《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》Operation T.E.E.T.H.
Tooth Extracting Enemy Terrorizes Headquarters
Numbuh 3 got out of the candy shop to get the goods then at night a mysterious villain caught numbuh 3, when she thought what that villain do to her but the she got her teeth shines really Really shines.
Meanwhile with numbuh 11.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *eats frog legs for dinner and gets ready go to the treehouse* Mom, I'm going to see my friends.
Georgine/Juliette's mom: *sketching a new outfits for fashion stores* Alright dear, but becareful out there I don't want you to get hurt.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Don't worry, mom, i'll be fine. Bye. *close the door then walks off to nigel's treehouse*
At the treehouse
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Where can she be?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: It's simple misson, a trip to the candy store! She can't even get back right. *heard the door open it was numbuh 3*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *jumps down* It's about time. You got my-
Numbuh 2 aka Hoogie: Chocolate logs! Did you bring chocolate logs?!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: And numbuh 5's Carmel critters?
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: And Chocolate crunch bars?
Numbuh 8 aka Maria: And sugar cookie dough bites?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: You have a good exclamation for this, numbuh 3?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Uhm...i..uuhm. *show her teeth it was show bright that make the other kids next door blind*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: What happen?! You teeth should look like this! *open numbuh 4's mouth to show his teeth*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoggie: Or this. *show his teeth*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Or this. *show her teeth*
Numbuh 8 aka Maria: Or even these. *show her teeth but not showing her wisdom teeth and along with numbuh 11 as well*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *sadly* I know.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Look, all we do is get some candy and we'll get those teeth back in shape in no time.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Good idea, numbuh 5. To the candy store!
On there way to the candy store...
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Eyes front, numbuh 3.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Okay. *turn around front*
Man: Children, children, children, Dr. Sickman teeth at your service and looks like you complimentary check up! Ahh there's nothing like a good teeth cleaning. First is the brushing then there's the scraping and the scrubbing and the spitting. Oh the freshness! So why you all step inside my office and we'll um.. We'll make the appointment for tuesday..or wednesday.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Freak. *didn't heard sickman growls in anger*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *came the candy store* Finally and a time.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *saw the sign* Uh oh, looks like we got a problem.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoogie: Closed?! But it's only midnight!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: We'll just have to come back first thing in the morning. *as they about to leave then-*
Man: *opens the door* Oh oh hey come back! Jelly's candies always open for my best customers, kids next door. *as kids next door says hello to him when they goes in the store* Come in, come in. You gotta have candy, right? Not fun without candy aye. *laugh* Help yourself now, there's plenty to go around. So go ahead and eat, eat, eat! And if that nasty dentist doctor try give you a brushing, well you can run, run, run!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Got any taffy?
Man: T-t-taffy?! No we're uh-we're fresh out of t-t-t-that stuff. But let's get you kids square away so you can run along and enjoy your delicious candy.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Excellent, just put the kids next door count.
Man: Goodbye now don't let the dentist get ya. *laugh*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *as everyone else going back to the treehouse* If that stupid dentist try to fix my teeth, i'll give him a woof and i'll give him k-pow...
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Numbuh 4?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: And a waa and a arr...
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Numbuh 4?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *as juliette's growls* And if he brings out the foss, then i'll give the old wooper dooper and a-Waaa!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Finally, numbuh 4 shuts up.
Numbuh 8 aka Maria: All gracias to numbuh 11.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Good work, numbuh 11.
Back in the treehouse...
Sector v: *open the door and gasp of horror when they saw wally and juliette*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: It's numbuh 4. *gasp* he's been brace-a-flied.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoogie: And look at numbuh 11! *as points at her* She's got her teeth wide shut!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *grabs the note from numbuh 4 and reads* Brush after meals and snacks or else. signed, Knightbrace?
Numbuh 2 aka Hoogie: What's a knightbrace?
Numbuh 4 & 11: *trying to say something but they still got braces and teeth wided*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: It has to be that dentist. *as numbuh 8 nods agreement*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Let's not up to conclusions. It's obvious with dealing with a villain obsessed with dental hygiene, which can only mean...We need more candy! Numbuh 2, prepare the... *realize that numbuh 2's gone* Numbuh 2? Where he go? Numbuh 5, where's... *then realize that numbuh 5's gone as well* Hey where's numbuh 5?
