《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》Where am A.I.


Me: Huh...The fuck...Where am I?

I woke up in some type of box or enclosed space.

Me: Oh hey! A latch!

I opened the latch and collapsed out.

Me: Ow my face! Why did I lean against the latch?!

I looked around where I was at. It looked like some high tech classroom. The smartboard was neon green which made it look kinda epic. Not gonna lie.

I saw a door and was about to open it when I heard a bunch of banging behind me.

I turned and apparently I came out of a locker and next to that locker was another locker and it was moving.

That's where the banging's coming from? Is there someone inside?

I went up to the locker and cautiously opened the door...

and a girl fell right on top of me.

When we both came to our senses we exchanged looks. The girl looked about my age. She had a boatload of piercings on her ears and right next to her cheekbone. she had horns in her hair and a lot of hair dye from black white pink and blue. she wore a school uniform and had hair that went down all the way to her knees.

And to be frank, She looked very pretty with her dyed hair stockings and piercings... and we were rather close for comfort... but this position we were in...have we been like this before?

Girl: Whoa... You looking rad and... kinda cute.

I blushed.

Me: Uh... Thanks... You yourself.

She blushed as well.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while but then once we both realized the position we were in we quickly got up and stood 6 feet apart from each other with hands behind our backs.

Me: uhh... sorry about that.

Girl: No worries silly! Ibuki was the clumsy one and fell on you.

Me: Ibuki... Why does that name sound familiar.

Ibuki: Because that's who you are talking to! I. Buki. Mio. Da! Put it together and whaddya get? Ibuki Mioda! The ultimate musician!

Me: Ibuki Mioda... I definitely feel like I've met you in person before.

Ibuki: Well maybe not in person but there's no doubt you've heard Ibuki from her music

Ibuki had a witch face for a sec but then came to her senses.


Ibuki: And who are you supposed to be?

Me: Hmm... That's right! I'm Aizakku Adoman the Ultimate entertainer/friend. Always charmed to meet a potential comrade!

(if this character is ever in a fangame I want this as it's an introduction)

Ibuki: huh huh huh. 3 huhs.

Aizakku: What's up?

Ibuki: Aizakku Adoman also sounds familiar but Ibuki can't place her mind to where and when...

Aizakku: So I'm not alone.

Ibuki gasped.

Ibuki: CRAP! Do you think we DID know each other and we lost our memories?!

Aizakku: Well, we did wake up in a locker and last time I checked I never fell asleep in a locker but at the very least we were kidnapped.

Ibuki: That hair looks something like Ibuki would have done so we must have been friends for a long time. Possibly more.

Aizakku: Huh? My hair?

I looked at the window to see my reflection sure enough I had green bangs blond hair in the back and navy blue sideburns the top of my head was black and fading to brown as it goes down and I had a white ahoge.

Aizakku: I don't know how I got this. Whether from you or myself but it looks badass.

Ibuki: I know right! Wait. come over here! I gotta sniff ya!

Aizakku: What?

Before I could comment she duck my head down and smelled my hair.

Ibuki: sniff sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiff... Yep! we definitely met each other before!

Aizakku: What are you? A dog who remembers people by their SCENTS?!

Ibuki: This is the exact brand of hair dye that Ibuki uses and it looks and smells rather recent like it was just used last month.

Aizakku: Hmm. We should probably search for this room. I get the strange feeling we are being watched.

We investigated the room looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Aizakku: I've got nothing. Did you find anything?

Ibuki: Nada.

Aizakku: If we did lose our memories, how much did they take? What's the last thing you remember?

Ibuki: Ibuki was stepping into hope's peak academy when she felt dazed.

Aizakku: I don't remember anything except my name and my talent yet you, this place, and hope's peak academy. It all sounds so familiar.

Suddenly I heard a buzz and Ibuki jumped when she saw it came from a watch on her arm.


Ibuki: UHHHH... What is this? Ibuki doesn't remember having a watch!

Aizakku: Here maybe I should see it for a sec.

Ibuki: Okay.

She gave me the watch on her wrist but then I realized there was on my wrist too that was also buzzing.

There was a button on the side. Was I supposed to press it?

Like every curious kid, I pressed both of the buttons and a hologram appeared on both of them.

Hologram: Hey hey!

Ibuki and I jumped away from the hologram.

Hologram: Whoa! Hey! It's alright! I guess you two haven't had your flashback lights yet. have you?

Ibuki: huhlawho?

The hologram looked around the room and then looked rather worried

Hologram: Um, is there anything that looks like a flashlight in the lockers?

I check both of the lockers where we came out.

Aizakku: No there's nothing in the lockers at all.

Hologram: Hmm... That's odd. Maybe the mastermind stole them so you couldn't get your memories back.

Ibuki: HAH! Called it!

Aizakku: I never denied you. I just said it was only a possibility.

Hologram: Well, I guess I can give you the rundown. You both know your names right?

Aizakku: Yeah, as well as our talents but who are you?

Hologram: I'm Chiaki Nanami the ultimate gamer. please meet you again!

Aizakku: Again?!

Ibuki: Why are you in our watches?

Chiaki: Because the two of you have been chosen to help stop a killing game.

My heart sank.

Ibuki: K-Killing game?... What the hell are you talking about?

Chiaki: Ok. Let me explain without any interruptions. Aizakku you are the only thing that's real. You are in a simulation within a simulation. You've somehow managed to join our world and decided to stay here because everyone in your world died. In your own free will, you've saved your classmates, me and Ibuki included, and became friends with everyone. You even risked your life doing it. If you don't believe me check your shoulders there should be scars there as well as on your knees and ankles.

I rolled down my shirt partway and sure enough, there were scars on the front and back of my shoulder blades.

Chiaki: Furthermore, Ibuki offered a love triangle between the three of us although it ended up being more of a love bench with AIzakku on top.

Ibuki: That explains why we got heebie-jeebies when we saw each other.

Chiaki: And you have been assigned to do all of it again to save more gifted students.

Ibuki: Wow... That's... Ibuki doesn't know what to say about this.

Chiaki: Since you don't have any memories I'll be there to guide you guys out. Aizakku did know everything that happened and told me in every detail so I don't mind giving the instructions back to you. For right now you should go and introduce yourselves to the rest of the students here and then head on to the gym.

Aizakku: Ok... This could be fun... Saving lives with my fated girlfriend.

Ibuki: To be honest... even though Ibuki doesn't remember you she is willing to make a fresh start with her fated boyfriend.

Chiaki smiled through the hologram.

Chiaki: You two are cute together you know.

We blushed.

Aizakku: We should get going.

Chiaki: Oh one more thing. You can't let anyone know about this. You even have to pretend you don't know each other.

Ibuki: We can still hang out with each other right?

Chiaki: Yes, that's fine, but if anyone were to know the actual truth this early it would freak them out.

Aizakku: Yeah, I guess you're right. If we were freaked out who knows what the others would be like. They'd probably think we are this mastermind you mentioned earlier.

Chiaki: Ok. I'll leave you two be. Just enjoy all the fun you can have. I'll be cheering you on from my end, letting you know what's happening on the outside.

Without another word, Chiaki faded out. We did what Chiaki said and searched for the school we ran into 16 people.

Although this one dude named Rantaro Amami can't seem to remember his own talent. I think I might need to keep an eye on him. I believe him when he says he's not a bad guy but I think not having a known talent will make him a target.

A/n help I don't know where to go from here. I know how to save Rantaro but I don't know how to transition it XD

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