《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》A.I. need ideas for these chapter names!


I woke up feeling good and refreshed. God, It feels so good to not sleep on a couch and have a proper room.

I knocked on Ibuki's door she was more than ready to meet me.

Ibuki: Why hello you~! Long time no see~!

Aizakku: Shall I escort your smartass to meet up with everyone else?

Ibuki: Ibuki accepts your invetation!

though to my surprise what I thought when we entered I would get a room full of smiles and people ready to face the day.

what I got were 15 rather tense kids.

Aizakku: Good morning everyone! what's with this atmosphere? You should be relieved that someone's going to find help for the rest of us.

Gonta: Yes but... Gonta worried for Kaede...

Tsumugi: I had expected to at least get a glimpse of the outside as Kaede was escorted through a door but no she was sucked up into a tube.

Miu: She could have turned up any other god damn place! Hell, she could have been brought into a sex dungeon!

Tenko: GaH! Not a sex dungeon!

I sighed.

Aizakku: Jesus you guys are fucking paranoid. It hasn't even been 24 hours and you're already nervous? Are you guys that bored that you'd rather stress yourselves out then do nothing?

Rantaro: Here's a solitary question. How will we know if Kaede will come back? There doesn't appear to be any openings from here.

Aizakku: Already figured that out. last night I decided to do some deep exploration of the place and I noticed a pothole that led to an obstacle course and led to the outside.

Shuichi: Wait, you saw the outside?

Aizakku: Yeah, and we're in the middle of nowhere. those glass screens around the campus are just for show. It's a desert-like terrain out there with abandoned buildings.

Gonta: D-Desert?! Kaede surely die out there!

Aizakku: I have high hopes for Kaede. There should be something out there eventually. For now, we have to wait.

Ryoma: The question is how long?

Kokichi: No mean to get your hopes up, but I don't think any of us have as much patience as you, Aizakku.

Aizakku: I don't know a week? A Month? Surely if she Doesn't find anything or anyone, she'll come back for us.

Korekiyo: And what are we to do in the meantime? I may not be speaking for everybody but I assume the majority of us can get bored quite easily inside a school with the stairway blocked off.

K1-B0: My apologies? I'm UNable to compute. What is it that you mean? The stairs are unlocked and there are 4 rooms on that floor... though anywhere past that is restricted... there is also a pool room and a casino outside on campus that's unlocked.


Aizakku: See? There you go. Go entertain yourselves. That should keep you guys busy for a few days.

Maki: What about you?

Aizakku: I can keep myself entertained. I'm an ultimate entertainer. I can't get bored. In fact, if you need me to boost some joy in your life, just ask! My Lab has it's very own occupying box that generates a random item to occupy your time! Though you'll probably be too occupied with the box before you take anything out of it.

Everyone seemed interested and Miu was shaking... probably because I used the word "occupy".

Eventually, everyone decided to leave except Ibuki.... and Miu...

Y'know what?...

Aizakku: Hey Miu!

Miu Jumped rather skitsafranticlly as if she had a split personality from top to bottom.

Aizakku: I actually have a request for you to invent something.

Miu: W-what? Now? Jeez, I've already finished inventing those cameras for Shuichi and never got to use them. I spent all night making those fuckers!

Aizakku: Don't worry this is much easier and I don't have a deadline. All I was gonna ask was to build a motion detector and have it send a signal through this watch.

Miu: Whaddaya plan on doing with it?

Aizakku: I was thinking I'd put it at the door to the outside world once Kaede returns.

Ibuki: Wait couldn't you just go through it every night to check on it?

Aizakku: I would but I'd have to go through the obstacle course again and that's a pain to go through. So I plan to use it as a few amount of times as possible. then when It's activated it sends a distress signal toward my watch.

Miu: Ahaha! You got yourself a deal! Prepare to witness what this Golden brain can do!

Miu grabbed my arm and yeeted the watch off.

Miu: Gimmie 2 days! One to pleasure me and relax and another to do business!

I pretended I didn't hear half of that.

Aizakku: Thanks, Miu!

We decided to look around the area and hang out with the first person we run into and we found Gonta digging around in the storage area

Ibuki: Hey Gonta~! Watcha doing~!

Gonta: Huh? Oh! Hello Friends Aizakku and Ibuki! Gonta attempt to help escape!

Aizakku: I like your spirit Gonta. But How exactly are you doing that?

Gonta: Gonta know storage room have many items. So Gonta think he find something useful to escape with.

Aizakku: That's... Not a bad idea...

Ibuki: We can help if you want!

Gonta: Of Course! Gentlemen always help other gentlemen and ladies!

We didn't find much... Except for other murder weapons and food.


Although I managed to find something.

