《Old Old Pucca World》Act 7 - Crazy Love Life


After checking Pucca systems, Dada rushed out of the Goh-Rong then got pulled into the alley. Slamming onto the back of the wall, Dada peered painfully at whoever had this much strength. As his sight got clearer, Dada's face went pale, seeing that it's Ring Ring. She looks pissed. Using her hair that's already gripping Dada, Ring Ring lifts him in the air.

"Where have you been all this morning, busboy?" Ring Ring irritatedly asked.

"I was... Um... Will..." Dada jumbled his words and wasn't too sure what to say. "Today was a tight schedule, so I had a lot of jobs to take care of. Santa needs his light to replace, one of the smiley people have a package to be delivered, I volunteer to be a conductor, Goh-Rong are busy when—"

"Enough!" Ring Ring yelled. "Ain't you a busy fella. You forgot about me."

Of course, she's part of Dada's schedule. He didn't assume to be this late, and it's nearly noon. Judging Ring Ring's appearance, Dada could see that everything around her screamed for disaster. Such a shame for her, if only Dada didn't baby Ring Ring when she just moved to Sooga Village. Dada wouldn't blame himself either, especially Ring Ring's background, coming from a wealthy family.

Where to start? Closely observing Ring Ring from head to toes, Dada couldn't contain himself and laugh. She had great taste in clothes but poor at decorating herself. The buttons aren't even, the skirt is inside out, and the hair is like a tornado blew. His laughter made Ring Ring furiously, slamming him onto the ground before freeing him.

"If you're having the time to laugh, fix it. Stop wasting mine."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm deeply sorry." Dada apologized, steadily getting himself to his feet. "Let's get you ho—" Dada stopped abruptly as his headache started to form.

Ring Ring watches him in horror, seeing where it'll lead. The headache is a sign for Ring Ring to prepare the other Dada coming through. Sometime he'll stay longer.

"Ring Ring, it's good to see you're here to welcome me," Dada gently said, hugging her, then rubbing both her cheeks. Ring Ring was going to kiss him with a 'hello' on the lip, which Dada blocked with his hand. "Kiss, but no kiss on the lip. You're a kid, and you look like one. Wait until you're an adult, then we'll kiss as much as you want."

"I'm twelve! You're fourteen!" Ring Ring screamed, clenching her teeth together. "We're two years apart! There's no difference!"


"Physically, I'm a teen. Mentally, I'm an adult. I just..." Dada stared at Ring Ring's face, thinking deeply at her features. He sighed and said, "You look so innocent. It's a crime."

Ring Ring went dead eyes and said, "Let me knock you down. I want my idiot and naive busboy back."

"Calm down, Ring Ring. We need to work on your clothes first, and please, don't feel offended about the kiss." Speaking about the 'kiss' made Ring Ring gives him a deadly glare. Dada nervously laughs, "Let's get something to eat after we finish fixing yourself."

◆ ◆ ◆

Creeping within the distance, Dada noticed an unusual visitor outside of the window, which made him mischievously smile. After finishing feeding Ring Ring dog, Yuni, Dada steps outside. He moves his eyes from right to left, looking at where this guest will be hiding. Right at the corner of a building, Dada spotted her. Dada approaches her, scaring the visitor as he hunches over her with intimidating.

Dada gently smiled with the sweetest welcomes. "Good afternoon, Jing Jing. What brings you here?"

Jing Jing froze in place, afraid to speak when knowing who this Dada possibly was. Occasionally, Jing Jing was a few of the people who knew Dada's other half, frightening how fake his character was in her own judgment.

"Please come in, it doesn't look good if you keep lurking around in these areas. And don't be shy, you're always welcome to Ring Ring home," Dada said, waiting to respond.

Looking up, it burns so much that Jing Jing covers her face. That smile of Dada is dropping her life incredibly, making her faint instantly. Before hitting the ground, Dada caught her just in time. Dada stared at her confusedly because, at every encounter, Jing Jing will faint within his sight.

◆ ◆ ◆

Ring Ring hums out of her walk-in closet, settling them on her bed then notices Dada walking passed outside of her bedroom. There's a few clothes Ring Ring wants to ask his opinion, so she went after him then halted midstep. On her couch is Jing Jing, being cared for by Dada.

