《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》A.I. realize


Welp. Whatever this Chiaki persona is she was right. Me and Ibuki and 16 other students were stuck in a killing game.

But get this! Ibuki and I both had our own labs down in the basement right next to each other.

Ibuki's lab was a full on music room with a stage an autotorium and every type of instrument that you could find.

In my lab it was just a solid blue room with a chest in the center. when I opened it up it had nothing inside.

Just then one of the monokubs came in.

Aizakku: Oh hello.

Monotaro: Hello to you! How are you liking your lab?

Aizakku: I dig the color that you put into the walls but it seems rather empty.

Monotaro: Nonsense! open the chest!

Aizakku: I already did but there wasn't anything inside.

Monotaro: Oh that always does it the first time every time we do a new killing game. try opening it up again.

I did what he said and there was a plushie of a Monokuma inside.

Aizakku: What the hell?

Monotaro: Allow me to explain. This box is the occupying box ment for the ultimate entertainer. just open the lid and a new entertaining item will appear although you will have to put the item back inside once you are done with it to work.

Aizakku: Wow that's actually kinda cool.

Monotaro: I know right! If you are lucky you'll be able to obtain a murder weapon!

Aizakku: And I stand corrected... Wait. How would a toy be a murder weapon?

Monotaro: I don't know maybe you get a replica sword in there or you could get creative and suffocate someone with a doll. Many people have dark tastes. A yandere would love to have a knife to protect his senpai.

I facepalmed.

Aizakku: *sigh* Are there video game consoles?

Monotaro: I believe there is. You might need to try a few times to get what you want.

I opened and closed the lid a few times and after finding a monokuma, a tricycle, a knife a pair of genocide jack scissors, an alligator another monokuma, a viola, and a butterfly net, I got a Nintendo switch.

Aizakku: Epic! This will do!

Monotaro: One more thing. It can be used by other people and only one item will come for each of them but none of the 2 same items will appear at the same time.

Aizakku: Ok. thanks for the info. I'll keep that in mind.

Monotaro: So long! Bear well!

And without another word, he faded through the floor.

A few of the Monokubs is actually rather nice. Monotaro and Monophane especially. I'm not too fond of Monokid. Monosuke is ok I guess. Monodam hasn't said a word since we arrived although I felt sorry for the poor thing when Monokid is bullying him nonstop.

Suddenly I got a knock on my door.

Ibuki: helloooo? Aizakku? Are ya in there? Can I come in? Pleeeeease?

Aizakku: It's unlocked.

She walked inside.

Ibuki: Oh I guess it is.

Ibuki looked around the room.

Ibuki: Ok this is kinda boring. You'd think the ultimate entertainer's lab would stick out from everything else.

Aizakku: Check out the chest. That's the important part.

Ibuki: lifted it up. An empty box? How lame is that?!


I closed the box and opened it again for her and there was a drumstick inside.

Ibuki: Aizakku! I didn't know you were a magician! We should show this to Himiko!

Aizakku: Wait. There's more.

I closed it again and when I opened it again there was a beach ball inside.

Now Ibuki was hooked to the box she was frantically opening and closing the box seeing all the magic that it could do.

I think the occupying is meant for the box itself rather than the items inside.

Aizakku: NOW I think we should show Himiko.

Ibuki: Ibuki agrees!

When we invited Himiko over she said it was a pain to walk all the way from the dining hall to the basement but once she saw the boxes magic I saw she was even more into it than Ibuki.

Himiko: Nyeh! I want one of these in my lab when I get one!

We decided to leave Himiko be and try to talk with someone else.

Just then I got a buzz from my watch I glanced at Ibuki who nodded we searched around and we saw some people heading downstairs and Himiko was still messing with the box so we had to hide in Ibuki's research lab.

Chiaki: Hey hey you two! I take it you've gotten to know everyone learns about the killing game and discovers your research labs?

Ibuki and I smiled gave thumbs up and fist-bumped them together. Look at that. We are already friends.

Chiaki: That's great to hear but onto other matters. We've figured out where your flashback light is hidden

Aizakku: Where?

Chiaki: It's in the masterminds room

Aizakku: Where is that at?

Chiaki: There's a hidden room in the library across the bookshelf there should be one that moves but there's a door that you'll need a secret monopad to get inside

Ibuki: Where's this "monopad"?

Chiaki: Rantaro's got it in his room right now so it's impossible to get. There is another way inside but only Ibuki can get in.

I pouted

AIzakku: "What's wrong with me?!"

Chiaki: It's connected to the girl's bathroom.

I sighed and Ibuki teased me.

Aizakku: *sigh* Fair enough.

Ibuki: Now Ibuki FULLY understands why she was brought along on this mission. Because she is a she! Teeheeheehaa!

Ibuki poked me on the cheek nonstop and I just sat there unamused.

Aizakku: Fine. You go retrieve the flashlight. I'll wait here with my switch.

I pulled the thing out of my jacket and started playing pokemon.

Ibuki: You got it.

I went into the girl's bathroom and hid inside the far end stall making sure everyone was done with their business. Tsumugi Tenko and Himiko were all washing their hands and gossiping.

Once the coast was clear I called Chiaki.

Ibuki: So where is it?

Chiaki: Look in the first stall.

I did and there was a secret hatch inside that let underground.

Ibuki ok now that's sick.

I walked for a little while just admiring how far It was and once I got to the other side I peeked in and it was some of the wackiest shit I've seen. A Monokuma motherboard.

Chiaki buzzed in and I answered.

