《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》Operation P.I.R.A.T.E.
Pirates Invade Repository And Treats Extracted
On that episode where my other oc, (carols) came in and it's gonna be a ruff from the start with sector v
At the treehouse where numbuh 1,2, 3 and 4 plays video game while numbuh 11 reads fashion magazine and numbuh 8 plays her dog, taco with his favorite chew toy when numbuh 5 came in and turns the game off.
Numbuh 1,2,3 and 4: *got upset*
Numbuh 8 and 11: *got confused*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Just keep it cool, y'all. Because numbuh 5 says...it's candy time!
Numbuh 1,2,3, 4, 8, and 11: *cheered and eats candy*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Wow, you're the best numbuh 5!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Your speacial stash...What's the occasion?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: No occasion, numbuh 4. Just--
Taco: *whimpers*
Numbuh 8 aka María: *look at taco along with the rest and gets on her knees* Hey, taco. What's wrong, boy? *noticed his toy is missing* Taco's favorite toy is missing!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *touch his hair and realize his googles missing* So is my googles and your hair clip! *ponits numbuh 8's hair*
Numbuh 8 aka María: *touch her hair and gasp* My hair clip! Who stole it?!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *noticed his sunglasses missing as well when he touch his face* Where My Glasses?!
Numbuh 11 aka Julliette: *noticed her hat's gone when she feel her head* And where's my beret?!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *noticed her hat gone as well* And who took numbuh 5's hat?!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *look at her stuff animals and get upset* WHERE'S MY CHEERLEADING RAINBOW MONKEY!!!!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Well, who ever steall your stuff i'm punch that person with-Hey *look around* Who took my boxing gloves?!?!
???: *laughing*
Numbuh 1,2,3,4,5,8 and 11: Huh?
Boy: *comes out while laughing at them*
Numbuh 8 aka María: You..*gets mad* YOU JERK! You're the boy who stole my lunch from school and Now you stealing my hair clip, my dog's chew toy and my friend's stuff!
Boy: You guys Should've see your faces! *laughing*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Look here, kid. We know you steal our stuff so give us back right now and you've leave.
Boy: Aww come on. It's fun to steal your stuff without you all notice unit now.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Not to us. Now give us back our stuff or i-*gets cuts off by numbuh 1*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Clam down, numbuh 4 and let me handed this. *turn to boy* Okay this sector v's property, give us our stuff back or else you'll get in trouble by the kids next door.
Boy: *groan* Alright fine! You guys are no fun. *get his backpack and pull their stuff out*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *put on his sunglasses on* Anything else you got?
Boy: Pfft No i got nothing else but y- *notice the dog grab his backpack* Hey Let Go! *grab his backpack like the tug of war and tears the backpack with the stuff that he steals*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Hey! *picks up the library book* Is that a-
Boy: Don't look at me! I didn't steal it!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *picks the bag of marbles* Whoa! How many stuff did you put in this backpack you use? *as numbuh 2 pick the candy bar and eats it, numbuh 3 picks the panitbrush, numbuh 11 picks the hand mirror, numbuh 8 picks the playing cards and numbuh 1 picks the stickers*
Boy: *sigh* Oh ok, you got me. *hands up* I stoles everyone's stuff.
Unit something struck on numbuh 4's face and something pink and everyone gasp.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *groan in pain*
Boy: What is that on his face?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *approaches numbuh 4 and look at the pink substance* It's...gum wad.
Taco: *cames to sniff at the pink subtance*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *walk to taco and picks him up* No taco, you'll get stuck.
Numbuh aka Nigel: *then saw the 2 gum flying* Wha?!
Numbuh aka Marìa: *gasp*
Numbuh 1 & 8: *gets gum on their faces*
The gum wad kept shooting the treehouse and almost gets the rest of sector v and carlos.
???: Arg, that's the spirt! Prepare to board, mateys! Go! Go! Go! *as his crew do what he says*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *looks at the chest of candy, looks back and kicks it in the closet*
Boy: You stole this?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Shh. *whisper* No, these is my stash of candy, kid.
