hunter off guard but he wasted absolutely no time grabbing my waist and tugging me hard against his front.

He nipped at my lip wanting access which I gladly granted. The kiss made every inch of my skin feel alive. My hands moved from his face to his neck, tugging the hair at the base of it. I was rewarded with a groan against my mouth.

Hunters grip on my waist tightened almost painfully, his fingers digging into the slight bruises I still had from the other night. It was now my turn to moan into his mouth. Hunter's tongue circled mine and it was enough for me to press my body harder into his.

Hunter suddenly grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me up effortlessly. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist, our lips not once leaving each others. My hands left his head to trail down his arms feeling his biceps flexing underneath his shirt as he carried me.

I didn't realize he was moving towards his desk until he placed me down on his desk. It was equal height to his waist and I could still feel his hard length pressing in-between my legs. His lips finally left mine and moved down my neck.

Throwing my head back I gave him better access to my throat. I was panting heavily and my entire body felt like it was on fire. All I wanted was for Hunter to take me right there. The way he was licking, biting, and sucking on my neck was making my toes curl. No guy had ever made me feel this way.

My past boyfriends just went through all the motion, never once caring about my needs. Just one night alone with Hunter and I knew that wasn't the case with him. It was yet another thing that drew me to him.


Pushing the corner of my shirt down my shoulder Hunter growled. I opened my eyes and looked down at him to find him staring at the hickey along my collarbone. It had now faded to a deep purple.

"I did that?"

"That and half a dozen more." I whispered sounding out of breath. The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smirk at my words. Of course he took manly proud out of giving me multiple hickeys.

Before he could continue on down my chest the fire alarm went off. The sound blared through out the classroom making me jump and cover my ears. The fire alarm surprised Hunter that he fell forward onto me.

"I think we set the fire alarm off." Hunter yelled jokingly. Laughing I shook my head and placed my hands on his chest, pushing him off of me.

We needed to leave before someone walked in. It would not be good for either of us if someone walked into the classroom and saw me spread on his desk.

Sliding off of his desk I straightened my shirt, once again concealing the hickeys Hunter gave me. I opened my mouth ready to yell that we leave when the alarms stopped. With ears ringing I glanced around surprised it went off that fast.

"Must have been a false alarm." Hunters voice now sounded loud in the quiet room.

Silently glad for the alarm I headed to grab my bad. If it hadn't been for the alarm I would have let Hunter take me right here in this classroom, regardless of who could walk in at any moment.

"Now lets get back to what...where do you think you are going?" I felt Hunter watching me as I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I turned to face him once more.


"I have class in fifteen minutes. And I am pretty sure you have other classes as well."

"I can just put a sign up on the door." He shrugged like it was no big deal. Rolling my eyes I started for the door.

"Yeah no."

"Tera wait." Once again he grabbed my wrist to stop me. Hunter moved around to stand in front of me, his brow scrunched up. I actually found it quite cute. "You can't tell me you didn't feel what I felt just a second ago."

I knew what he was referring to but it was wrong.

"Hunter we can't. You could lose your job and I am only one semester away from graduating." I shook my head, softly pulling my wrist out of his grasp.

"Who says I'll lose my job?"

"I'm going to be a teacher Hunter. I read the rules and it clearly states there can be no relationship between a teacher and a student."

I don't know why but standing here telling him no was making my chest hurt. I barely knew the guy. Hell I just found out his last name not even an hour ago. There was absolutely no way I could have feelings for the guy. No.

"Look I have to go. I'm going to be late for my class." I stepped towards the door but he blocked my path. "Hunter."

"Just give me one chance Tera. One chance to convince you that this could be something great." Staring at him and the adorable little pout he had I felt my resolve fading. "That sneaking around makes it that much more fun."

Despite having only known Hunter a day and the fact we could both be severely punished for what we were going to do, I found myself nodding.


"Meet me here around 3?" My last class got out around 2:45 so that would work. Once again I nodded. "See you around 3." Hunter kissed my lips, lingering longer than necessary before stepping to the side.

I walked out of the classroom in a daze, not really sure what I just agreed to.

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