《(Very slow updates) A.I. LIe. ance. (Book 2) DRV3 & Ibuki x reader》A.I. r3Visit



Why do I get called that?

What do you mean that was my name in the last book?

I can still be the reader's perspective! They'd just get a different role now!

Well, can I change it?

Thank god! I don't like being named 2 letters and a math symbol.

Now then. Time for a rehab.

My name Is Aizakku Adoman. I've been the ultimate entertainer/friend for a while now and I've got to say I enjoy this life.

Why did I choose that name? Well, Aizakku is Japanese for Isaac witch means laughing and Adoman translates to Erdmann which means man on earth. So in reality I'm the laughing man on earth.

Nice coincidence, huh? A person whose name means it's game! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

If you remember me then you probably know about my epic win with class 77-B.

After we escaped we all went our own ways and I ended up living with my girlfriend Ibuki Mioda the ultimate musician. It took a little effort because Ibuki's guardian Reko Yabusame sort of had a paranoid bias towards men. Something having to do with her brother killing someone.

The 3 of us are part of our own band called the Tee tee typhoons (Don't ask. Every time I ask Ibuki she just says it was inspired by our first performance at the titty typhoon and nothing is changing her mind or that name.)

It was a hard day at work. I was mixing sound waves and Chiaki was playing her GGA when Ibuki came inside.

Ibuki: Yo! More mail for you. Only for you this time.

Aizakku: Is it that gofer project again?

Ibuki shredded the letter and read it.

Ibuki: Mmhhmiffrrrrnnhimiehfrr.... Yep.

Aizakku: Jesus christ! They're wanting me so bad that they are willing to make the mailman work on Sundays! How the fuck are they even getting our address?

Ibuki: I know! At this point it's spam! Is it possible to put a restraining order in the mail?!

Chiaki: Who do you suppose is sending these?

Aizakku: Probably Future Foundation or Team danganronpa.

There was a knock on the door.


Ibuki: Ggggghhhh! Tell them to Get lost! You made up your mind and we're busy making content!

Aizakku: You know what? I'm tired of this shit! I'll tell them myself! You stay up here.


I got out of my chair slammed my headphones on the desk and stomped downstairs to Ibuki's front door.

Ibuki followed me in case things got nasty.

There was a strange person at the door. They were definitely in the type of clothes to be anyone. A rapist. A pedophile. A crook. Junko. You name it. He or she gave off that vibe of distrust and suspicion.

Aizakku: Future foundation, I assume?

???: No. I'm from team danganronpa.

Aizakku: Oh great! Even worse! Look if you're the person who keeps sending me these letters stop it! I've made up my mind that I don't want to join the gofer project to cure the virus I've already did once and everyone died because of it!

???: It's not about a virus. There is no virus.

Aizakku: That's what your stupid letter said!

???: That was so we could get you to talk in private.

Ibuki: Well if he's coming then so is Ibuki! Otherwise, she'll call the authorities!

Aizakku: Ibuki! I told you to stay upstairs!

Ibuki: I'm not letting you take Aizakku without my permission.

???: I'm afraid that's not how it works.

Suddenly I was shot in the neck by a tranquilizer and the last thing I felt was me getting handcuffed to Ibuki.


I woke up in a very dark room. A spotlight had shown upon me. I couldn't move.

???: Ah... I see you are awake, Aizakku Adoman.

Aizakku: I swear if you don't let me out of these goddamn chains! Grrr... Where's my girlfriend?

???: You two are actually tied together. Also, cut trying to keep Ms. Mioda a secret. We are aware of what happened. Ah but do not worry Our intentions are not to put you 2 behind bars. rather

I turned and sure enough, there was some black and white long hair sticking from the chair behind me. Ibuki was still passed out.

Aizakku: Who are you?

???: My name doesn't matter. I'm the supreme leader of Team Danganronpa.

Aizakku: Oh hell no! I'm not dealing with you! I know about Team Danganronpa AND the gofer project! Do you want my help? Don't cause the fucking virus! It's that easy!