Boy: *whisper* My name is Carlos.
Numbuh aka Abby: *chuckle and whisper* Ok, carlos.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Uh little help over here, numbuh 5?!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: I'm on it. Come on. *grab carlos' arm and run*
Carlos: Ah! Hey!
Pirates: *growling*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *jumps up* Pirate fight! Whee! *jumps while pirates tries to get her and giggles*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Here! *gives carlos a weapon*
Carlos: What's this?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: It's a 2x5 technology weapon! Just use it.
Carlos: Well alright. *use the weapon*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Just a little closer...Now! *shooting along with numbuh 5 and carlos to hit the pirates*
Carlos: *looka the weapon and smile* Cool!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *runs off from the pirate and gets trip by the candy cane* Aaaah!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *shoots her weapon at the pirate while gets back to numbuh 4, 5 and carlos*
Numbuh 4, 5, 11 and Carlos: *gets hit by numbuh 2 and groans*
Taco: *whippers while tries to get the gum out*
Numbuh 1 & 8: *gets stuck the gum on the wall while groans* Huh? *saw numbuh 3*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *flips* Wee!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Numbuh 3, look out!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *jumps* Wee! Huh? *gets caught the whip and gets drag* Ahh! *throws on numbuh 4, 5, 11 and carlos and groans then the pirates jumps on them*
One of the pirate crew: *french accent* Tree house secured, capitaine!
Taco: *saw the man and growls*
Captian: *comes in* Ah, brave warriors ye young 'uns be, but ye be no match for Stickybeard, the stickiest pirate ever to sail the suburbs. *as his crew cheered and laughed* Ah, enough with the formalites. We'll now be taking all you candy.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Take anything but not candy!
Stickybeard: Oh, a fellow sweet tooth, eh? *laugh* Well, this lolly will be the last bit of candy. *as taking the lollipop off his beard and shove it to numbuh 5's mouth* You'll never have in this tree house when old sticky beard's done with ye! Snap to it, mateys!
SB's crew: *gets the candy while singing* 🎶Candy, Candy, Take that candy, Take that candy, Take it all, Candy, Candy, Take the candy down to the last sour ball, Candy, Candy🎶
Stickybeard: Is that all the candy, lads?
Two pirates: Oui, mon capitaine!
Stickybeard: Then let's sail, mateys!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *gasp as saw the door open with the chest*
Stickybeard: Eh? What's this? *saw the chest* So, you thought ye could outsmart old stickybeard, did ya? When i said i was taking all your candy, i meant it! *laugh while draging it*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *pops out to make the pirates* Raaagh! No! *jumps on the chest* There's no way i'm letting go of my special stash of candy!
Stickybeard: As you wish, my sweet-tooth maiden. I'll take ye both and don't the rest of ye be trying to follow us or you'll never unwrap a lolly with your friend again! *as take a lollipop off his beard and eats it* Ooo! Lime-a-licious! *eats it and evil laugh while taking the chest and numbuh 5 away*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Numbuh 5! *tries to get her but still stuck*
Sector v running and yells for numbuh 5 but little did they know that carlos gets in the ship without get caught that he had to save her.
Carlos: *climbs up, saw numbuh 5 and hides*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *gets tied up by pirates* Ow! Not so tight!
Two priates: *laugh and left*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *heard saying 'psst' and turns around, saw carlos* *whisper* Carlos, what are doing?
Carlos: *whisper* I'm here to save you.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *whisper* But stickybeard said-
Carlos: *whisper* Don't worry i have an idea to make up you and your friends by stealing your stash of candy from pirates for you.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *whisper* You better steal and eat my candy all by yourself.
Carlos: *whisper* No way, i'll never do that trust me. We'll steal it together.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *sigh and whisper* Fine.
