《Forbidden》Chapter 3....


I woke to the feeling of a kiss on my forehead. I managed to crake my eyes open a little bit to see Hunter leaning over me.

"You're leaving?" My voice was so groggy and I was half asleep.

"I have to get going but I had a great time." I felt a part of me swell in pride at knowing he had a good time. "Go back to sleep." The caring tone he had and the soft smile on his lips made my lips form in a smile of its own.

My heavy eyes started closing once more as sleep threatened to take me back under. My body was so tired it didn't take long for me to fall back to sleep.

"Sleep well Tera." Was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

* * * * * * * *

When I woke the next morning I felt like I had been run over by multiple semi trucks. My head throbbed and my limbs felt extremely tired. I laid there with my eyes closed trying to fight off the nausea. I should not have gone out last night and had that many drinks. Being hungover was a bitch.

When the feeling of throwing up passed I forced myself to get up. My head hadn't quite woken up as I headed for my bathroom, completely oblivious to the fact that I was naked. Passing by my mirror I back tracked and stared at myself with wide eyes.

What happened?

It took a minute for everything to come rushing back. Everything from meeting Hunter, bringing him back here for the best night of my life, to him leaving this morning.

My cheeks heated up as I thought about last night. Judging by the red marks on my hips, and the several hickeys along my neck and collarbone the both of us really enjoyed it. When I thought back to all the noises I made last night I groaned and moved towards the shower.


I couldn't believe I took home an absolute stranger and slept with him. That was so unlike me! I wasn't normally so rash and thought things out before ever doing them. And the way I acted last night. I groaned loudly again as I started the water. I acted like some crazed sex women.

What the hell was I thinking bringing a strange man here? He could have been a murderer for all I know! He may have stolen something from the apartment! He could have some...disease and I would never know!

Leaning my head against the shower all I mentally kicked myself. I was such an idiot! This is why I don't have one night stands. I stood under the warm water for a good ten minutes going over my stupid life decisions.

I finally made myself get out of the shower when the water ran cold. I felt slightly better as I wrapped a towel around my body. My head still ached but I all I needed was a cup of coffee and I'd feel a million times better.

As I got dressed I could hear my roommate and best friend, Thalia Summers, banging around the kitchen. I had half a mind to go out there and yell at her for leaving me last night which resulted in me sleeping with Hunter but a part of me didn't want to do that. Because if she hadn't left I wouldn't have had the best night of my life.

With a loud sigh I threw on some comfy sweats and a baggy t-shirt that was my fathers and left my room. I kept my eyes peeled to see if anything was missing as I headed for the kitchen. I didn't actually believe Hunter would steal something but you never know.


Men hot as that always had issues or kinks. Sleeping with girls and stealing their favorite coffee mug or something. Wow, now I really was pulling at straws.

"Hey." Thalia greeted as I shuffled into the kitchen.

"Hey." I mumbled, immediately going to the cabinet for a coffee mug. It may almost 11 o'clock but it felt like I hadn't slept at all. If I remember correctly Hunter and I stumbled in around 2 o'clock.

"Oh did someone finally have fun last night?" Thalia leaned against the counter sipping her own coffee.


"Yeah finally." I rolled my eyes as I made my coffee. "So did you have some fun?"

"Umm...." I hesitated for a second to which she took as my answer.

"You did!" Her eyes were wide and gone was the tired look. She looked beyond excited. "Did you sleep with that sexy man that was in the hall earlier?"

"Wait, what?"

"I passed a really, really sexy guy walking down the hallway this morning. Was he here?"

"Maybe..." I sipped my coffee, avoiding eye contact.

"You sly vixen! Since when do you do one night stands Tera?" The smile on her face looked it could split her face in half.

"It wasn't like that."

"Girl if I slept with that hunk of meat I would be screaming it from the roof tops!" Despite how hard I tried I found myself laughing with her and shaking my head. He was super hot, couldn't deny that one bit.

"Are you going to see him again?"

"I'm not sure..."

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