《Forbidden》Chapter 2...


A good hour passed with us talking and laughing. I found myself laughing harder than I ever have. Despite being good looking Hunter was surprisingly funny. He once had me laughing so hard in the loud bar that people stared, but I didn't care.

I was now feeling beyond tipsy and was giggling every few seconds. I could still think pretty clear but the 4 mojitos I had were definitely taking effect. When I reached to take another sip a hand grabbed my wrist.

"I think that's enough for you." The teasing smile Hunter had on his face made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

All night I could feel the sexual tension rising between us. I've never felt so attracted to someone in my life, and with each passing second the tension between us would rise. All I could think about was the taste of those soft pink lips and to see if what he had under his shirt lived up to what was in my mind.

"Come on lets get you out of here." I stayed silent as Hunter helped me off the chair, my legs slightly wobbly from sitting too long.

With a firm hand on my lower back, Hunter lead me through the crowd of people towards the door. His hand on my lower back sent a shiver down my spine despite the fabric that covered my skin.

I stumbled slightly as we walked through the door but Hunters strong arm wrapped around my waist to keep me steady. My mind immediately went somewhere dirty as he pulled me close to his side.

Now that we were standing up I noticed just how tall he was. I wasn't the tallest person at 5'4 and even with my 4 inch heels I still had to tilt my head back a bit. Damn he is tall. I thought to myself, unconsciously tugging on my bottom lip with teeth.


We came to a stop near the curb, Hunters hand still on my lower back. Seeing a cab pull up in front of us I felt my heart sink. I wasn't ready to leave him just yet. I've had a good night, considering I didn't even want to come here in the first place.

It had been a long time since I felt something like this around someone. Too long in fact. Now with the new semester of college starting in two days I would have no time for dates or a boyfriend.

Maybe it was the alcohol that had me suddenly grabbed his arm, gazing up at him.

"Do you...do you want to go back to my place?" While I tried to sound sexy and sultry like I've seen my friends do, it came out like I had smoke three packs in the last hour.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I didn't even hesitate. I knew if I thought it through I would say no then regret it later. For once I wasn't going to second guess myself.

Hunter looked at me before a second before he grabbed my hand tightly in his and yanked me towards the cab. I fell against him and somehow managed to close the door after me, before I felt his lips against mine.

The first thing that hit me was the taste of whiskey on his lips. It tasted so...masculine. One of his big hands grabbed the side of my neck as he continued on kissing. My own reached for his head, grasping his brown locks and tugging.

The kiss seemed to go forever. All I could see, feel, taste was Hunter and I felt like I was getting drunk off of it. I briefly heard the cab driver saying something about us knocking it off or he'll throw us out, but I felt like I was on cloud nine.


We did eventually pull apart, both panting heavily.

"Damn you taste good." Hunter whispered in my ear. I shivered, my lips already feeling swollen.

Thankfully the car ride to my place only took 5 minutes. During that time I was silent and so was Hunter but his hand kept running up and down my bare thigh, distracting me slightly.

The moment we reached my apartment Hunter threw some cash to the driver before yanking me out of the cab. I had barely caught my footing before he was moving us towards the doors. Knowing that I was minutes away from getting to see what was under those clothes, made me quickly take out my keys and push open the doors.

The two of us took the stairs two at a time so we reached the third landing in no time. Reaching my door I tried to get my keys in the lock but the feel of Hunters lips on my neck and his hands gripping my waist I was distracted.

After a good minute of fumbling I finally got the door open. The two of us stumbled into my apartment and I found myself giggling, only for it to be silenced by Hunter kissing me once more.

My hands fumbled with his dress shirt as I walked backwards in the direction of my room. When my hip hit the corner of the counter I pulled away.

"Follow me." I breathed softly, grabbing his hand and tugging him towards my room. My stomach was churning with butterflies as I lead him to my room.

Hunter took a moment to look around my plain room while I shut the door. It felt odd to have him in here, especially since it has been well over 7 months since a guy has been in here. While my room wasn't small Hunter made it seem that way. HIs big frame took up quite a bit of space. In the club I hadn't realized just how big he was. He definitely worked out.

The longer I stared at him the more I wanted to jump him. I was seconds away from launching myself at him and attacking his lips with mine. Judging by the look on his face when he turned to face me he was thinking the exact same thing.

We stared at each other for another minute, the tension rising to an almost unbearable level. It almost felt like a thread was between us and it suddenly snapped. In a matter of seconds I was across the room, jumping into Hunters arms and my legs going around his waist.

We were both so impatient that we were practically ripping each others clothes off. One second I had my dress on and the next I was completely bare. And same went for Hunter. I tugged at his clothing like a starved women.

My whole body felt like it was on fire as he laid me down on my bed. I had no time to feel embarrassed or nervous before his body was on top of mine. The scruff of his beard tickled down my chest and the feel of it against my skin surprised turned me on even more.

The moments that followed passed in a blur. One moment I was laying on my back with Hunter kissing down my body, and the next I sitting on top of him moaning louder than I ever have before.

The next thing I knew I was cuddled into Hunter side drifting off to sleep, my entire body worn out.

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