《Forbidden》Chapter 5...


Hunter is here. He is here in this classroom with me and he's my freaking professor! Oh god he is my professor. I slept with my professor.

Inwardly I was freaking the fuck out. This couldn't be happening. Maybe I was imagining things. Yeah thats it! I must have fallen asleep and now I am imagining Hunter here. I pinched the inside of my thigh hard hoping it would wake me up but it didn't. Nope, I was awake. This was real.

Hunter recovered quicker then I did. He looked away from me and addressed the class.

"Hello everyone. I am Mr. Davis your history teacher for this semester."

Hunter Davis. Wow, I didn't think his name could get any hotter. Behind me I could hear some girls whispering about how hot he is. I didn't blame them because he was. Oh god was he hot. And he was young. How he could only be 28 and a professor at a big college, I have no clue.

While he talked I stared at him like a creep. I found myself sucking on my bottom lip as I noticed what he was wearing. A pair of clean black slacks gripped his long legs and they were just the right amount of tightness to show off his leg muscles. His upper half was graced with a light grey button up shirt. The sleeves were rolled up halfway showing off his forearms. I've never noticed before but his forearms were so sexy.

His arms looked even bigger in his dress shirt then they did two nights ago. His brown, basically black hair, was styled perfectly back looking really professional. Hunter looked so...manly.

I was trying not to show any sort of feelings towards Hunter but I don't think I was doing a good job. The only plus was everyone was so interested in him, especially the women, to even notice me having a mini meltdown.


None of this would have been a big deal if he wasn't my professor. If he was another student, okay fine. But it was forbidden to sleep with a professor or have a professor sleep with a student. As a future teacher I knew the rules and this was at the very top of the list.

A high pitched voice suddenly brought me out of my mini meltdown.

"Mr. Davis aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" I didn't have to turn around to know the girl was twirling her hair around her finger and outright flirting with him.

"Well hard work pays off Ms..."

"Stacy. Stacy Bennett."

"Ms. Bennett." My lips twitched at the way he easily shut her down. "Is there any other questions?" As he asked, his gaze settled on me. His eyes felt more intense then they did the other night.

It was so hard to believe that he was here right now. Out of all the things he had to be my professor. My professor who was completely off limits.

Why of all the people I could sleep with it had to be him? It was like someone was playing a cruel joke, dangling such a hot guy in front of me when I can't have him. The only plus side to him being my professor was no other girl here could have him either.

If anyone were to find out the teacher would be fired and I'm pretty sure the student would be too. Being kicked out of college was a waste to all the money you spent, and it looks horrible on your resume.

Realizing that Hunter...no Professor Davis, was already going into chapter one of our textbooks I forced all thoughts of him aside. I needed to pass this class to graduate and the last thing I needed was a distraction; much less a distraction that comes in 6'2 and a pair of bright green eyes.


I tried my hardest to pay attention as Mr. Davis went over the first chapter, I really did. When the discussion started winding down I looked down at my notebook only to see I wrote half a page in notes. With a quick peek at the person next to me I saw they had a good 3 pages.

There goes you're 'don't be distracted' idea Tera.

When Hunter finally let us go I gathered my stuff as quick as possible and made a run for the door. I didn't make it far before a hand clamped around my wrist, stopping me. There was no reason to turn around to see who it was. I already knew and when he spoke I was correct.

"Miss, could you stay behind and talk to me for a moment?"

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