《Lipstick》Chapter 24: Tickled Pink


Our little walkout ended up on the news. Apparently, no one has anything better to talk about than our random little high school. Which, is fine by me, we have now gained national attention. Celebrities backing me up on social media, talk shows talking about us, not all are good but hey at least they are talking.

To make matters worse for Principal prick someone recorded his little explosion on me and leaked it to the press. Of course, it got to the school board. And of course, my parents being extra threatened to sue the public school system for discrimination. Which really ruffled some feathers. By the next morning, the prick was fired and we had an interim principal who promised to do some serious reflection on our current staff and their actions.

I was walked into school the next day by my parents to members of the school board and staff of the school who personally apologized to me and let me resume classes there. To which my parents agreed to drop the lawsuit.

I got to say, watching the prick clean out his office was the cherry on top of everything.

"You did it, Kat, you took out the trash," Josie says as we watch him walkout.

"Damn right I did," I smile proudly.

"Okay, can I just say how much of a badass you are?" Sophie gushes.

"I'll admit, I'm impressed," Sage says.

"Thank you, thank you," I bow.

"Did you hear?" Carson walks over to us.

"What?" I ask.

"Bryson got suspended from school for bullying."

"Shut up, yes!" I whoop.

Everyone laughs.

"Now I feel accomplished."

"He even got kicked off the football team," Carson adds.

"What goes around comes around," Sage shakes her head.

"Speaking of which, any word from the cops?" Josie asks me.

"I'm supposed to meet them today after school, fingers crossed." I sigh.

Someone clears their throat behind us and we all turn, my eyes go wide when I see Ian, Josie's ex.

"Hey," he says shyly.

"Hey, what's up?" Josie asks.

"Just wanted to say congrats on coming out and all. I know that's probably not how you wanted to come out but I can tell you're happy."

"Thanks," she smiles at him.

"Wait, Ian knew too?" Sophie says in confusion.

"It's a long story," Josie rolls her eyes.

"Take care of her, okay Kat?" he says to me.

"Will do, and thank you for taking care of her for a while." I smile at him.

"My pleasure, it was a wild adventure, I'll never forget that part of my life."


"You love me and you know it," Josie stuck her tongue out at him.

He giggled.

"I'm so lost," Sophie sighs.

"That makes two of us," Sage comments.

"Hi, I'm Carson. You're in my art class right?" Carson says.

"Yeah, Ian." Ian shakes his hand.

"Cool, maybe we can sit together. I'm trying to make more friends." Carson says.

"Me too; sounds like a plan."

"Maybe we can all hang out one day soon," I say.

"If you don't go to jail," Sage adds as we all walk into the cafeteria.

"Cold Sage, cold." I sigh.

Sophie laughs.

Wyatt walks up to Sage and wraps his arms around her, she smiles at him and pecks him on the lips.

"Wait," Sophie says.

We all look at her.

"When did I become the third wheel of the group!?"

Everyone laughs.

"No fair." She pouts.

"Whatever happened to lake boy?" Sage asks.

"Don't even get me started on one night stand lake boy," she says.

"Here we go," Josie says.

We all sit down and listen to Sophie rant about Lake boy who ghosted her after the party. When she did finally get in touch with him, turns out he's known for getting around. He's a total fuck boy, he was straight up with her and told her all he wanted was sex. She declined.

All-day at school Josie and I walk hand and hand to our classes. People smile at us and say hi and compliment us. I sort of feel famous now. Josie is eating it up, she loves the attention. She's practically glowing by the end of the school day.

After school, I drive straight to the police station.

"Well we talked to the school board," the officer says to me.

"Just tell me," I grumble.

"You are going to be charged with destruction of public property, but if you plead guilty now you can get off with a couple hundred hours of community service and have it wiped from your record after."

"What's the catch?" I ask.

"You have to start by cleaning the school."

I sigh.

"Just sign this if you agree to the terms." She slides the paper in front of me.

I read it over and agree before signing it.

Then another officer comes in and explains the whole process of community service and hands me the paperwork I need to fill out and get filled out. I'm exhausted by the time I get home.

