《Old Old Pucca World》Act 1 - Forbidden Forests


Up ahead in the forest was Mio and following behind him was Garu. Day after day Mio felt like the wood was eating him alive. He could complain to his master, meaning Garu, all day, but it won't solve their problem.

Two months have passed since they stepped into this misfortune place. Who would Mio blame? His master's of course. Garu has no sense of direction. In the end, Mio was the one leading them. If they ever get out, he's going to teach Garu how to navigate.

Something doesn't feel right for Mio. They have been through this path before, the trees and bushes are precisely the same.

"Hey, Master Garu," Mio called out to him. "Don't you notice anything strange?"

Garu stared at him for a moment then calmly answered, "No."

"WHAT?!" Mio cried in shock. He should have seen this coming, no wonder Garu was so calm. Mio lost all his strength to complain, instead, he gently asked, "Garu, don't you see anything familiar? Like the trees, or maybe..."—he clenched his teeth together—"THE NATURE AROUND US."

Garu thought quietly then said, "I can't tell. They're very much similar in every way."

"We're going to die," Mio mumbled to himself.

◆ ◆ ◆

Somewhere in Sooga Village, a palace that floats above it lives a Deity, who overlooks the village. He is known as Master Soo. Today, he felt a little bit unsettling. The newcomer he's going to greet is a bit late, and three hours have passed.

His worry is getting more fidgeting, hoping that child won't get lost. These forests that surround Sooga Village are huge. Being lost in it means... Wait. Master Soo paused for a moment, he almost forgot that the woods around here are deadly. They were intended to protect Sooga Village from outsiders, and yet, those forests' existence weren't needed anymore.

He summons a cloud and heads toward the forest to search for the newcomer's whereabouts. That child better be alive and well. Into the distance, he went as lightning summoned from the sky in his direction.

◆ ◆ ◆

"Three months..." Things are getting out of hand, Mio didn't think they'll be here this long. He glances at Garu, and the boy seems as calm as ever. To be sure, he asked, "How are you feeling?"


"It's alive," Garu mumbled without answering.

"What?" Mio wasn't sure what Garu was implying. "I don't quite hear you there."

"I believe this forest is the many stories you told me when I was an infant. A forest that comes alive and consumes anything that moves," Garu said while looking at Mio then added, "But it could be a speculation."

"Speculate or not, I'm assuming that this is the eating forest. We've been here for three months. How are we explaining our situation?"

"Poor sense of direction?"

Silence rises in the air and Mio doesn't want to say anything that gives him a headache. He took a deep breath and said, "We need a plan to get us out of here. Our main objectives are to get to Sooga Village and restore our clan honor. We have a year to restore it, and we don't want to waste any more time."

Mio was right, restoring their clan honor is the top priority, and Garu forgot his duty. He drags his shinobigatana out of nowhere from behind him. Without giving his partner any warning, Mio was alert at his action, which unsettles the poor cat's heart.

"W-what are you doing," Mio asked nervously.

"Getting us out of here," Garu replied as his eyes turned blue and glowed.

The energy coming out from Garu's body began to flow through him and into the shinobigatana. Standing far back from him, Mio couldn't withstand the pressure it's building up. No choice to give in, he falls flat down as he watches his master getting ready to strike.

◆ ◆ ◆

The fourth forest Master Soo had reached. This part of the forest had a barrier that has its own space, like the other three he had encountered. He needs to break through it and search for the newcomer. He was getting ready to summon his lightning when a blue light was destroying the forest barrier. It was heading toward his direction, so he quickly dodge it to the side.

Below ground, he saw the newcomer, alive but not great nutrients. Master Soo directs the cloud to the field as it disappears.

"Are you Garu?" Master Soo asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"I'm Master Soo, and I came to get you because you were three hours late."


"Three... Hours..." Garu rolled his tongue while the words progressed in his thoughts. "Meaning a whole day would be two years. With three hours we lost..." Garu stops and thinks as his eyes lit up with excitement. "We didn't lose anything. We still have a year to restore our honor. Isn't that great, Mio?"

Mio didn't respond. He only gurgles his breath, lying lifeless on the ground. The energy Garu produced had knocked him out cold. Garu walks over him and puts his partner in his arms.

"To get started, how about I show you to your new home?" Master Soo announced as he led them into a much safer part of the forest. "You must be tired. Here"—he summoned a cloud in front of Garu, which caught the boy in surprise—"have some rest. You look like you're worn out."

"Thank you." He accepted Master Soo's offer, climbing onto the cloud.

They continue their journey silently when Master Soo warns him. "The forests here are dangerous. It's best if you stay away from them while staying in Sooga Village."

When hearing that there's more forest like that, it made Garu curious. "How many are out there? That's near the Village?"

"Many," he answered, unsure about the number.

"So much that you're not sure about the amount? It had my particular interest in what spouts them from the start, or whatever reason it existed."

"It was meant to be created to protect and guard the village from the chaos the outsider brings. That was in the old days. Today, it's a hassle," Master Soo sighed at the fact that tourists went missing, which is trouble for businesses. "It would be a great honor if someone could find ways to stop the forest from spreading, or get rid of it."

"I would do it," Garu quickly volunteered as Master Soo can see his eyes shine brightly. "The duty as a ninja must never let tragedy occur on any of the innocents. We must protect what seems right."

"Such a noble child, but it's a disappointment. My Honorable Mother forbids me to do such things," Master Soo smiled then added, "Even if the village isn't in great shape."

There's a disappointment that overcomes Garu when he thought he could be useful for the village. As they continue to Garu's new place, there's a massive explosion coming from the direction they're heading. Master Soo quickly got on one of his clouds and hurried over there while Garu was dragged behind. The house was on fire, and many pieces of it were on the ground.

Without a thought, Master Soo dial on his phone. "Hello, Firefighters? There's an emergency."

◆ ◆ ◆

Garu sits on the cloud with Mio cuddling deep in his arms as he watches Master Soo talking to one of the firefighters. Taking a better look at the firefighter's face, Garu could see he had no eyes but a nose and a mouth. He was terrified, so he sat still. At corner at his eyes, Garu notices that all of the other firefighters are the same, no eyes.

Moving left to right and right to left, the firefighters are putting the house together. Garu was amazed at their work capabilities, and the house would finish sooner. The way the house was built had Garu interesting; he thought it would be best to fill it with hidden traps. He should plan the blueprint with Mio later.

When Master Soo finishes his conversation, he walks over to Garu. "From what they found, some troublemakers left their lit fireworks in the house and blew the house. The house has been empty for years, so it's no surprise," he sighed irritatedly at whoever that person was. "I'll give you a small tour of the village while your new house rebuilds itself."

Garu accepts his invites, and they move back into the forest as they head to the village.


Please excuse that the smiley face people don't design or describe like the one on the cartoon. They got inspired by a manga, "Alice in the Country of Hearts." I got this manga when I was in middle school and got inspiration for it during high school.

I hope the first introduction of Garu first time stepping in Sooga Village is well introduced. The pace wasn't fast, and Garu still got his voice, but we'll get to it later in the story. We got to see Master Soo's ability and some action from Garu using his sword.

Oh, I guess people will be asking about Mio's capability of speaking. Let's say it's for character development and understanding the reason for his existence. It'll come later on in the story, don't overthink about comparing it to the cartoon.

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