《Old Old Pucca World》Act 3 - Night Never End


The night of Sooga Village lit up, turning into entertainment, where the villager's group together and have the time of their life. The streets are filled with food stands while selling accessories and clothes. Not only that's the most interesting, but a stage was also settled not too far from the village.

Judging the size of the village, there should be a small number of people surrounding the stage, but it's packed. Garu watches afar, wondering if Sooga Village is actually a village.

"My Honorable Mother makes sure everyone can adapt to our village. Those who're here aren't residents. We usually have visitors that are not from this world." Garu stared at him suspiciously as Master Soo continued, "Sooga Village had a long history, longer before I was born. For the village that's ancient, it shows that other beings are still intact toward this area no matter the times passed."

Listening to that knowledgeable conversation, Garu surveys those around him. The people aren't people, and some buildings were carved in different unknown symbols. He spots two ladies flirting together, and one of them is hairy while the other is covered in vines. Suddenly, a roar came above him. It was a long, scaled dragon, flying into the volcano.

"Ah, a feast will be started soon," Master Soo said while watching the dragon. "We'll be heading to the Goh-Rong because that's where a feast will be held."

Garu glanced at the older man and asked, "Is this normal? Every night, does this usually happen?"

"Sometimes it's different," Master Soo responded, then scooting Garu toward the direction of the restaurant. "We'll go and see what they serve. And you'll like this, Goh-Rong serves the best noodles that you can't resist."

◆ ◆ ◆

Ching steps out the back of the kitchen and into the courtyard then back to the kitchen again. The Goh-Rong is packed to look for her friend, so Ching climbs to a much higher place. By coincidence, that friend of hers was there too. She was about to call out to Pucca but stopped herself when Ching saw she wasn't her usual self.


Hearts are spawning above Pucca's head while humming at something she dreamily stares at. It's the first Ching saw her friend acting this way, and she's curious who's made her this way.

"Is there something wrong?" Ching asked, walking beside her. Out of curiosity, Ching glanced at where she's staring and then saw an unfamiliar face. A girl, but could be a boy with a pretty face, is sitting next to Master Soo. "He's pretty cute. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Pucca quickly faced Ching and shook her head, not agreeing with her. She then returns to the boy and slowly moves her eyes, staring directly at Ching's eyes. Maybe she's right, perhaps taking the advice from Ching would be wise. But where to start? First of all, Pucca can't speak, and sign language would be hard to communicate.

"Ah, that idiot."

Ching caught Abyo in her sight as she stared below at him, flirting with ladies that sat on his table. Fire is burning throughout her body as she mumbles in curses. Those ladies are sitting closer to him, and she hates seeing it.

"Abyo, you get up here and make up what you did this late afternoon! Making me worry about you for no reason because of the fire!" Abyo didn't budge at her warning, until she threatened, "If you don't, I'll tell everyone what you told me!"

Just like that, Abyo was already at her side. Pucca witnessed these hilarious couples that made her giggle at their quarrel, then notice the boy she's fasten wasn't there anymore. Panicking, she looked every in the crowd then spotted him running out of the restaurant entrance.

◆ ◆ ◆

Come back to his senses, Mio sits up while wondering his whereabouts, stirring on Garu's lap to get a better view of his surroundings. The place they're at is crowded, and he smells food, from the table in front of them. They're not in the forest, that's a plus, or it's a dream he's hoping to escape.

Mio then senses something, like a six sense, yet felt so familiar that he wants to seek it. He quickly jumps off Garu's lap and runs out of the restaurant then sees a pink tail. It can't be, his lover he once had a relationship with until they departed on their own ten years ago. Yani.


◆ ◆ ◆

Garu tries to get used to this uncomfortable environment, then all of a sudden, Mio leaps out of his lap and runs off. He ran after his partner, but only he found himself alone outside. This never happened, Mio was always beside him as a protector and a teammate.

The buildings in this area are dark, not as lively as the center of the village. Garu wasn't scared if anything was going to ambush or harm him, and as for ghosts, he might be a little afraid. The sound of the wind isn't helping as it keeps clashing to random objects, making weird noises that alarm him. Garu doesn't know where he is, wishing to be surrounded by people once again.

Then out from behind him are hands, grabbing both his shoulders as he screams. Garu fell and closed his eyes while defending himself with both arms in front of his face. Nothing happened, so he slowly opened his eyes and saw a girl not far from his age.

"Who're you?" he asked, trying to get himself up. "I-I'm Garu. Are you lost?"

She didn't answer but only answered with a shook of her head.

Garu thought to himself and said, "If you're not, do you know the way? I'm lost, and it's the first time that I'm in the village."

The girl didn't listen to him but pointed at something that Garu, by reflex, looked at where she's pointing. It's a garden. He wasn't interested in the garden, by which the girl pulled him into it. The garden wasn't great, especially at night when the flowers are hard to see. The girl continued pulling him until they put into a halt; that was when Garu's eyes grew.

The water from the fountain glows as the sparkle from it flies into the air. Somehow, these glitters touch the plants and lighten them. The whole garden began to shine as Garu never knew such a thing like this existed. The girl then tugged his sleeve, pointing at a bench that they should sit. Garu follows her as they sit.

"This village is something," Garu mumbled in amazement. "My village only fights and trains, we don't experience anything like this. I mean, me. I never got a chance to see my village because my clan needed to redeem their honor, and all I did was take their place."

Garu doesn't know why he is telling his story to a stranger, but for some reason, being near her felt like an unforgotten memory. A warm memory that he wishes that'll never disappear. With that, the girl also felt the same, scooping closer to him as she grabbed his hand. Garu didn't try to jerk his hand away but to tighten his grip.

Throughout their conversation, she never talks, but Garu still wants to ask. "What's your name?"


A voice echoed through Garu's head, which surprised him, but that surprise didn't last long when Pucca faced him. Garu could clearly see how adorable she is because of her big eyes. It captures him profoundly, but somehow, tears are pouring from his eyes. A mixture of both sadness and happiness.


Everything written in this chapter, it's more force writing. I was busy writing my own work, my characters and stories. Some days or weeks, I think, maybe I should continue with my Pucca fanfic. Since I have like a few months of free time, I should stay and finish what I started from High School.

Sorry for those who're waiting and patiently watching me republish it while it kept changing. A warning about my writing as I grew, hope that I improved, my writing style will be different. Also, I forgot where the story is heading. It doesn't mean it's the end of this fanfic.

I've been writing and planning this fanfic like, forever, holding onto these ideas. My google drive had my old work, and what the ending should end. Not wanting to spoil, but I want to say it's got to do with crossover. It's a series that'll interact with other cartoon characters, which has a long way to go.

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