Carlos: *whisper* Alright but i'll help you escape first.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: But how? *looks down and realized* Hmm. Licorice? *whisper to carlos* Eat this. *eats it*
Carlos: Ooo. Licorice. *eats it as well*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *whisper* Come on. *runs off along with carlos and hides somewhere then saw the chest* Bingo.
Carlos: Let's get it. *tip toe along with numbuh 5 and hides the chest*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *whisper* Now, you and numbuh 5 just get back to the tree house.
Carlos: *whisper* I hope we don't get caught. *heard stickybeard said 'get them!'* Uh oh.
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: *kicks the chest to hit the pirates*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Boom!
Carlos: Oh yeah!
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: Uh oh. *grab the rope and swing*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *grab the chest and laugh at them* So long, sour balls! *laugh and suddenly about to fall*
Carlos: Numbuh 5! *grab her*
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: *falls* Aaah! *lands and gets grab by stickybeard*
Stickybeard: *throw the chest*
Carlos: Hey! *stickybeard throws him with his crew to grab him*
Stickybeard: *laugh* Ah, have a passion for the candy, lassie. What do you like to be my new first mate? Together, we'll be the suburbs, robbin' kids of their candy and when me teeth are all fallen out, you'll be inhertit me vast candy forture and have all the candy for 200 miles! And that's nautical miles too, which i'm fairly certain is more than regular miles. *laughing*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *thinking* Hmm.. That's a lot of candy. Hmm.
Stickybeard: So, what do you say, lassie?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Thanks, stickybun but numbuh 5's already got a sweet gig.
Stickybeard: So your mind's made up, is it, lassie?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Oh...
Carlos: Man...
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: How much candy were you offering again?
Stickybeard: Quit your stallin'!
Carlos: *gulp*
As the priates about to make numbuh 5 and carlos walk the plank than...
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Who-a-a-ah!
Carlos: Numbuh 5!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *swing and grab numbuh 5*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: It's candy time!
Carlos: Oh yeah! *step on one the pirate's foot to let him go*
One of the Pirate: *scream in pain and runs after the boy*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Take her down, numbuh 4!
Taco: *barks*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Hi pirates!
Stickybeard: Sugar me timbers! We're under attack! Prepare to repel boraders!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Kids next door, attack! Give up it up! We've got you surrounded! *gets attack by lollipops along with numbuh 4*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Whoa! Aah!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Look out!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Wee! *while side down the stairs*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Woo hoo! *side down the stairs as well*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Ha ha ha ha! Aha!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Gum balls! Good idea!
Numbuh 3 & 11: *grabs the gum balls and throw them*
Pirates: *runs after them but stop and eats them*
Carlos: *as he runs and had an ideal*
One of the Pirates: *about to grab him*
Carlos: *turns around to face a pirate and pulls the cards* Pick a card, any card!
Pirate: Hm? Uhh...
Carlos: No, no. Don't tell me what it is.
Pirate: *picks a one card and gives him back*
Carlos: Now is... *grab the card* This your card?
Pirate: *gasp* How did you do that?!
Carlos: The magicians never tell. For my next magic trick. I'll make myself disappear with this. *grab a barrel and goes in*
Pirate: *opens it and realize that he's gone* Huh? *looks around while scratch his head*
Carlos: *hides and chuckle* Carlos, you done it again. *runs off*
Taco: *runs from the pirate and hides*
Pirate: Hey where ye go, sea dog? *looking for a dog*
Taco: *gets right behind him, jumps and bite his pants*
Pirate: *scream and runs around like crazy* Get off of me! Get off of me! Get off of MEEEE!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *came in and saw taco bite his pants then giggles*
Taco: *tare the pirate's pants*
Pirate: *runs off with hole of a back of his pants*
Taco: *goes up to marìa*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *pets him while take the pant tare* Good, boy. *throw him a treat*
Taco: *catch the treat and eats it*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *runs and stop*
Pirates: *run afters her*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *jumps and kick one of the pirate in the face*
Pirate: *gets kicked in the face* Ahhh!
