《Old Old Pucca World》Act 8 - Pneuma


Sleeping on a bed was Mio and Yani in human form, as they lay there without any coverage. Mio opened his eyes, sitting up as he yawned. Who knows how many days passed, or where he was. Mio tried to recollect what happened after meeting Yani, then everything went blink. A few of his memories were jammed. Then he remembers his master, Garu. He had to get back to his master's side.

Mio quickly got up and put on his clothes. A little stir came from Yani as she rolled over on the bed while watching Mio getting dressed. The pink cat really misses that warm body of her former lover but wasn't ready to let him go. Yani got out of the bed, silently, without making any noise, walking towards him as Yani hand reached out for Mio's shoulder but was caught.

"I know what you're trying to do, and it's not happening again. I won't let you," Mio said before pushing her hand to her side. "I thought you wanted to end our relationship. Why charm me back into your arms?"

"Because you're young." Mio froze, then coughed at Yani's remark, turning to look directly at her. Yani simply smiled and said, "I end our relationship because my duty that I assigned myself will last for an eternity. I would hate for you to expect something more."

"I never expect anything. And what duty? You left your post ten years ago to who-knows where you've been. Now, I see that you're well and alive," Mio said, wanting to ignore any of her excuses. "Your charm you're using on me made me lose track of days. Because of that, I'm worried whatever harm comes to my master."

"Master?" Yani repeated in surprise.

"Yes, my master. I'm here in Sooga Village for that main reason, restoring the clan honor. What else am I here for?"

"What honor?" Yani baffled in shock, then changed her mind from explaining anything at all. "You know, it doesn't matter. You'll see when the time comes." She then turned away to pick up her clothes and put them on. Later, Yani asked, "Are you sure you know your way back?"


Mio pauses for a moment then peers outside of the window, seeing that they're in the middle of nowhere. If he remembers correctly, there were trees and grasses. Where did it all went? Mio quickly stuck his head outside, twisting his neck from side to side in confusion.

"Where's Sooga Village? Where... Where are we?" Mio muttered in question, then turned to his former lover. "We're not at a hotel, are we?"

"Silly Mio, of course not. I can't let anyone interrupt us because you kept crying and begging. Your vocal is loud," Yani said, making Mio blushe at her remark.

All of a sudden, Yani pulls Mio towards her, gripping him tightly as she sniffs his neck and hair. Her feline character is shown, purring while both her ears and tail pop out. Slowly Yani strokes her hands on Mio's back, tempting him to give himself to her.

"I'll guide you after a shower. Want to join me?" Yani said seductively, which that comment made Mio push her for release. "Guess not."

Yani walks away before letting her tail gently rub beneath Mio chin on the way out. It made him stare at her dumbfounded. Mio then catches himself, seeing that he nearly got lure by Yani into the bathroom. Who knows what he'll do. Many days have been wasted, and he doesn't want Garu training for nothing.

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"Look at what I brought, Cheesecake."

"It's your favorite, Master Tobe."

"I too have something. A nice and warm cup of tea."

Training nonstop for two months straight had put a toll on Tobe, so he wants to relax in his home, ordering his men that they're free the whole day. Unfortunately, his three elite ninjas, Leo, Tora, and Kuma, didn't get through their heads.

"Didn't I give an order to leave alone for the whole?! You three should be somewhere off other than here!"

"Master Tobe, we were—" Before they knew it, they were standing outside in front of the entrance.

◆ ◆ ◆

Yani stretches herself before looking back at Mio, who's standing readily while waiting wherever she'll lead them. However, instead of escorting, Yani scoops Mio in her arms and jumps into the air. It was taken surprisingly by Mio that he grip her tightly out of fear. The sky around them shatter, transferring them into the forest. The village's sight wasn't far, and Mio was lost at the moment, not understanding what's just happened.


"Is that Yani? And who's that she's carrying?"

Further the distance below are the elite ninjas, watching the two felines in midair as they land somewhere through the trees. Interest and curious, the three ran after wherever the landing was. Kuma ran up ahead, getting closer to where Yani is at, then froze when a knife was thrown passed his head. Both Tora and Leo are too nearly hit by it, holding their track. The pink cat glares at them.

"Yani, it's us," Kuma frightfully said, putting both his arms up while the other two behind him did the same.

"I know, but why are you three in my territory? Hope it's not something stupid like building a rocket and nearly blew my entire place," Yani bluntly said.

They didn't get a chance to reply when Mio stuck out and said, "Oh, it's Kuma and..." Mio lost in words, wasn't sure what to say when seeing them in their child form. "Have you guys lost some weight? Because you guys seem lighter."

"Ha, ha, ha, funny," Tora sarcastically said, transforming himself into an adult. His other two partners did the same. "We didn't expect to see you here with her, Mio. Don't tell us that you got banished, did you?"

"I'm here on a mission to restore the clan honor."

"The what? Have I gone deaf? I hope I heard that clearly," Leo muttered unsurely, glancing at Kuma.

"You heard it correctly," Yani said, then menacingly added, "Don't ask any question, why."

The elite ninjas kept their mouths shut when dark aura rose from Yani since they knew how strong she is as a female. She's skilled in both martial arts and spirituality, which they fought with her once. It wasn't pretty for the elite ninjas. Their injury was so severe that they thought death would take them away. Keeping the conversation neutral, they had to approach with smooth phrases.

Kuma nervously laughed and said, "Since it's a reunion for us, let's drink and talk. Catching up how our life has been doing," trying to lift up the mood.

"You'll pay. Right, Kuma," Yani firmly said.

"Will... Uh..." Kuma turned around to his partners and whispered, "I didn't bring enough money with me. Got any cash?"

"Are you really letting her make us pay?" Tora asked.

"I have Tobe card with me," Leo quickly said, pulling out a debit card.

"That's wonderful, Leo. Let's us—" Tora was about to snatch it, but Kuma beat him to it. Tora stared at him, dumbfounded, swallowed his saliva, and said, "We can use it to our advantage."

Kuma didn't listen but walked up to Yani and said, "We'll split the bill. Half to you, and the other half to us."

"That doesn't sound fair to me, but I'll accept it," Yani chuckled, then interlocking her arms with Mio. "But you'll choose the place to make it up for it." She then added a wink.


I might be a geek, or I pay too much attention to the show. Which is a good thing, when I am actually researching deeply on the characters and the settings. I jolt down, actually more like saving the site on a specific folder. Pucca isn't the only fanfic that I work hard on researching. Zootopia, Ninja Turtles, Inuyasha, and others that inspire me to create fanfic out of it.

Moving along to the three elite ninjas. I let it be three because mostly around Tobe, he'll have that same amount of numbers by his side. Check out the episode, 'Striking Out.' There'll be other ninjas with Tobe, but not that important. (Tobe didn't get enough attention here) As for their name, it's a representative of three famous animals.

At first, I wanted to make Yani fight these elites, but they're too kind. Yani, will, she doesn't think they're worth fighting for any purpose. They'll be friends or acquaintances.

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