《Old Old Pucca World》Act 4 - Dream State


The land of the dead, that's what it felt like with these distaste stenches. Neither plants nor animals exist. Somehow, a man walked across these grounds. His face is well protected. The same goes for each of his limbs, hands, and feet being wrapped. Through this harsh environment, he wasn't expected to walk pass on something, but which turned out to be a body. It could be a corpse that a misfortune soul lost their way into this dead land.

This man didn't leave it, so he went and inspected it further. What's this? A child? The child was a girl, no more than six or eight. His golden eyes shine, peering out from the mask, he's aware that this child is alive. He's about to scoop her onto his arms, then the eyes of the girl open.

"A monster like me doesn't deserve to be saved. The wisest decision you'll make is to leave and forget that you ever saw me," the girl said, warning him.

The man didn't accept that cautiousness, but instead, he laughed and said, "I'll decide to either save or leave you. As for you being a monster, I'll be the judge of that because we just met. We're strangers. You don't know me, I don't you." He then stretched his hands toward the sky, yelling, "This land, you see. I was the one who brought chaos here. Why? Because I choose to destroy it. Now, can you explain if I'm a nice person."

From what he's revealing was the history of the area they're stepping, and it all begins with him. There should be discrimination toward this man, but the girl wasn't sure how she felt because his words are unconvincing. A man who self-proclaimed to have the power to take every living thing.

"Tell me, little girl." The man leaned in towards her, reaching out his hand. "You have two choices, live or die." What choice will the girl make? To continue living, of course. She reached for his hand then was removed before she grabbed it. "Ah, but first. I'm a man of destruction. Are you sure you'll live through another day? You can stay here and fend yourself."

As a child, growing up, she was born to be hated by the villagers, including her own family, who felt the same. Throughout her whole life, she's always alone. If this man says whatever about her choices, then she better be off alone, and that's what she always has been. The girl continues lying and closes her eyes, accepting herself to be here.

It made the man chuckle, so he didn't care what her selection was and pulled her into his arms. Before she could react, he wrapped her in fabric then carried her off. Her mouth is too covered. She somehow got one of her hands free and tugged his headgear cloth off, showing his long golden hair. He then fixed it and tightened her arm in place.

In these stenches and infected areas, no animal or human can survive. The man didn't expect someone did for little cover, not only that but a child no less. Don't get him wrong for being a savior. It's what the girl had in her that attracts him. If she labels herself as a monster, then she has an ability that brings fear to others. She's the same as him, so he'll bring her up.


◆ ◆ ◆

The garden that's located below not far from the palace of Master Soo caught the attention of someone in there, and that's the Honorable Mother. She senses something off. At the highest top of the palace, she enters a room that had nothing but a teleporter.

Entering that teleport leads to a secret garden below where Pucca and Garu are from. There are no entrances or exit, not even a window. That stand out within that garden is a tree, brighter than anything, like it was just made out of only light. The Honorable Mother approaches that tree, seeing it glows.

"One of the children's seals is broken," she whispered. "But who?"

◆ ◆ ◆

Admire the beauty of the pond, reflecting the light of the sun while a priest walks above it in barefoot. She stares through the water, peering at the water fairy moving toward her. They come out, flying around her like a dance. Their vitality that's leaking give light the priest mood as she felt every ounce of their energy

The water fairy then disappears into the water, making a sound of fright. It confuses the priest at their reaction then notices a familiar presence. She turned and saw her lover standing at the edge of the pond.

"My love!" she cried, jumping on him while giving him a hug. "I missed you."

"Did you?" he said, returning the hug then smooching on the lip. The kiss was deep that the priest had to get out of his grasp. Her lover chuckled and asked, "Was that a bit too much for you?"

The tease made her grumble at her lover, wishing sometimes he wouldn't do that everytime. However, she can't help loving this man. Making up for this feeling of hers, the priest summons the spirits from the environment to support her revenge. That cocky smirk that man had didn't last long when he saw twenty or thirty entities behind his lover.

It surprised the lover at first but got his blood boiling. What the priest says is true. Sure been a long time since they last met, and he really missed her. Everything of her, including that temper. He can't wait to taste that full-blown of her power like they usually play in the old days.

Roots grow from the ground to grab his leg, but it was cut with a swift of his hand. Next came the wind, blowing him to the sky, which he wasn't too worried about because he had the capability of being able to fly. He yarned, feeling a bit bored. The man changed his tactic, vanishing and appearing behind the priest. He caught her waist and pushed her to the ground.

"Are you mad at me? I didn't mean so much to tease you that caused us to be in this situation," he said seductively. "Will you forgive me?"

That face and the tone of her lover's voice, she'll definitely forgive him. Out of instinct, the priest nodded while turning red. It's adorable how she replies that her lover craves more, and not only that, her blushing face looks so delectable. He lifted her chin and kiss; mouth, cheek, and neck.