"Well?" Mom asks me.

"Community service." I slap the paper down in front of her.


"Do the crime, do the time." Dad pats my head.

"This going to take forever to do," I complain.

"It will be just like having a job," Mom teases.

I glare at her.

She smirks.

A knock at the door draws our attention. I walk over to open it, it's Josie.

"Hey," I peck her on the lips.

"Well, you're not in jail, good news?"

Mom and dad clear their throats.

I grab Josie's hand and pull her inside leading her over to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Josie. My best friend and my girlfriend." I say.

Josie giggles because obviously she's met my parents before.

"Nice to meet you, Kat's girlfriend." Mom shakes her head.

"I just want us all to be on the same page," I say.

"We know," Dad sighs.

"Good, now as I was saying, 200 hours of community service."

"Yeesh," Josie cringes.

"Starting with cleaning up the school," I add.

"Saw that coming," Dad says.

"But, if I do a good job I get this wiped from my record. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me." I say.

"Nice, at least it won't affect college and job applications." Mom says.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyway, I'll probably get started on it this weekend."

"Let us know if you need help."

"Will do," I drag Josie upstairs to my room.

"How long do you think it will take you to do?" Josie asks.

"Who cares," I pull her into my arms and kiss her. "As long as I'm with you I don't care how many hours of community service I have to take."

She giggles into the kiss.

"Speaking of, what colleges are you going to apply to?" I ask.

"I don't know yet, what about you? Have anything you want to major in?"

"Cute you think I've made up my mind about something as big as that."

She laughs and pulls me down onto the bed.

"We should make a list of potentials and go from there," I say.

"Sounds like a plan, should we get a dorm room together or an apartment?"

"You do realize dorms are closed in the summer and we'd have to come back down to stay with our parents and wait for the new school year every summer."

"Apartments it is," She makes a face.

I giggle and snuggle up closer to her.

She wraps her arms around me.

"I'm going to dye my hair tomorrow." She announces.

"No." I pout.

"We should do your hair too, you've had the same hairstyle since you were like 12."

She has a point.

"What should we do with it? I like this hairstyle," I complain.

"I can spice it up for you, I'm thinking layers, low lights even. The possibilities." She says deviously.

"Don't cut all my hair off like you did to yourself." I playfully elbow her.

"Is that a yes then?" she smirks.

"Fine, but I swear if I look ugly after it—"

"Kat, no hairstyle could make you look ugly. Even if you were bald you'd still be hot."

"Shut up, lair." I giggle.

She giggles back.

The doorbell ringing draws our attention. We pause to listen when I hear my mom call me down,


I sigh.

"If it's Carson, I'll have to scare." Josie sits up.

"You better not," I swat her in the stomach.

We get up and walk downstairs where to my absolute horror Bryson and his mom stand.

Josie makes a face.

"What are you doing here?" I cross my arms.

His mom hits him in the shoulder. He glares at her before sighing and looking back at me.

"I want to formally apologize for how I treated you. I know that's not how a man treats a beautiful young lady," he grumbles.

Josie actually laughs.

"Shh! Shut up!" I hit her stifling my laughter, trying to let him finish.

He glares at his mom again.

"I'm sorry for picking on you and sharing that video around. I promise to do better in the future and to leave you alone from now on." he finishes.

This is gold.

I can't help but smile.

"Well?" his mom looks at me apologetically.

I don't blame her, I'd feel embarrassed too if I had a son like Bryson.

"Okay. I don't forgive you, but if you leave me alone I'll leave you alone." I say.

He glares at me.

Josie glares back and he sighs.

"Thank you for allowing us to do this," His mom says to my mom.

"We believe that a man should be given a chance to right his mistakes, now if it happens again, we'll have some issues." My dad cracks his knuckles.

"I'm sorry," Bryson snaps at us before storming out of the house.

His mom gives me one last apologetic look before going after him, as soon as the door is shut I can't stop myself from laughing. Josie is laughing with me, even my parents join in. That was just too good. Wait till I tell the other that Bryson got in trouble with his mommy.


Simply priceless.

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