《Lipstick》Chapter 23: Riveting Rose Gold


The next day, I go to school. Since the police didn't charge me, and principal prick never got a chance to expel me because he thought the police would charge me, no one can stop me. I stroll in, looking the best I ever have. Might as well make an entrance.

I went from being one of the most popular girls in school to the most popular girl in school overnight. Everyone looks at me and smiles at me as I walk by. I'll be honest, it feels really good. I feel on top of the world.

"Wow, coming back to the scene of the crime. Bold." Josie walks over to me.

"Are you surprised?" I pull her into me.

"With you? Never." She smiles before leaning down and kissing me.

"What are you doing here!?" I flinch when Principal prick marches over to us.

"Uh, going to school?" I eye him.

"You can't be here!"

"Why?" I pull away from Josie.

"Have you not seen the outside of the school!?"

"Yeah, I love the redecoration."

"Decoration!? You have defiled this school with your disgusting gay propaganda."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"You are expelled. This school doesn't need people like you here."

"People like me? You mean gay?"

"Call it what you want, but it doesn't change what you are."

"And what am I? Enlighten me," I cross my arms.

"I know what you are doing," he walks closer to me.


"You are trying to bait me, get me to say something that will get me in trouble. But I won't stoop to your level."

"You are an awful person, if you think you are going anywhere but hell when you die, you are sorely mistaken. I pray you see the error of your ways before it's too late."

"Don't you dare talk about my religion like you know it! You are a disgusting sinner; you have the devil inside of you. You and the rest of your faggot friends will burn in hell for all of eternity."

I clench my jaw and hold my tears in, "I'll be sure to keep it warm for you." I manage to say through my teeth.

"Get out of my school!"

"Fine! I don't want to go to this dumb school anyway!" I turn and stomp away.

"Yeah! I don't want to go to this school either!" Josie says.

I turn as she follows me.


"Yeah me either!" Sage says.

"Me too!" Sophie follows.

"I don't want to go to this school either!" Wyatt says.

"Me either!" Carson follows.

Soon students are walking out by the hundreds, following me outside.

I wipe my tears and watch as everyone surrounds me to support me. Josie pulls me into her arms and hugs me tightly. I breathe her in and close my eyes, taking in the moment.

"I'm proud of you," Josie says.

I hold her tighter.

People's parents come to the school to pick up their students and people catch rides home. Me and Josie head to my house with the promise to meet the girls later. My parents are at work, so we are alone.

"Carson and I are cool now, we made up," I say as we go to lay in my room.

"Hopefully not out."

I playfully elbow her. She giggles and pulls me into her. I pull the blankets over us and close my eyes.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you how hot you look today," Josie says.

"I look hot every day."


I giggle.

We lay in silence for a moment before she says,

"Pretty sure I fell deeper in love with you today."

"Yeah?" I move to get more comfortable.

"Standing up to that prick, one word. Badass. I don't think I could have done that."

"Oh please, you'd do it, and do it better than me."

She giggled.

"You'd look so hot doing it too." I add.

"Well I think you might have me beat in that department."

"Give me a break, you are way hotter than me. I've always envied that about you."

"Kat, I have been engrossed with you since I met you. To me, no one is more riveting than you. You completely captivate me, it is physically impossible for me to see anyone else as hotter than you. You are so beautiful that when I am near you sometimes, I forget to breathe and my heart stops."

I feel my cheeks flame up and my heart rate increase.

"To be honest, I'm surprised you never figured out how I felt about you. Sometimes it was so obvious that I was scared you'd figure it out and pull away from me. I'd stay up late at night, going over it in my head so many times, so sure you'd call me out. I'd practice what I would say, how I would explain myself to you. I made so many speeches I lost count."


I sit up and she does too.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask.

"Because I want you to know, I love the shit out of you. Even though we have only been together, officially, for one day, I love you. I have for a long time. And I thought it was impossible to love you more than I do, but you keep proving me wrong. I know you are still trying to figure yourself out, but I just want you to understand how important you are to me."

"Oh Josie, when did you become such a softy?" I lean in and kiss her.

She sighs into the kiss, pulling me onto her lap.

"I love you too," I say between kisses.

"You mean it?" she pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"How could I not? Saying all that stuff, I'm melting on the inside. Isn't it obvious? I can't breathe, I feel like my heart has stopped."

She runs her fingers through my hair, and I nuzzle my nose against hers.

"You were right about one thing,"

"One thing?" she teases, her lips forming into a smirk.

"Shut up and let me talk," I pinch her side.

"Okay, what was I right about?" she asks.

"None of my relationships could ever compare to this. No one has treated me as good as you. I never knew I could feel this way until you."

"If you don't stop being cute, my heart will explode from adorableness."

I giggle before kissing her again.

"It's official then," I pull back. "We are in lesbians."

She laughs and pushes me down on the bed. I laugh too as she tickles me. I try to fight her off but eventually, she pins me down to the bed.

"Hmm, I'm kind of in the mood now." She says.

"Tickles turns you on, weird." I tease.

"Fuck you," she laughs before kissing me.

I laugh into the kiss.

My laughter quickly dies out as her tongue slips past my lips.

"Emm," I moan softly into her mouth.

She undoes the belt around her waist and slips it out of the belt loops.

I quickly fling my shirt off and undo my bra.

"Ah," she slaps my hands away before I can get my pants.

I pout.

She turns me over so I lay on my stomach, then puts my hands behind my back and ties them up with her belt. When she's done she rolls me back over and straddles me. I watch her stripe out of her clothes, one article at a time.

God, she's so hot.

She crawls until she rests just above my face. I look closely at her honey pot, noticing the small details I've never gotten a chance to admire before. She rakes her head through my hair, her chest heaving up and down from her obviously aroused breathing.

When she lowers herself on top of me I go to town, enjoying my meal. Her back arches and she moans loudly. The sound she makes causes my heart to flutter. I rub my legs together, hoping for some kind of friction. I've never been more aroused in my life.

Her moans light a fire in me. I get goosebumps all over my arms. When she's nice and wet, she's ready to finally start giving me some attention. I've nearly soaked through my shorts at this point. She glides her hand in, I moan softly as her fingers tease me.

Before I know it my shorts are on the ground and she has her legs locked with mine. I want to touch her, I want to use my hands to bring her even more pleasure but the belt holds firm.

"Josie," I moan as we rock together in a synchronized rhythm.

Her fingers dig into the skin on my thighs, her nails leaving little crescent moon shapes.

I'm going crazy, soon it will all be too much. But I can't slow her down. I have no control. Only she controls when I can finally go over that edge. It's too soon, I want this to last, but I can't stop it from happening.

I cry out so loud my back arches off the bed and my body locks up. She doesn't stop though; she keeps on going. One orgasm stretches into two, then into a never-ending orgasm. It feels so go my eyes tear up.

When she finally has her own orgasm, her body shakes uncontrollably and she is weeping in pleasure.

"F-fuck." Her lip trembles.

She can't even move with her body shaking.

I just lay there, locked with her, trying to catch my breath.

"Holy shit," she says as we lay opposite from each other.

I laugh.

Then she laughs.

Soon we are both just laughing. She slowly detaches herself from me and unties me. I snuggle up into her, wrapping my arms tightly around her. She rubs my back, nuzzling her head into my hair.

The moment I close my eyes exhaustion kicks in and I fall asleep.

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