Numbuh 4 & 11: *trying to say 'i don't know'*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *gasp* Guys? Guys?! *looks around and saw numbuh 3 & 8 still here*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *eats candy and waves at numbuh 1*
Taco: *barks at the door*
Numbuh 8 aka María: *heards her dog bark at something* Numbuh 1, taco found something*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *runs off along with numbuh 8, looks around and saw numbuh 2 & 5 get flossed* Dental floss, it's cleaning their gums and their's nothing they can do about it. I'm beginning to think that cartain dentist is behide all this. Well, i just have a plan to deal with the like of him. Kids next door, are you with me?!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: I'm in!
Numbuh 3 & 4: Yeah!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *but flashing her teeth to blinded numbuh 1 and 8*
Numbuh 1 & 8: Ahhh!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *tripping and falls down cause the braces into numbuh 1's feet*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *got hit by numbuh 4's braces and scream in pain while grabing his foot where numbuh 4's braces at*
Later at the ally....
Numbuh 4 and 11: *hides themselves with newspaper*
Numbuh 2 & 5: *hides the garbage bag*
Knightbrace: *came in to see a child with candy, laughs and begain to brush the child's teeth but he didn't know that the child is fake*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Now!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Okay! *shines her teeth at knightbrace*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Don't move, freak!
Nightbrace: You dare interrupt my secret mission!?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *jumps out, about about to kick his butt but he moving backwards cause the metel braces*
Nightbrace: I am the brush, and you are the plaque! *shoots the toothpaste with his wrist*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *wobles out of the way*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *gets numbuh 4*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *was about to run at nightbrace but get caught, flys off to the fence and stuck there with the toothpaste*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *do the flips but ends up caught and lands the fence as well*
Knightbrace: Now, brace for impact! *take his headgear and throws*
Numbuh 2 & 5: *runs off but get caught by knightbrace's headgear cause the foss*
Nightbrace: *his headgear hits the fence, the wall and jumps to get his headgear back* Now this won't hurt a bit! *as getting a toothbrush*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *skips happily while sang 'la la la la' while knightbrace trys to hit her but jumps and backflips and then she shine her teeth at knightbrace*
Knightbrace: This'll take care of you in a flash! *as pulled the mirror tool and held at numbuh 3*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *screamed in pain right after the shine from her teeth and covers her eyes*
Knightbrace: *laugh maniacally, looks at the kids gonna get but runs off and jumps in the window*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: After him! *goes in the window and heads in the dark room but recognize it along the other goes in there as well* The dentist's office. Careful, team. We're on his turf now. *finds the light switch* Spread out and find the maniac.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *looks at the sink* He's not in here!
Numbuh 2 & 5: *opens the cabinets and looks at it*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Not in here either!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: He's not anywhere! *looks at the cupboard as she climb up with a help with numbuh 4 & 11*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Keep looking! *looks at the drawer* He's got to be here somewhere! *little did he know that knightbrace right above numbuh 1*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Look out!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *rushed up to knightbrace and jumps up*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *turns around* Huh? Where?
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *runs to
numbuh 1 and point* There!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *lands on knightbrace's foot to make him scream in pain*
Knightbrace: *jumps up while holding his foot and howls in pain*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *walks to knightbrace and wave at him* Hi!
Knightbrace: Oh, hi. How are-
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *smiles at knightbrace with her teeth to shine at him to make him blind*
Knightbrace: *open his eyes, numbuh 2 & 5 run towards him, get caught by floss and falls down*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *walks towards knightbrace along with numbuh 8* Looks like your cavity-fighting career is over, Dr. Sigmund Teef.
???: *opens the door* Did someone call my name?
Numbuh 2,3,4,5 &11: *shocked* Dr. Teef?!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *shocked and confused* But if you're not- and you're the- but he-
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *sigh, roll her eyes and takes the mask off* We should've of known.
Numbuh 2,3,4,5 & 11: Mr. Jelly?!