◆ ◆ ◆

"What's this?"

The Honorable Mother walks into the top side of the garden, where Pucca and Garu sleep on the bench. She was taken back and didn't expect these two to be here.

"I was wondering where that energy was coming from, but it was you two. Guess that explains why I felt more than one seal is being broken. I didn't predict you two will meet again, at such a short time," the Honorable Mother said, smiling while touching both Pucca and Garu's faces. "You two have grown more than the last time."


The Honorable Mother froze, then focused on Garu, who mumbled in his sleep. She smiled and pulled out her phone then put on a halt. Energy, much more significant, had hit her. The Honorable Mother's eyes grew wide, seeing that it belonged to Garu.

◆ ◆ ◆

Scream and death are everywhere, surrounding the spot where the priest is standing. She listens to the cry of her people as tears are falling from her eyes. Above her, floating was a lady that was one of her friends and a sister to her. They grew up together and learned by the same master, but now, this friend had the desire to destroy everything she comes to.

Her former friend, too, had the power of divinity because of consuming four deities, and one of them is the priest lover. It angered the priest for her to learn his fate. She can't let her former friend continue living, but she doesn't have the strength to keep fighting. After their long fight, along with her other two friends who are now dead, had impacted her body from using any ability.

"Can you still fight?" Golden hair caught her attention when she turned and saw it was her master. He looked pretty beat up but continued, "We'll win if I can seal that dark energy forming around her. We don't have enough power to destroy it, but sealing would be the best option."

"How's the sealing work?"

"You won't like this, but..." he muttered at the end, looking at his two lifeless apprentices. "I've taken what's left of the deities, and I'll be using these two." The master grabs the two apprentices as they vanish into him. "With their existence, including mine, we can turn into a seal. You and what's left of the servants will have to watch over our world. Protect it."

"Master, you can't. You're not leaving me alone," the priest begged, holding back her voice.

"Listen, just listen. We have to do this, and I know it's a difficult situation," her master said, calming the priest while forcing her to look at him. "You go and fight her. I'll sneak behind her while she's being distracted by you. Do you hear me?" The priest obediently nodded while he smiled. "Good."

They got themselves into position, so the priest went up first. She closes her eyes and calmly calls what's left of the earth, throwing her former friend to the ground. It was too much that the priest spews blood out of her mouth. She holds it in then continues attacking. However, those attacks are useless. That lady deflated every single of them, then she appeared in front of the priest and smacked her face, sending her flying.

Somewhere far, her master watches until there's an open. He then saw an opportunity, so he launched himself toward the lady but got kicked in the stomach. She knew he was coming, and too fast for him to see her movement. The lady chuckled while peering at him vulnerable on the ground. She walked passed him, then headed to where the priest was lying.

On those few rubbles, she pulls the priest out that's now unconscious. The master tries to get up but can't. He could only watch in horror as she showed the priest then beheaded her. The priest's head was then thrown at him. He was so shocked that he grabbed the head, doing the same as did to his other two apprentices. The head, including body, became a part of him. The master staggered himself to his feet. They both stare at each other before clashing.

◆ ◆ ◆

Garu opened his eyes, getting up while he wasn't conscious. He ambled, approaching the Honorable Mother while she knew he wasn't all there. Right now, he had broken another seal. Whatever this seal, she's afraid to uncover. The Honorable Mother watched his next movement, then Garu screamed, while she held her ears and saw the flowers come to life.

The seal that was broken is Garu's power. The Honorable Mother wasn't expecting it to be this overwhelming, so she had to seal it on her own way until he is ready. Garu wasn't aware of his surroundings but had a strong loath toward the Honorable Mother. The garden begins to attack her.

Before they reach the Honorable Mother, she grabs Garu and puts a seal mark on his neck then burns these living plants. His voice was also sealed. The Honorable Mother continued what she was doing, calling her son from the phone.


Is anyone confused while reading the first part? Thinking, is this Pucca fanfiction? Yes, it is. No worries. We got to introduce the most essential character, the Honorable Mother. She's canon, and if no one agreed, then go back and rewatch the whole cartoon. Not Netflix. The Honorable Mother did get mentioned many times but didn't make an appearance.

During my writing section, I was lost. It's long, for me. If anyone reads any of my other work, they're no more than 1k words. To make things easier and relaxing for my brain, I opened another document. I wrote some parts of the act on it, tricking my mind that I wrote less. That sounds weird, right? I can't help it because I sometimes stress my brain out. My least favorite act I wrote.

As for Pucca fanfiction, it was hard writing when the character's name wasn't meant to be shown. I fought it. These characters' identities will be announced in the future. I distinguish them, which is which. It helps me, also to readers, understand they're a character of who if anyone wants to go back and reread.

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