《Forbidden》Chapter 6....


My teeth grinding at the word 'miss', I forced myself not to snap at him.I wanted to yell at him no and leave but with several eyes on us I nodded.

"Sure thing Mr. Davis." I turned to face him, glaring at his gorgeous face. He should have let me go. We could have continued on pretending that we didn't know one another and let the other night fade away.

I stood awkwardly off to the side as students slowly left the classroom. I noticed a few girls staying back and openly looking at Hunter and whispering to one another. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

Eventually they left leaving Hunter and I alone. He had moved to lean on the side of his desk while everyone left. The way he was leaning made it look like he was posing for a magazine. I almost wanted to look if there were any camera's by us to capture his picture.

"So...you are my student." He broke the awkward tension first.

"You didn't tell me you were a professor here at Washington State." I bit out.

"Well I was a little distracted that night." The smirk that grew on his face made my cheeks turn red. "I was actually going to try and find you but here you are." His eyes raked up and down my form.

I wasn't wearing anything sexy by any means, a pair of dark skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt. But the way he was looking at me made it feel like I was standing there naked instead of fully clothed.

"No, stop." I shook my head. I was not going to let myself fall into his little trap. "Lets forget that the other night ever happened okay? We were both drunk."


"I wasn't drunk."

"Well I wasn't of sound mind." We both knew I was lying. I may have had a few drinks but I wasn't anywhere near drunk. I knew what I was doing when I invited him back to my place.

"You made plenty of sounds when my head was between your legs." I gasped at words.

"Something quite similar to that." The taunting little smirk he sent me let me know he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hunter no. You are my teacher." I hissed.


"You can't sleep with students. It's forbidden and we both know that." When I said the word forbidden I noticed his jaw clench. It shouldn't have turned me on but damn it did.

"Did you say forbidden?" I visibly gulped as he pushed his big frame off of his desk. I knew I should have moved away when he came towards me but my feet were glued to the ground. Hunter came to a stop inches from me, his chest grazing mine with each breath.

I gazed up at him my breathing ragged. Despite the voice in my head telling me I shouldn't do this, I found myself silently begging Hunter to kiss me. Having him so close was causing my head to spin and my legs to weaken.

"Things that are forbidden are usually the best things." Hunters voice went low and husky. It sent chills down my spin and unconsciously I bit my lower lip. "Don't do that." A hand came up and pulled my lip away from my teeth.

"I don't know about you but knowing that this is forbidden makes me want you even more." He continued on gripping my lip with his thumb and forefinger. His eyes were an even brighter green as he stared down at me, lust clear on his face. "I know you feel it too Tera."

Maybe it was the way he was looking at me or knowing that this was taboo, but I suddenly grabbed his face and brought my lips to his.

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