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: That's right, you cavity-covered brats! Ever since i was a child i wanted to be a dentist but i was kick out of school for trying to put braces on babies. Humiliated by the establishment, i had no choice but to work in my family's candy shop and watch kid after kid come in to buy cavity-inducing treats! Too Much! Too Much! Too Much! So, i donned the corrective headgear and became the enamel avgenger, Knightbrace, to correct the damage i've done.
Dr. Teef: But we told you in school, you can't force-
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: Fools! *did a backflip and land into the dental chair* Four out of five dentists might not be able to beat you kids next door, but i'm the fifth! *metal cuffs on his wirst and stomch and laugh as the dental chair comes up and the dental tools comes out* Open wide!
Dr. Teef: In the name of fluoride, stop...this? *jumps out at the door while scream right before the toothpaste caught him but lucky he didn't*
Numbuh 2 & 5: *gets caught by toothpaste, lands and stuck on the wall*
Numbuh 4 & 11: *gets caught by toothpaste, lands and stuck on the wall as well*
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: *laughed*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *gets caught by toothpaste, lands and stuck on the floor*
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: Time for an apponitment, numbuh 1 and 8! I have a special treatment for you two! *then six hooks comes out flying out from behind the chair and gets them*
Numbuh 1 & 8: *running while scream but gets caught by the hooks and send them to mr. jelly*
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: Don't worry. This paste is a yummy yummy new flavor, imitation bubble gum.
Numbuh 1 & 8: *struggled try to escape but the brush became closer and closer unit...*
Dr. Teef: *came out of the door holding a pink rope* Hey jelly, chew on this! *throws at jelly's mouth*
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: *chew it and eyes wide open resize know what it is* Taffy? Ooh, it's taffy! My delicious weakness! *begain to eat it* Oo, delicious, delicious taffy! *then the taffy sticks on the dental chair with robotic arms to make it stop*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *lands on the ground along with numbuh 1 and saw mr. jelly* Wow.
Knightbrace aka Mr. Jelly: *still eat taffy like crazy*
Few hours later...
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Well, that puts an end to knightbrace.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: El esta realmente loco. (translation: He's really crazy) *as mr. Jelly moans in pain for eat to much taffy*
Dr. Teef: The dental establishment will do it's best to refrom mr. Jelly.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: But what'll happen to the candy store?
Dr. Teef: Oh, my lazy brother in law will be happy to take over but in the meantime, how about that free check-up?
Numbuh 1,2,3,4,5,8 &11: *slient for a moment right before laugh and leave will except numbuh 8*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Freak.
Dr. Teef: *growls anger about kids*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Hey, Dr. Teef, mind if i have a wisdom teeth removed for free?
Dr. Teef: *smile at her* Well sure thing, young lady.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: I don't want let my friends to see it. It's horrible.
Dr. Teef: Aw don't worry. It can be that bad. *then marìa shows her horrible and scary wisdom teeth that you ever seen and makes dr. teef passed out*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *saw him pass out* Uh...Dr. Teef?
- End1485 Chapters
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The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the Vast Universe. A Trial Program is needed for efficient assimilation and for that data needs to be recorded from 1111 individuals with Higher Potential Innate Abilities from the assimilating Planet. This Trial Program was further divided into 3 Sub Programs namely, ALPHA Program, BETA Program and GAMMA Program. Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals among 7.8 billion for the ALPHA Program. As a Chosen member among 11 individuals of Alpha Program, you will be one of the first from your Planet to start the Trial Program. When the Trial Program ends, the assimilation with Earth begins. Survive, overcome danger and grow stronger. All the Best. Cover Art Credit: Fantasy Pics Inc Hi Guys I am an amateur author and am writing this as my new Hobby. If you find any grammar mistakes or anything, please let me know. Criticism is accepted, but don't outright hate the Novel. If you don't like the book, tell me why so I can improve upon it. Also, do keep in mind that this a novel where MC is OP. So, for those who don't have a liking to this genre might not find this novel to their interests. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! Chapter Release rate: 2 Chapters a week. If you want to support me, you can do that through these. I would appreciate your help. Patreon: patreon.com/MN_1223
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