Chiaki: That's Motherkuma and the flashlight is in the trash can.

I eyed the room.


Ibuki: On the OTHER side?!

Chiaki: Press the side button and I'll go into life-size mode and show you where to not get spotted.

I did and Chiaki grew to almost my height.

Chiaki: OK follow my lead.

I followed Chiaki behind a couple of tables and crawled around silently.

I looked inside the trash can and there were 2 flashlights in there instead of one.

I grabbed both of them and crawled back the same path.

At first, I couldn't tell which one was different from the other then I saw little pixelated characters of me and Aizakku on the back.

Ibuki: Aw that's a cute touch.

Once I escaped I headed back to Aizakku who was waiting patiently for me like the gentleman he is.

I aimed both of them at Aizakku and myself and was about to turn them on when he stopped me.

Aizakku: Wait! Are you sure we need these?

Ibuki: Chiaki said we would regain our memories.

Aizakku: What if it's regrettable memories?

Ibuki: Chiaki already told us the bad tragic past we had something about everyone dying and you joined us instead. All the memories we need are the ones to save the students.

Aizakku: Ok yeah. I guess you're right.

I switched the light on and the whole world blinded around us.

Oh my god was that trippy! Let me tell you getting your memories back feels so weird.

When I looked around I was slightly disgusted when I realized some of the people I had to deal with for another month.

when Ibuki and I saw each other we felt so relieved and kissed each other for a hot minute

Aizakku: That was weird wasn't it?

Ibuki: You bet your balls it was!

Aizakku: I'll remind you later tonight to put those back so that the mastermind won't suspect us.

Suddenly I got a buzz on my watch.

Chiaki: Hey hey Aizakku! Word got around that you've restored your memories.

Aizakku: Hell yeah I have! Now I've been thinking. There's something I need to do about Rantaro.

Chiaki: What's that?

Aizakku: Can you send a video through the watch.

Chiaki: Yes I can. It takes a while to send through though.

Ibuki: Like how long?

Chiaki:... 24 hours.

I turned off the hologram and checked the watch's time. It read at 9:00 pm.

Aizakku: Perfect Chiaki I need you to send a video of Ryota Mitarai's hope video right now!

Chiaki: Really?

Aizakku: Rantaro's time of death was at 9:10 pm. That should be plenty of time.

Chiaki: you got it sent now. anything else you need.

Aizakku: Is there a way to save that video? I think I might need it for other uses.

Chiaki: the video is used once before it needs to resend again there is a gif function but that takes twice as long to send.

Aizakku: Try that instead that's might be handy or in this case E-handy.

Ibuki: Playfully punched me.

Chiaki: Done expect the video in roughly 48 hours from now. Bye guys.

And she hung up and faded out.

Ibuki: We still have an hour left. Wanna go cuddle for a while?

Aizakku: I guess if anything it'll help me not get so stressed that I can't sleep but remember we don't know each other so no frisky ideas.

I winked and she winked back.

Ibuki: Kay Kay~!

We walked over to where our rooms were and we saw that both of ours were on top and right above the doors to lead outside and across from each other.

Ibuki: Whoa! If we open our doors at the exact same time we would be the first things we see in the morning!

Aizakku: We are NOT trying that throughout this whole game.

Ibuki pouted.

We went inside Ibuki's room and just sat on her bed talking about random shower thoughts because that's what we do when we weren't making music

After nighttime was announced I said goodnight but then ran into the one person I was hoping to Not talk to.

Kokichi: Hey Aizakkarī! Whatcha doing in Ibuki's room?

Aizakku: My name is Aizakku and I was hanging out with Ibuki for a while is there a problem.

Kokichi: I don't know. You tell me. you weren't getting on in there were you?

Aizakku: Nope and I know you can tell whenever I'm lying so I'm saying the full truth when I'm saying we were not getting it off in there

Kokichi eyed me up and down.

Kokichi: Hmmm... wow... Surprisingly you check out... But you are definitely hiding something... though I can't tell what.

it's a good thing i'm good at telling half truths and half lies

Aizakku: Yeah I'm not embarrassed to say that I have secrets everyone has secrets. You have a secret organization right?

Kokichi: Neeheehee! You're good. You're probably the least boring person I've met in this academy besides me.

Aizakku: Heh. I'm entertainer what can I say? "Boring" is not im my dictionary.

Kokichi: It seems as though I have a rivalry going on...

Aizakku: Bruh I don't want to cause trouble between you. I'll do my thing you do yours. I know you tend to mess with people for your entertainment and i'm here to tell you that that's not how I roll.

Kokichi: Ok sure that's fine I'm going to bed anyways. We can play tomorrow.

Aizakku: I won't be looking forward to it but it looks like I don't have a choice

Kokichi had one of his sneers on.

Kokichi: If you're an entertainer then I want to be entertained.

I brought in my own sneer.

Aizakku: I only entertain people who deserve and right now you aren't very deserving. I'm rather in the mood to entertain myself if you don't act accordingly.

We had a minor staring contest I could feel his glare fighting with my leer battling against each other until one of us backs down.

Kokichi: ohhhh. I get it! I need to act like I can be your friend. I need to figure out how I could possibly do that. I'll think of something tomorrow. Good night Zackary!

Aizakku: Zackary?! That's not even what my name translates to!

As Kokichi headed off to his room I sighed very loudly.

I was NOT ready to deal with him for a month and I knew I had to save his rat ass too.

I'm very lucky that I cuddled with Ibuki earlier or else that conversation would have just stressed me out and I wouldn't have fallen asleep that night.

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