《Lipstick》Chapter 22: Plum Perfection


Since I am 18, I don't need my parents with me in the police interrogation room. I tell them I don't want my parents here, they would only make everything worse. I would be too pissed off to remain calm and tell my side of the story.

"Start at the beginning," a female officer says to me.

So I do. I tell them everything, from the pride march to Bryson's video of me. To this morning. I tell them all about Principal prick and my parents, and how I felt helpless and oppressed. I tell them about how other students have also experienced discrimination there and bullying. I just go on and on, before I know it, two hours have passed.

"And now I'm here," I finish my story.

"So, you did this to make a statement?" the officer says.

"It's more than just a statement, this was a cry for help. People need to know what is going on at that school. Even if I get expelled or whatever, I don't care. The bullying is out of control and the teachers and principal activity oppress their LGBTQ students. That school is hell." I say.

"I get that but what you did is still a crime. Destruction of property is a serious offense."

"I am prepared to take the consequences for my actions, so long as you promise to do an actual investigation into that school and the principal," I say.

"Here is what I am going to do," she leans in closer to me.

I lean in too.

"I'm going to call this an ongoing investigation. I'll do my best to make this right, but if the media were to somehow hear how about this well, then I would have no choice but to follow popular public opinion. Do you understand?"

I smile and nod.

"Alright Kat, we will be in touch. For now, go home and we will talk again tomorrow."

As I walk out of the station my parents meet me.

They are furious, I knew they would be.

"What were you thinking!?" Mom says.

"I was thinking that if you two won't listen to me, I'd find someone who would." I shrug and walk over to the car.

"What did the police say? Are you being charged?" Dad asks.

"It's an ongoing investigation." I open the door and slide into the back seat.

"Why didn't you call us!?" Mom says as she and dad get in the car.

"You took my phone," I say simply.

They quickly start yelling but I take a deep breath and say, "Listen, this is how this is going to go."

They shut up.

"The media is going to get involved, and I plan to make this whole thing about LGBTQ rights. Of course, you can continue to be on the wrong side of things and be painted in a bad light like the school, or you can support me. Either way, this is going to get out. My friend is a social media influencer." I say.

"Excuse you?" Dad says.

"Either support me or end up as collateral." I shrug.

"Where do you get off talking to us like that?" Mom asks.

"I'm 18, I can do what I want."

"Well if you want to act like an adult, then you can get out of my house, how about that?"

"Okay, I don't want to live with you two anyway."

We pull into the house and I go up to my room and pack my bags.


"And just where are you going to go?" Dad asks.

"I have friends."

"Kathleen you are being ridiculous." Mom crosses her arms.

"Kat." I zip up the first bag.

"And what exactly are you going to do about college? You are about to graduate and have no money, have never worked a day in your life, what is your plan here? Hmm?"

"I'm going to have to get a job, figure this out on my own. I guess that's just a part of growing up, right?" I move to the second bag.

"Kathleen, please, be reasonable." Mom moves closer to me.

"It's Kat." I quickly fold up clothes.

"This is just a phase," Dad tries to reason out loud.

"Even if it was," I turn to them. "Shouldn't you support me regardless? You are supposed to love and encourage your child into following their heart, instead, you make fun of me and belittle me. And you wonder where it all went wrong. Face it, I've never fit into this family, and you are only barely noticing now because you are only barely being forced to pay attention to me. You don't even know where I am half the time. Some parents." I resume packing.

"Why are you being like this?" Mom says.

"I'm not being like anything! You two are the ones being stupid. How hard is it to just take my side for once, once!?"

I shove my clothes in the bag and grab my backpack off the floor.

"Kathleen, don't go," Mom says.

"Goodbye," I pick up my bags.


I push past them and head downstairs.

"Stop her," Dad says to mom.

"Kat!" Mom calls.

I pause by the door.

"Stay, we can talk about this," Mom says.

"Nothing left to talk about. I'm Bisexual. I like girls, I have a girlfriend. I go to a school which picks on me for that fact. These are facts. What is there to talk about?" I say without turning to face her.

"Can you just sit down and let us wrap our heads around all this?"

"Are you actually going to listen to me this time?"

"Yes." Mom pleads.

"Dad?" I turn to face them.

He sighs but nods.

So I set my bags down by the door and we go to the living room to talk. I tell them everything, about my ex Bryson. About Carson and Josie. I tell them about Principal prick and his track record. I tell them about my plan, about Amanda, and the video Bryson made. When I am done explaining everything, there is a thick silence in the room.

"Well?" I say.

"How come you never introduced us to Bryson?" Dad asks.

"I did, like five times," I say.

Shows how much they pay attention.

"How many boyfriends have you had?" Mom asks.

"Is that really important right now?" I make a face.

"We just want to know if you are, you know, sexually active," Dad says.

"First of all, I'm 18. Assume the answer is yes. Second, ew, it's none of your business. Third, I've never had sex with a guy. Happy?"

"But you have had sex..." Mom clarifies.

"Why is this important!?"

"Okay, it's just, we are only now realizing that we know nothing about you or what you've gotten into these past few years. We are just worried."