"If you need anything, then I'll be there. Please wait patiently," Dada said to Ring Ring, who seemed least impressed.

Dada then left the living room to the kitchen, where Ring Ring took this opportunity to poke Jing Jing cheek. A small twitch wiggle on the nose, a sign for her being nearly awake, so Ring Ring squeezes the tip of her nostril. The pain forced Jing Jing jumps off of the couch in shock then faces at Ring Ring, who's leaning behind the sofa.


"So, you're awake," Ring Ring said, unimpressive. "Your business, speak. I have little time to deal with you when I have other things to do."

"Can you help with my problem? My family is searching for me, and I don't want them to find me," Jing Jing quietly said, begging on her knee.

Ring Ring sighed then strongly suggested, "Go back to your family. It'll be better than scavenging food in a dumpster."

"But Ring Ring—"

"No buts! That's enough coming from you!" Ring Ring shouted, cutting her off. "Our parents are close, and we were the same as them. However, your problem is dealing with whatever issues you have, don't let it linger on me. I won't solve or deal with it."

"Ring Ring, please, I'm asking you as a friend who's in need. You knew me, and no one knew me more than you did."

On second thought, Ring Ring groin out of annoyance that has the urge to accept Jing Jing crisis. No matter which string of their friendship, Ring Ring will consider Jing Jing as her own family.

"Fine. Just this once."

Jing Jing lights up, then the whole world stops when a loud crash comes from the kitchen. The two girls froze then ran into the kitchen to find Dada crying while wetting himself. The whole place got demonish, somehow, can't really explain how he did it by himself. Without any words or anything, Ring Ring grabs a bucket, filling with water and settles it in front of Dada.

"Dada, right?" Ring Ring asked unsurely.


Instantly with that simple answer, Ring Ring dumped the whole bucket on Dada, which surprised everyone in the room.

"Good. Now that you're you, things will get easier. With that excuse of you being wet, I have a few clothes for you to put on," Ring Ring said, then summon her robot-servant with a snap of fingers. "James, clean this messes up."

◆ ◆ ◆

"How was it?"

Jing Jing sits impatiently on the couch, waiting for Ring Ring to answer while she's on the phone. They were in the living room, while the kitchen was being fixed by James, and Dada changing into much cleaner clothes. On the phone, Ring Ring looks frustrated but ends the call.

"I talk with my family butler," Ring Ring said, pinching her forehead.


"And he's sending his dumb nephew over to take care of the job. He's—" Ring Ring then take a deep breath then sigh, wishing to end that man career. "Ayo is someone that can't keep anything a secret. An honest person, I'll describe him."

"My life will end. Soon enough, Shaman and Clown will learn that I'm from a well-off family. I can't—" Jing Jing stopped herself when she saw Dada, seeing him in a lady hanfu. "You look so beautiful."

"I knew that'll suit you," Ring Ring complimented, going up to him and pulling him in for a kiss.

Dada became beam red, then shyly asked, "Why am I dressed in this?"

"Why, you ask. You'll stand out if the villager saw you being with me. No one won't notice if you're female," A tilt of Dada heads to the side, showing a confusing expression while trying to piece the situation. Ring Ring then annoyingly continued, "Unless, you forget that you promised me a meal."

"Yes, now that I remember," Dada lied when he actually had a blackout in every single headache. "But... Don't I stand out because of my hair color?"

"No, you look fine."

Golden hair? Nothing like that will stand out since the village had more unusual visitors coming in and out. Except him being pretty. Maybe a bit too pretty, if Ring Ring judges his talented hands. Ring Ring will be jealous if he gets everyone's attention, but she will also hate when people flock over him. What to do? She wants that meal with Dada without having these worries.


Long, long ago, Pucca was my favorite character until I tried to create this fanfic. The world I was building kept going up then crumbled. The first series was Dada only, so I started creating his legacy then fell in love with the character. I put so much in-depth of his life, personality, relationship, and power. That's the reason why Dada became my favorite.

Jing Jing is Chief, the leader of the Vagabond. In case, for others that don't know. As for the robot, he made one appearance in 'He Loves Me Not.' R.I.P. for him, anyway. The robot name was added by me since he doesn't have one. Also, he's in my old work. I'll show it here after the story is completed.

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