《Old Old Pucca World》Act 6 - Sooga History


"I know you're here! Come out!" Master Soo called out, alone, in an empty hallway. Behind, a dark figure approach without making any sound. "That seal on that boy is the same as you put on Pucca! Am I right?!"

"I do apologize." Quickly, Master Soo turned and was surprised by his mother. "You're my favorite son, and I guarantee you'll see what I'm doing would lead to good. I trusted you, and that's why Sooga Village is under your care," the Honorable Mother said, making Master Soo even more suspicious.

"That didn't go well with Mell," Master Soo commented, mentioning his brother, who's much older than him. "You told both Loo and me that everything will be fine if we listen to you. But we were wrong. You lock Mell away."

"Soo, that's not important. Mell conditions are getting worse, and I, as his mother, are doing what's best for him."

"And those children?" Master Soo growled.

"Like I say, it's for their own good. You won't be able to handle them. Especially when you already saw Pucca power demonstrated five years ago. She's no ordinary child." Master Soo went silent, recollecting Pucca's extraordinary strength and speed. The Honorable Mother continued, "Garu's the same. If only they had more control in their power, then this wouldn't have happened."

There's more to the Honorable Mother than what's leaking, and Master Soo isn't liking the secrets. Where should he start? Ah, yes. It began with the light coming from the garden over twenty years ago, where everything in his mother's life changed. Whatever happened in the garden, the forbidden area, Master Soo doesn't have any clue of the mishap.

The Honorable Mother can read her son's face and murmured, "You're not liking my answer, Soo."


"Yeah, I'm not liking any of what you're doing," Master Soo snarled then calmly sighed, "Mother, we're close, and what you're hiding I want to know. There's more, and which you're keeping from me."

"Remember the stories of how Sooga Village first founded?"

"Yes, by the four deities."

"Unfortunately, that's wrong. Sooga Village was a wedding gift to one of the deities."

"Excuse me, what?"

"A priest, or a magi called Salaman, has four daughters. They were married to the four deities, and one of those gifts is Sooga Village."

"Are you one of them?"

The Honorable Mother chuckled and said, "No, but I dream about it." She silently smiles while making a painful expression. "Those were my beautiful, and yet, my sad moments. They were dear to me until who knew I'll miss them when they're gone."

"I understand your pain, but I'm confused. That doesn't explain the light that kept coming from the garden a couple of times," Master Soo said then added, "Or the two boys you introduced to me seven years ago. 'Extraordinary,' you say."

"Before I let you oversee Sooga Village, you do know there's a secret garden." Master Soo quickly nodded, so the Honorable Mother continued, "It's forbidden, dangerous to enter. If anything emerges from it, be prepared. As for the boys, why asking till now?"

Master Soo opened his mouth and closed, not knowing where to start the conversation. Soso and Dada are enjoyable, nothing wrong with either of them. It's just that he can't grasp the situation the Honorable Mother kept forcing onto him, especially those boys. Master Soo shelters and feeds them until they're on their own. Every one of her plans Master Soo will follow without asking, but this one, he wonders his mother's purpose.


"Those kids are from the Shaolin Temple, where they'll be well nurture. Why? Why did you bring them here?" Master Soo asked, which the Honorable Mother would like to avoid. She didn't answer and left, leaving Master Soo yelling, "Mother! Where— Come back here! Honorable Mother!"


Beginning of the chapter, I was going to introduce my 'kind-of' OC character. Will, not in conversation but physically. This act really has plenty of dialogue, never knew. Next act will be... Characters. I want Ring Ring, I want Tobe, I want the essential characters. They'll be quick, fast pace introductions.

I did watch the Netflix version, and I'll be adding a few characters from it. Thanks to fanart, I force myself to watch it. In my opinion, the Netflix version shouldn't add 'season three' to the summary. It's like the Netflix version is their own series. It introduces Ring Ring, and Tobe at their own pace like we audience don't know them. Also, Ring Ring doesn't know Pucca at episode one. Also, also, Ring Ring just moved to Sooga in episode one.

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