"Yeah, no duh, that's what I'm been saying all along. You haven't the first clue about me."


They sigh in unison.

"Look maybe my taste in guys isn't the best, but Carson was a real sweet guy and what Bryson did to him, to us, is unforgivable. I did what I did today for revenge mostly, but also for anyone else who's ever been made fun of for liking who they like. Maybe, I went a bit overboard, but I felt like I had no choice. Neither of you would listen to me! And Principal jackass wasn't helping either. So, I say fight fire with fire."


I narrow my eyes at her.

"I mean, Kat. You have to understand you've put us in a very tight corner here. This is all, so... much."

"I'm not your little girl anymore, I haven't been for a long time. All I want is your support, that's all. If you guys can back me up, then maybe we can start communicating better and being more involved in each other's lives. Sound fair?"

They look at each other and nod.

"Okay," Dad says.

"Okay." I echo.

"Now what?" Mom asks.

"Now, I go to the media about that school. You in?"

Mom smirks and nods.

Which is how the three of us wound up on the five o'clock news. Mom played the part perfectly. Crying and shaming the school. Dad was outraged. I told my story. The media ate it up. Of course, Amanda, Bryson new ex made videos on her social media accounts explaining everything. It all quickly caught fire and blew up.

With all that in play, there was still one thing left I had to make right.

That night I walked over to Carson's house and rang the doorbell. His mom answered the door, she looked pissed. Not that I blame her, I did cheat on her amazing son and break his heart.

"Please, I just want to talk to him," I say.

"He doesn't want anything to do with you." She slammed the door in my face.

I knocked again.

"Please, I just want to explain, I need to make this right." I begged.

"Go away," his mom shouts back.

"It was never a joke, I really did have feelings for him. I'm sorry." I rest my head against the door.

No answer.

"I'm such an idiot." I slide down the door to the floor.

I pull my knees to my chest and listen to the night air.

"I never meant for any of this to happen. Carson's sweet, and understanding, and caring, and I took advantage of that. I should have just told him the moment I felt confused about who I was, but I didn't want to lose him. I thought... I thought I loved him. That one day he would be my future husband and we'd grow old together... I always thought that, ever since we were little."

I know they aren't even listening anymore, but it helps to get it off my chest. Even if only the crickets and the moon hear me.

"He's perfect, I am the one who isn't. I'm the one that is a screw loose or however that saying goes. I tried to tell him but I was just so scared. I didn't want to break his heart. He didn't deserve that. I just... want him to know, it was all real. Everything I said, all the letters, I thought I loved him, until... until I didn't."

"I just want to make it right." I bury my head into my knees.

I jump when the door opens. Carson walks out and sits right next to me. I look at him in shock.

"Carson I am so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I swear. I understand if you hate me forever, but I want you to know it was never a joke or anything like that. Ask any one of my friends, they will tell you how gaga I was for you. How I wouldn't shut up about it, everything. I swear on my life I never made fun of you, ever."

"Why didn't you just tell me? I would have understood." He avoids looking at me.

"Because I didn't even know if that was what I wanted. Every part of my heart was at war. Part of me was saying, be true to yourself, stop denying who you are. The other part couldn't... couldn't let go of you. I was crazy about you, for so long I've had a crush on you. I was always too much of a coward to tell you and when I did finally get up the courage, Josie decided that was the perfect time to come out to me and confuse the ever-living heck out of me. I'm so sorry Carson. I never meant to hurt you."

"Was it all like that? Were you just with me one minute only to turn around and be with her?"

I look down in shame. "Yes," I admit.

He sighs.

"I'm sorry, I was confused and scared, and so stupid. Until Josie, I didn't even know it was possible to feel the way I do. I thought I had it all figured out. Here I am at 18 and barely realizing I'm not straight. Kind of pathetic, right?" I pull my knees closer.

"I don't think you're pathetic." He says.

"But I am."

"People can go almost their whole lives denying who they are. I just... wish you trusted me, that you hadn't used me like you did."

"I'm sorry," my eyes water.

He moves closer to me and leans up against me.

I look up at him and he smiles at me.

"For the record, I think your perfect just the way you are. No matter who you like."

Why? Why is he so freaking amazing?

I smile at him.

"Can we still be friends?" he asks.

"You'd want to be my friend?"

"Anyone who can stand up to the school and put Bryson in his place is alright by me."

"Thanks," I giggle.

"So how much trouble did you get in?"

"A lot, but I have a plan."

"Sounds like typical Kat."

We both laugh.

"Also, for the record," I add. "Josie only came out to me now because she knew I really liked you and that I was serious about being with you. She got scared. She's had a crush on me the whole time apparently. And I was like the only one who didn't notice."

"That also sounds like typical Kat."

"Shut up," I laugh. "One day Carson, you're going to find someone worthy of you. Who makes you so happy. You are perfect and I'm sorry I couldn't be that girl but I know someone is out there for you. Anyone would be lucky to get someone as amazing and perfect as you."

"Thank Kat."

"I mean it."

He playfully bumps shoulders with me as we stare up at the sky.

"Want to go play your x-box?" I ask.

"I'll beat you."

"I'd like to see you try."

He smiled and together we went inside to play video games.

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