《Old Old Pucca World》Act 2 - Fire Aftermath


Lively as ever in the Goh-Rong as Dada runs from table to table, serving every customer while carrying the unwanted plates to the kitchen. The young man threw the dishes in a substantial wooden bucket that's filled with water. From within the bucket, the plates were being washed by Pucca as she threw them in cleaner water then set them to air dry.

Storm into the kitchen was Ching running out of breath, catching everyone's attention. She tried to say something but her breathing was getting out of her instead. One of the three chefs, Uncle Dumpling, comes to assure her.

"Breathe, child. Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"It's Abyo, I can't find him anywhere," she cried in tears, having Pucca to comfort her at her side. "The last time I saw him was when he entered the forest, heading to that abandoned house. After a few minutes," her words got faster and louder. "The firefighter headed over there too. Smokes are coming from that direction. I'm afraid something bad might happen to him. I'm worried he might get hurt, or, or, even worse. Imagine him being—"

"It's okay," Uncle Dumpling tried to assure her. "He's a strong boy, and he'll be fine."

"And...he can't be that crazy to light that house on fire. If that's where his well being is," Linguini commented, which had them rethink Abyo's knowledge. Linguini can read their expressions, so he said, "I know everyone thinks that child could burn that house."

"Abyo may have done that," Ching agreed then continued, "But where could he be."

"We can wait and see," Uncle Dumpling advised her as she slowly nodded. "What about calming down in Pucca room while waiting for any lead about him. We'll ask Bruce and the firefighter."

Ching hesitated at first then gave in when Pucca urged her to follow her. They head upstairs, while the chefs continue cooking.


"If an unknown case were to involve, Bruce would be the first to check it out," Uncle Dumpling said, pulling his sleeves up to start chopping the vegetables. "He's the police in the village, so he'll assist the firefighter."

"They'll do their job, and we, as a civilian can just stay put and do nothing," Ho said, flipping his frying pan.

"Let the professionals handle it. We're just chefs. We're not in the field to handle this kind of situation," Linguini said, then noticed a few deliveries. "Hey, Dada. You have delivery to be made." Dada rushed toward them as Linguini handed him a metal box. "Make sure to get there on time," He ordered.

Dada says nothing but nodded and left. It's going to be a bit busy without Pucca and Dada, so the chefs have to pick up their pace.

◆ ◆ ◆

Running through the bushes and trees was the most tiring thing Abyo ever did. He wouldn't run this much if the firefighters didn't show up. Someone must have seen that explosion and called them. As the forest vanished to a brighter area, Abyo put into a stop to catch his breath. He looked back as smoke was peeling out from the wood.

"I can't believe my fun has been spoiled," he complained, then froze when someone grabs his shoulder. He screamed and turned around to see Dada standing there. "Y-you! Don't scare me like that!"

"Hello," Dada greeted with an emotionless tone.

"Yeah, hello to you too," Abyo quickly responded as he's about to leave.

Dada stared at him before he warned, "Playing the deep part of the forest is forbidden." Abyo stopped and looked back to respond but was cut off. "Master Soo warned us, and your dad wouldn't be proud of you if he knew."

"What are you, my mom?"

"No," Dada answered, then said, "But someone who cares about your safety."


"What do I need, your protection? My safety is my own business," Abyo said in a proud voice. "If anyone were to mess with me, then"—he shows his moves with a kick in the air—"they'll be sorry."

"Your martial arts will help you, but it won't help you in this situation you're in. I'm only warning you for your benefit. You better watch out, and I meant that your dad is getting into this fire incident with the firefighter," Dada told him, making it clear before he left.

The firefighter was one thing, but his dad was another. Abyo doesn't feel too good, especially his dad snooping the trouble he caused. If his dad finds out it was him, then he'll be furious and ground him for life. Deep in his soul, as he prays, Abyo hopes his dad wouldn't find out, or the punishment wouldn't be too harsh.

◆ ◆ ◆

In a wide range of a house being torn down by the fire was turning itself into charcoal. The firefighters took these charcoal and dumped it in the back of the truck. While they were busy clearing the area, Bruce talked with one of the firefighters.

"We can't be too sure who causes the fire, and it could be anyone in the village. This house has been empty for years, and mischievous kids would jerk around the old house," Bruce said, suggesting it would be best to leave whoever behind it. "I'll write down the report to keep in mind."

"You're right with not being too focused on the culprit. Our main objective is to rebuild the house," the Fire Chief agreed.

"Rebuild the house?" Bruce repeated shockingly. "Who wants the house to rebuild?"

"Master Soo," the Fire Chief answered.

"Oh, him, then don't work too hard," Bruce said, bowing his hat before stepping into his car.

Bruce didn't ask who it was for, and for what reasons. He's the type to wait and see, instead of poking his nose longer than he can hold.

The Police drove his car while watching the burnt house being almost clear out. It's been years since the house is used for something, or it's like the very first time Bruce has ever seen it being used. From the first day he lives in Sooga Village, the house would always be empty and unused.

While on the road, in the forest, Bruce had an accident. The tire wheel went out of control, driving him straight into the wonders of many trees. He hit a tree but nearly survived. Will, maybe surviving might be too far fetched from him. Right now, he's in a grave problem. This forest wasn't any ordinary forest.

Came out from the ground are corpses of both humans and animals. Bruce pulls out his gun and shoots one of them on the head. It fell but was replaced by another. The sweat on his head ran down his cheek, hoping he'll make it out.


To tell you the truth, I don't know what I am writing. This chapter began with many opportunities at the start. First, let's start with Ching yelling at Abyo blowing the house. I was like, 'I hate it,' then threw it somewhere in my head. The second, Abyo ran out from the forest and then suddenly met Dada. I didn't want to use it and delete the whole thing, then I went back to my writing history and grabbed it to be part of the story. The third is right here and right now. You guys are reading it.

The ending of this chapter was more Bruce leaving the forest without any accident happening to him. Then I thought about him being involved with the wood. It won't harm the story for him to be gone for a few chapters, right? So I did it, I let him have an accident.

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