Aizakku: Aha! Jackpot!

Ibuki: What is It?! Watcha find?!

Gonta: Did Aizakku find something to help escape?

Aizakku: No... But I found something that you would like Gonta.

Gonta: Gonta will take look!

Gonta managed to climb his way over the mess we made and he was in awe with what I found.

Ibuki: What you perked about? Whoa, look at that! You found an ant farm!

Aizakku: Yeah... Hey, Gonta you wanna hold onto this? You're a better expert with bugs than I am.

Gonta: You're giving ant farm to Gonta? Thank you! Gonta will Cherish it Always!

Aizakku: Sorry that there aren't any ants in it...

Gonta: Not Aizakku's fault! Maybe ant bugs friends leave to collect food. Gonta play Hide and seek and find ant bug friends!

Ibuki: Wish you luck, Gonta!


Ibuki: Wow, Gonta is a nice guy. Bet, he survives.

Aizakku: HAH! You wish! He was manipulated by Kokichi because of what's on the outside.

Ibuki: Wait did you lie?

I looked around to make sure a certain rat wasn't around.

Aizakku: I half truthed. Yes, it's a desert terrain with abandoned buildings, but the air is so polluted that it's very hard to breathe. I hope Kaede is alright.

Ibuki: Are you going to do a lot of that here?

Aizakku: So long as an Ouma exists in this area I have no choice. But you understand why I'm lying to everyone right? So that I can keep everyone under control.

Ibuki: I understand. I'll try my best to make sure we don't blow our cover.

Kokichi: HellOOOOOOOO People! How are you two going with your day!

Ibuki: We had a lot of fun until you showed. Now I'm not sure.

Kokichi: Hey Zakky! Why don't you spend some time with ME? I'm sure we can make great friends!

Aizakku: As much as I can debate whether that's true or not, you picked the wrong time. It's almost night time and we've gotta go to bed soon.

Kokichi: Oh I see... My timing was off. Man, I'm such a ditz! Maybe tomorrow. I've got things to talk to you about! Don't Worry, They're fun topics! I wouldn't want to bore myself!

Ibuki: Goodnight Kokichi!

Kokichi: Goodnight... Wait, I'm sorry. Who are you again?


Kokichi: Neeheehee! Just kidding! Of course, I know you. You're that annoying chick whose speech is almost as bad as Gonta's!


Kokichi: Neeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Oh My GOD! STOP IT! Your REACTIONS ARE SO PRICELESS YET SO CRINGE! I'm dying! My stomach hurts!

Kokichi was rolling around on the floor. I guess he found Ibuki entertaining?

Ibuki whispered to me.

Ibuki: You sure we can't kill him now? No one plays with Ibuki on the first impression!

Aizakku: You gotta be cautious around him. He can expose you in any way possible and he can see through your lies and will try to get you off guard by saying things like that. But no, we can't kill him...

Finally, Kokichi calmed down.

Kokichi: Whew! That was a laugh! I guess I did have fun and spent time with you anyway!

his smile turned into a sneer.

Kokichi: I'd just like to let you know that usually, I make things happen my way. Consider this a warning if you're thinking of fighting me... Pfft, What am I saying! Who would risk messing with a Lair and a prankster?! Sometimes even I have to watch out for myself. Yawn Goodnight Aizakku! Good night Zuki!

Ibuki: I think I know why you hate him so much... hold me, please. I need stress relief...

I put my arm around her shoulder and she took a deep breath and smiled.

Ibuki: Thanks. This is why We have each other, remember. We're like each other's comfort character.

Aizakku: Don't let Kokichi get to you. He's probably trying to flirt with me.

Ibuki: Wait, HE'S GAY?!?!

Aizakku: Yep and he's headcanonly shipped with almost all the boys here/ I don't see any ones x Korekiyo but that's good because that's a toxic ship in my opinion. but Shuichi, Rantaro, Gonta, Kiibo, Kaito...

Ibuki: Looks like Ibuki has a rival...

Aizakku: Hey, hey. Don't start getting jealous over that brat I'm both straight taken and have hatred towards him He's no match for you.

Ibuki: Congratulations! You've earned a kiss from Ibuki!

She quickly kissed me.

Aizakku: You're anxious for affection here and the whole Identity secret thing is getting to you, huh?

She nodded and frowned.

Aizakku: Hey relax maybe if we stay together long enough here people can start asking questions and then it could turn out to be a reasonable relationship.

Ibuki: Epic plan! See you tomorrow!

As I went into my room and plopped in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about Kokichi and not in the way he would want me to.

He's so goddamn sneaky some of his quotes are true and some of them are lies...

Perhaps he could be of use...

That moment when Grammarly tries correcting you but it's Gonta's lines

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