《Lipstick》Chapter 25: Glitter Glow-up


I can't believe Josie and I have been together for three years, it's just one of those things that don't seem real. I didn't even really notice until Sage pointed it out. Now I can't stop thinking about it. Has it really been three years already? It doesn't even feel like it.

The plan started out simple enough, since Josie and I are on spring break and Sage and Sophie are free to, we thought we'd all hang out together, like old times. It's been way too long since the four of us were together like this. My friends in college did invite me to go to Cancún with them for spring break but I sort of really missed my old high school buddies. We haven't kept in touch as well as we should have, so I declined.

Josie requested off from work, and we packed a bag and met the girls down at Sage's family lake house, which they said we could stay in all week. Just a girl's week.

Well as we all know by now, even the most simple plans can go array. It was Sophie's idea to throw a party. And since we are 21 now and legally able to drink, even though that never stopped us before, we thought what the hell. And agreed.

Note to self, never agree to anything Sophie plans.

People from high school and some college buddies of Sage's came down as well. Sage and Sophie are both single at the moment. Sage just broke up with her latest boyfriend Martin. Says he was super clingy and obsessed with her. Who can blame him? Sage got even hotter, which I seriously thought was impossible.

Really not fair at all if you ask me.

As we were drinking around the campfire and the night was winding down, that's when Sage brought it up.

Josie had just pulled me into her arms and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I can't believe you two have been together for three years," she said as she sipped her drink.

"I know right! We totally had a bet you'd break up after the first year," Sophie says.

"Seriously you guys?" Josie made a face.

They laughed.

"Has it really been three years?" I sat right.

"Yep, not to the date, but give or take." Josie shrugs.

"Damn, why haven't you wifed me yet?" I ask.

Everyone laughs.

But I'm serious, three years!? And I'm still only her girlfriend. What's the big deal? Am I not wife material? Is there such a thing as wife material? Does she not see herself committing to me long-term?


Why did Sage have to say something?

Now it's nagging me, eating me away. Soon my one drink became two then three. Josie had walked off to go get me some water because she could see me getting drunk.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Bryson walked over to me.

The guy has let himself go.

Gained a lot of weight, no longer has those hot abs I used to love so much.

Poor thing piqued in high school.

"What happened to you?" I slurred out.

"What?" he asks.

"You look," I pat his belly, "different."

"Fuck you," he slaps my hand away.

"Do I look different?" I ask.

"I'd say you look even better than you did before," a voice comes up behind me.

I turn to see Carson and his sweet smile. Damn, he looks even hotter than before. Some people have the best glow-ups.


"Hey!" I ran into his arms.

"Hey Kat," he smiled at me.

"I've been looking for you all night," I pout.

"Sorry, I was a little late. My girlfriend couldn't figure out what to wear."

"Who's your girlfriend?" I looked around.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

I turned and locked eyes with Tammy from high school, fully transitioned now. Damn, she looks hot too! What the hell, am I the only one who didn't get an amazing glow-up?

"Oh sorry! You look so good!" I comment as I pull away from Carson.

"Thank you," she flipped her hair.

"Who did your nails, I need mine done." I look at her hand.

"Hello! Still standing here," Bryson complained.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't just ignore me," he grabbed me by the shoulder and whirled me around.

"I moved on from the conversation, take the hint." I slurred.

"You can never move on from me Kitty Kat," he smirked.

"My stomach hurts," I pout.

"Hey, I got the wa—" Josie runs over to me just as I projectile vomit all over Bryson.

"Ew! You stupid—" Josie catches his hand before he can hit me and pours the water on him to wash the puke off.

Then with an appreciative smile at Carson and Tammy who are cringing at my misfortune, she grabs my hand and leads me back to the cabin.

"I'm sorry," I sniffle.

"Come on," she leads me to the bathroom and helps me wash off and get washed up for bed.

"Am I pretty?" I ask her.

"Why would you think otherwise?" she helps me to bed.

"Everyone looks so good, I feel like I look the same."

"Is that what this is about? You haven't gotten this drunk since high school." She brushes my hair behind my ear.

"Am I a bad girlfriend?"

"No, why would you—"

"Then why haven't you wifed me?" I cut her off.

She blinks at me in surprise.

"I knew it, I am a bad girlfriend." I whimper into the bed.

"You are not a bad girlfriend, but I won't tell you why now because you're too drunk to remember. Get some rest." She pats my leg.