Another Pirates: *gets mad and run towards her*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *use her gymnastics moves at them to fight*
Carlos: *run, stop and stare at numbuh 8* Huh?
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *back flips, put her hands on pirates head for jumps and lands while pirates bump into each other then saw carlos with a smirk* hmm. *walks off*
Carlos: *amazed by her gymnastic skills* Whoa!
One of the Pirates: Give it up, junior!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *inhales deeply, blow the gum and pops it to the priates blind*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Nunbuh 2, grab the wheel of the ship! *almost get hit* Whoa! *grab the candy cane sword* Ha ha! *fight the sword with a pirate*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *run past them and fight the pirates over the wheel*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: My candy's got to be here somewhere.
Carlos: I saw your candy is in- Aaaaah! *gets move around by the ship*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Ooh!
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: *falls down* Who-a-a-a! Ooh! *climbs up to find numbuh 5's candy*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *gasp* Oooooh-wee!
Carlos: Hey! There it is! *points at the chest*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *saw it and gasp*
Bingo! *runs into it*
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: *crawls the candy while eating it*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *grab the chest and hugs it* There you are!
Carlos: Come on, let's grab this chest before- *gasp and saw stickybeard*
Stickybeard: Methinks you've had enough candy for a day, kiddies!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *talk with her mouthfull*
Stickybead: Eh? What's was that?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: I said 'I'll see you at the dentist. *as grab the candy cane sword*
Carlos: *grabs the candy sword as well*
Stickytbeard: *start sword fight with numbuh 5 and carlos* You've makin' a mistake! No bratty kids could give you *grunts* As much candy as i can!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Your candy's sugar-free!
Stickybeard: Huh?! I'll show ye! *breaks numbuh 5 and carlos' sword candy canes*
Carlos: Uh oh.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Aww, that was perfectly good candy.
Carlos: Yeah!
Stickybeard: What a waste! *push them on the wall* Aargh! Foolish kids!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *still fight priates over the wheel and little did they know that they we're about to crash land*
Stickybeard: Since ye won't join me, you'll just have to- Eh?
Then the ship crash landed to the house while everyone shounted and candy pops out of the ship.
Stickybeard, numbuh 5 and carlos: Aaah! Woah!
Kids: *gasped* Candy! *runs off*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Ohh...
Carlos: Uhh...You okay?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Numbuh 5's fine, baby.
Pirate: There they are.
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: Uh oh.
Kids: Candy! *cheering and shouting while getting candy*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *chuckle* Chow down, kids. *eat the candy*
Carlos: Enjoy the candy! *eat the candy as well*
Stickybeard: *pops out the pile of candy*
Numbuh 5 and Carlos: Wha?
Stickybeard: *growls and gets attack by kids that they're trying to get candy from him* Get off! Stop! Arr! Not the tutti-futti!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Numbuh 5! Are you all right?!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Feelin' sweet, baby! Feelin' sweet!
Carlos: *nods agreement*
Later at the treehouse...
Carlos: *got his hand on his back* I'm sorry for stealing your stuff, guys. It's just i got it from my dad's side when he was a kid. And i don't have any friends.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Well if you want friends, stealing stuff from wasn't the optin. You could just meet them and get to know them.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: And You got us as your friends! *hugs carlos while giggles*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *gets jealous and didn't trust him*
Carlos: Thanks but... *pull gently* no i'll just leave you all alone. *walks away sadly*
The sector v feel bad for carlos but unit abby came to stop him.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Hey, we can't just let you be alone besides we'll be your friends. Right, guys?
Rest of sector v: Uh yeah sure. Well i mean. Yeah! Yeah sure whatever. Um okay i don't mind. Well if he wants to.
Carlos: *smiles* Thanks.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: And the way that you save numbuh 5, using your skill and get the candy, we'll let you join our team. Kids next door.
Carlos: Huh? What's kids next door exactly?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: We'll show you.
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