???: Save your breath. I apologize for this inconvenience, but you left me with no choice. You don't understand at all. We never made a virus. I'm not sure why you'd think we made a virus, to begin with.


Aizakku: First of all, I've already dealt with that kinda thing before moving here. Second of all, I don't want to join.

???: That wasn't what I was going to ask. I was going to ask for you to protect the other members of the gofer project.

Aizakku: You got Rantaro from the last one! Why do I need to be in it?

???: Yes I am fully aware of that, however, a rumor has been going around that you have knowledge of the other killing games and have the ability to stop them.

Aizakku: Yeeeessss? I've known of the 1st 2nd and 53rd.

???: Then there should be no excuse why you can say no to this offer. Aren't you the ultimate entertainer/friend? Isn't your job making sure people have a good time?

Aizakku: That includes me you know! Ever hear about suicidal comedians?! Yeah, I prefer not to be that! Thanks!

Suddenly Ibuki woke up.

Ibuki: Huh.... what... Ibuki is... WHA!? Where am I?! Aizakku?!

Aizakku: Ibuki quick! Try to stand!

Ibuki and I used teamwork to adjust our tied legs so that we were lifting the chairs.

Aizakku: Rotate right!

We turned in that direction until we both could see the figure.

Aizakku: If you want me, you'll need her permission.

Ibuki: Permission for what?

Aizakku: Saving another group of students in a killing game.

Ibuki: AGAIN?! Hasn't Ibuki's IBF and boyfriend suffered enough?

???: He doesn't want to leave your side. What do you presume?

Ibuki: How am I to decide? I just don't want him to die!

???: What if we were to include you Ibuki Mioda?

Aizakkku OH HELL NO! N! O! no no no! Nope! Nada! non! No! Nadatonmawattch! I'm not letting HER deal with that shit again!

Ibuki: Can you leave us alone for a bit?

???: You get 10 minutes.

It left the room.

Ibuki: Aizakku!! This is supposed to be right up your ally as the ultimate entertainer/friend!

I saved you guys because you all deserve to live but a lot of people in V3 didn't and there is one mega bastard that I would probably kill if my patience were so thin. plus I've got to deal with one of the students as the mastermind

Ibuki: What if I joined you? I'm always there to calm you down normally. Whether you are stressed, depressed, or aggressive, Ibuki is there with you till the end!

Aizakku: "Aggressed" isn't a word and even if you came with me what about Chiaki? Do I just abandon her?

Ibuki: Ibuki has a big brain Idea! let's give them a compromise!

She awkwardly leaned her head back so she could reach my ear and whispered something.

Aizakku: Now you are started to speak my language.

The door opened and the person walked in.

???: Have you made a decision?

Aizakku: I'm in.

???: Excellent!

Aizakku BUT...we have a few conditions.

???: We are able to give any reward and perk you need to your advantage.

Aizakku: First thing first is Chiaki. We get to keep in contact with Chiaki so that we know that this world isn't going down in another tragedy. Second I'm not going to kill the mastermind. you make it so we revert the mastermind. Not kill her. And finally, the way to have everyone regain their consciousness in the real world and escape the world they are in right now is for them to die, so we've got to let Kokichi do his plan. I can keep everyone alive until then. I'll need instructions at that point.

???: Done done and done.

The strange figure gave Ibuki a strange watch.

???: I'm afraid we have to knock you out but when you wake up you will be given the true flashback lights which will give you back your memories.

Ibuki: What's with the watch?

???: We've programed it into Chiaki's vision. You can call her whenever you need or want. Whether it be to gain information or to simply have a conversation.

Aizakku: *sigh* Fine, whatever. Do it. But we all come out alive. Got it? No despair will leave that simulation!

???: Of course. Once you wake up and regain your memories, you will be assigned a task from Chiaki.

Suddenly I felt a shocking sensation and then I blacked out.

yeah not quite as proud as this one because of all the plotholes we'll see how this goes.

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