"Stay with me," I grab her hand.

She sighs but snuggles up next to me. I turn to look at her, god she's so gorgeous. Josie had the best glow-up of all. Every time I look at her I am captivated by her beauty.

"This is where we first kissed," I point out.

"Surprised you remember that right now," she smirks.

"I'll never forget it, that kissed changed my life."

"Changed mine too."

"I'm sorry for getting drunk," I say.

"We all have our moments. Remember last year on spring break at that beach party." She says.

I giggle.

"I swear I was so high I was seeing pigs fly."

"You said the ocean looked like jelly and you wanted to eat it."

We both laugh.

"Never doing that again." She smiles at me.

"That beach bum was pretty convincing," I point out.

She laughs.

"Still, I'm sorry. I feel like I ruined the vibe. Everything was going good and feeling nostalgic until now." I sigh.

"Emm, this is kind of nostalgic in a way."

I giggle.

"Been a while since I had to take care of you like this."

"I'm usually the one babysitting you."



"Is it because I have small boobs? Is that why you won't wife me, if so, I completely understand."

She laughs loud and hard, it makes me smile.

"You're still thinking about it," she says through her laughter.

"Shut up," I playfully push her.

"Kat, I love you." She smiles at me.

"I just... really like you. And I got to thinking,"

"Oh no, you're thinking again."

"Ass, let me finish." I smack her in the stomach.

"Okay, sorry."

"I was thinking, that it hasn't even felt like three years, it just goes by so fast. And I was thinking that since we've been together I haven't really ever wanted to be with anyone else. I haven't had second thoughts or wanted to break up with you, not even once."

"Not even once!? Wow, consider my ego stroked."

"What I am trying to say is, I could see myself spending the rest of my life with you. But... I just want to know if you feel the same. Because I feel like we might be on two separate pages here."

She sighs and turns to face the ceiling.

It makes me feel bad.

Obviously, I'm right. We are on two separate pages.

"How drunk are you right now? Scale of 1-10." She asks.

"Well I was a 10, but after puking and a cold shower, I feel more like a 5."

"Do you remember when we first moved in together? We used to fight a lot."

"Yeah," I said.

"It was a big adjustment for us and I'll admit I used to think about breaking up with you a lot those days."

That makes my heart sink.

"You were just so immature and didn't respect my boundaries. I thought you'd never change. When we did finally adjust to each other, things were good for a while. Maybe a few months or so, then I started at my job and you started at your job. Then I always felt lonely, I thought about breaking up with you then too."

"Why are you telling me this?" I say suddenly feeling really shitty.

"Because, unlike you Kat, I have thought about breaking up with you, a lot. So many times I've lost count. You just grind my gears sometimes."

"So you don't want to wife me because you want to break up with me?" I say.

"No," she turns to face me. "What I am saying, is you're not like how you were when we first got together. For every year we've been together I've thought less and less about breaking up with you. You've grown so much since we first got together. You've matured and we talk and communicate well. You make time for me and accommodate me as best as you can. Maybe when we first started dating you were a shitty girlfriend, but these days you're a fucking great girlfriend. I am so proud of you for how far you've come. But you and I still have a ways to go. I don't think we are in that place yet. I just want to be 100% sure about this before I commit for life, do you understand that?"

I nod.

"I don't mean to hurt you; I just want to be honest. The way this relationship started wasn't great and I've had doubts ever since. But I'm slowly growing to trust you and I know you're working on it, just like I am. If you really feel the way you feel about me, then you won't mind waiting a little longer for me to get myself sorted out. It's not like we are breaking up, I just want to take this slow, make sure we are right for each other."

"Okay," I nuzzle up into her.


"I understand." I sniffle and hold back tears.

"Come here, I'm sorry." She holds me.

"No, I'm sorry for making you feel like shit all the time. I can wait, I just want you to know I love you and I'm not going anywhere. When you're ready to take it to the next step, just let me know. I can do slow."

"Now I feel like shit for hurting your feelings," she sighs.

"You said your truth, it's okay," I assure her.

"Promise you won't hate me in the morning?"


She sighs.

"You didn't fuck up our relationship, I'll live. I promise." I can sense the worry in her.

"Okay," she rests her head on top of mine.

"but for the record, small boobs have nothing to do with it right?"

She laughs.

I smile. I like making her laugh.

"You wait until the morning, I'll get you." She teases.

