《Forbidden》Chapter 4...


Thalia and I spent the rest of the day sitting around. Turns out Thalia spent the night with the guy she met last night and didn't get in until 7 this morning. I was more hungover and with the help of three cups of coffee I was feeling a lot better.

Since it was already noon we decided to just sit around and binge watch some shows. When it came to dinner time we ordered Chinese take out from down the street. With a new semester starting tomorrow neither of us felt like going out at all.

A new semester means more homework, more studying, and more stress. And with this being the last semester before graduation it was going to be even worse.

Thankfully when I woke up the next day I was back to normal and ready to get this last semester over with. As I got ready for class I mentally cursed myself for picking morning classes. Every semester I told myself not to pick any morning classes and yet here I am. Anything before 10 o'clock was too damn early.

Thalia was smart enough to take afternoon classes so as I got something quick to eat she was blissfully asleep. I was tempted to wake her up but I knew better. She would go all beast on me, and from past experience it was never a good thing.

Grabbing a to-go cup I kept from Starbucks I quickly made myself a coffee, grabbed my school bag and purse, and headed out the door.

The entire drive to campus my mind kept wandering about Hunter. All day yesterday flashbacks of us appeared in my mind no matter how hard I tried to stop them. Even if I did want to see Hunter again I had no way to. He didn't leave his number and I didn't even know his full name.


I had to stop thinking about him. I had too much going on this semester to even think about dating someone. With homework, studying, trying to get an internship, and work on top of that. I just didn't have room for that in my life right now.

Pushing all thoughts of him and what happened between us out of my mind, I pulled onto campus. With only 15 minutes until class started I pulled into the first parking spot I saw and practically ran across the parking lot. My first class, U.S History was in the center of campus which did not help matters when you are late.

Walking across the open field in-between buildings I was struck once again with how pretty this campus was. Washington State University was pretty with its green lawns, and huge trees that changed colors in the fall.

Washington State University wasn't my first pick of schools but I am glad I ended up here. They have a great teaching program and all of my professors have been super nice and helpful.

After I had graduated high school my dad got sick, really sick. With it just being me there was no one to help me take care of him, so I ended up post-poning school until he got better. Well...he never did.

His prostate cancer got bad so quick that there was nothing we could do. So for two years I stayed home, working long hours to pay the medical bills and to take care of him. Before he passed he made sure I applied to colleges again and Washington State accepted me.

It took a while after he passed to come to terms with it but once I did I immediately started taking classes. I later moved into an apartment with Thalia, who I met in my English class, and now here I am fast tracking to graduate this year after only three years.


The last three years I've thrown myself into my studies. I've had a few short term boyfriends here and there but nothing too serious. I want to graduate and get a job before I get into something serious.

With three minutes to spare I quickly walked into the almost full classroom and snagged an empty seat. I hated that it was right in front of the professors desk but I had no other choice. I silently prayed that the professor wasn't some really old guy that spit a lot. My last Calculus professor was this old guy that couldn't hear worth a damn and the first two rows always got spit on. It was beyond disgusting.

I was busy taking out my notebook and pens when I heard the classroom door shut. Normally when the professor walks in conversations die down but this was the opposite. Whispers were breaking out all around me.

"Good morning class." My whole body froze as I heard that voice. My hand paused mid-motion to picking up the pen I dropped.

It couldn't be. No, my mind was just playing games on me...right?

Very slowly I lifted my head up. My eyes suddenly met a familiar pair of emerald green eyes. I stared at Hunter, my stomach suddenly in my throat.

This could not be happening.

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