《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》Hmm


What if...

I reopened this but give a new ending to v3?

Would you guys want that?

Basically, I was blinded by what Kokichi was trying to do. I never realized that he was trying to kill everyone so that they could go to their normal lives and sorta repeat sdr2 (which I would have preferred but then the simulation went into a glitch and they are forced to figure out that everything isn't real from THERE and then they're sent into the real world and Kokichi would be there with them because he only died recently and Kaito would join later because it's only a few minutes that he would die from the "virus")

and that all probably would have happened if KAITO WERE TO STAY IN THAT FUCKING EXISAL

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