I giggle and close my eyes, letting sleep take me.

I always know when Josie's worried about me because she starts treating me extra nicely. When I woke up in the morning, breakfast in bed is what I got. I eyed her.

"Just figured you'd have a hangover and wanted to make things easy for you." She says.

"Emm hmm," I grab the orange juice and drink it with the pills she gave me.

She kissed me on the forehead and left the room to go clean up.

"Why is Josie being weird?" Sophie walked into the room as I ate my food.

"Because she's Josie," I chewed a piece of bacon off.

"What did you two talk about last night, are y'all fighting? Is this what y'all fighting looks like?"

"Trust me, you don't want to see what our fighting looks like. She's just scared she broke my heart last night." I sigh.

"Oh, do tell," she lays next to me.

"Where's Sage?" I change the subject.

"Hooked up with some guy last night, not her best lay. Anyway, don't change the subject. Tell me how she broke your heart."

"She didn't break my heart."

"Then why is she being extra?"

"I asked her why she won't wife me, and she told me. End of story."

"Hmm, I'm sensing it's not the end and someone's feelings are hurt."

"Can we just talk about something else?" I whine.

"Is it your small boobs?"

"Shut the fuck up," I laugh.

"Tell me, my life has been drama-free since you two left. I need some action here."

"Ew, that sounded wrong."

She laughs.

"She just said we aren't there yet, that's all."

"Aw, it's okay Kat. I'm sure you two will make it. Sage and I have a new bet going."

"You guys suck."

"Don't you want to hear it?"

"Tell me," I sigh as I bite my toast.

"I bet Sage you two would get married in the next year. She said the next two years."

I smirk.

"Does that make you feel better?"

"A little," I admit.

"Good, don't worry about it. Josie is extra, we all know this." She sits up and pats my head.

"So you don't think small boobs are a deal-breaker?" I ask.

"There is such a thing as breast implants." She gets up.

"I hate you!" I laugh and throw my napkin at her as she leaves the room.

She shakes her butt in my face and leaves.

Josie comes back into the room to get my plate and I get up and wash up and get dressed for the day.

The house is a total disaster.


"Time to clean," Sage announces.

"Ugh," I grab a trash bag.

"I can do it, just sit down babe," Josie says to me.

"No," I stop her from grabbing my bag. "Teamwork makes the dream work. Stop being extra, I told you I'm fine."

She pouts.

"Look I don't care what you two got going on, but please clean up," Sage says.

"Come on Josie," I drag her outside to help me clean the front.

I start picking up trash when she comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry, just forget everything I said last night. I'm sorry."

I sigh and turn to face her.

She has a sad puppy dog look on her face.

"Stop it, stop apologizing. It's okay, we're okay. I understand. Is my ego bruised, obviously, will I survive? Of course I will. I understand. You're right, I haven't been the best girlfriend all the time. I can wait, we can work on it. No need to freak out, I'm not going to dump you."

"Okay, I'm sorry I just..." she sighs and rests her forehead against my own.

"It's okay, we'll live."

I grab her hands off my waist and then pull them above her head before pinning her against the side of the house. She blushes and looks at me in surprise.

"I'll just have to start asserting my love for you more often, that's all," I smirk.

She smiles back.

I kiss her, she quickly kisses me back.

Sage comes outside to check on us and clears her throat.

We don't stop.

"Seriously." She complains.

I wave her off.

"Awe, let them be," Sophie says.

Sage sighs.

I drop my trash bag and grab Josie's legs, she wraps them around me.

"Oh, uh okay, we should go," Sophie says.

I move my lips down Josie's neck and she moans.

"Damn," Sage says before she and Sophie go back inside.

I glance at them and see them watching me through the screen door, I giggle before giving Josie a hickey. Josie unbuttons my flannel and lets it hang open.

"Damn," Sage and Sophie say through the door, and neither Josie nor I can stop laughing.

"Later," Josie pulls herself from me.

"Oh yeah, for sure." I peck her on the lips while rebuttoning my shirt.

Sage and Sophie quickly run inside to hide from us.

Josie shakes her head and I pick up the trash bag. Maybe she won't wife me but you know what, I think I'm happy leaving things just the way they are.

Josie slaps me on the butt as I bend down to pick up trash. I whack her with my trash bag. Together we work on cleaning up the mess we helped make. I have a feeling when this place is cleaned, it's going to look better than ever.

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