《Lipstick》Chapter 21: Rainbow Revenge


Amanda is actually super cool. The poor girl was like me, fell for his funny nice guy act. Bryson doesn't deserve a nice girl like her. With Amanda on my side, we made a plan. And I can't wait to see this play out.

I have to wait until my parents go to sleep before I sneak out and go to Walmart to buy some supplies. Then I meet Sage, Josie, and Sophie, at the school.

"Hey, how are you?" Sophie rubs my shoulder as I walk up.

"I'll be just fine once we pull off this plan." I plop down the two large boxes of sidewalk chalk.

"So what is the plan?"

"Amanda is working on the grand finale."

"Who?" Josie asks.

"Bryson's new girlfriend soon to be ex-girlfriend," I smirk.

"Nu-Uh! Kat!" Sophie laughs.

"Damn, momma doesn't play," Sage smirks.

"That's my girl," Josie pecks me on the cheek.

"Yes, I know. But this is more than just Bryson. I want to make my message loud and clear to our shitty principal. Even if it gets me expelled. So, girls grab some chalk. We only have a few hours to turn this shitty school into a Gay paradise."

"Hmm, not bad, but chalk can be washed away," Sage says.

"I have more supplies in the car. I'll go get it."

I jog off to my car, which I shouldn't even have but I took my dad's spare key off his key chain. I grab the rest of the bags and the large rainbow flag. I walk back and set down the cans of spray paint and duct tape and markers and poster boards.

"Let's get to work," I announce.

We all smirk at each other before grabbing our weapons of choice.

"I'll radio for backup." Sophie pulls out her phone.

"The more the better, just don't get too much help. Don't need to police stopping us before we are done." I say.

She nods.

"Come on," Josie grabs the chalk and pulls me with her to the brick wall right behind the school flag pole.

We start coloring the wall in rainbow as quickly as possible.

Sage grabs chalk and starts writing inspiring messages on the school walkway, Sophie quickly joins her. We work fast and in silence.

I grab the spray paint and spray a rainbow heart on the front doors of the school. Then I spray paint the various LGBTQA+ colors in hearts on all the windows of the front of the school. A few more people arrive with some supplies and they start making signs and sticking them all over the school front lawn.

After I am done spray painting, I lower the flag and replace it with the rainbow one. Then I spray paint the regular American flag so that all the previous white lines are rainbow. I hang that by the bus port.

We spend the rest of the night covering every surface we can with chalk. It's all inspiring and uplifting in various colors of the rainbow.

"Okay, that's as good as it's going to get. Now let's get out of here." I say.

Everyone nods and we all leave.

"Wait," Josie jogs after me.

I turn to her.

"Come with me, screw your parents. Come spend the night at my house. My parents aren't even home. They are out of town."

"I don't know..." I look down.

"Please," she grabs me by the hips and pulls me closer.

I look up into those seafoam-colored eyes.


"I don't want to get in even more trouble than I already am," I say.

"After tomorrow it might be a while until I see you." she says.

She does have a point.

"Fine," I say.

"Don't act like I forced you," she pushes my hair behind my ear.

I giggle.

She leans down and kisses me.

I sigh into her kiss and close my eyes.

"Awe! Kat and Josie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Sophie sings as she drives by us.

I flip her off only to open my eyes and see Josie is doing the same. We laugh and kiss again.

I follow Josie in my car to her house where she leads me to her bedroom. I see black hair dye on her vanity.

"Please tell me you're joking," I pick it up.

"No way, I've been wanting to go black for a while but have been too chicken to do it."

"But I love your blond hair," I pout.

"You'll love my black hair even better." She teases.

I roll my eyes before setting the dye down.

"So what is your grand plan anyway?" Josie plops on her bed.

I kick my shoes off and let my jeans fall to the floor before crawling into bed with her.

"It's going to be epic. You know that student aid in the front office?"


"Ew no, Tammy."

"What about her?"

"She's in on my plan, she's going to help me tomorrow. Turns out she's one of Bryson's victims too."


"Hey don't judge."

"But she used to be—"

"I know!"

"So he's..."

"Emm hmm."



"Just when you think you know someone." Josie laughs.

I watch her kick off her boots and slip out of her jeans. Then she curls up in bed next to me.

"He told all his side girls I'm his crazy ex, but tomorrow I'm going to show him just how crazy I can be." I smirk.

"I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this."

We both giggle.

"Do you still have the bullhorn from when you did cheerleading?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I borrow it for tomorrow?"


We lay in silence for a while before Josie gets up and turns the light off. She lays next to me and pulls me into her arms. I nuzzle into her chest.

"Josie?" I say after a pause.


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For everything. For calling you a dyke. For stringing you along. For just being a straight-up bitch. I was confused and in denial about how I felt. I was scared. But the truth is after you kissed me that very first time, I knew. I knew nothing would ever be the same after that, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. I knew. I'm sorry for treating you like shit. Can you ever forgive me?" I ask.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry too. For always sabotaging your relationships. For never being straightforward with you. For forcing myself on you. For everything. You weren't the only bitch in the room. I was pretty bitchy myself. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, but I've grown used to your bitchiness." I tease.

"Shut up," she playfully pinches my stomach.

"Ah! Hey!" I giggle.

"So... what does that make us?" she asks after a pause.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we like... official now?"


"You really want to be known as my girlfriend right now? My reputation is kind of in the toilet." I say.

"Since when have I ever given a damn about my reputation?"

"Good point." I giggle.

"Come on, say it. Say you're my girlfriend now."

"Why do I have to say it?"

"Because I like seeing how cute and flustered you get."

"Asshole," I playfully push her.

"Say it," she pulls me closer.

"Fine, Josie, it's official. You are my girlfriend." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Daw! You're so cute," she pinches my cheek.

"Cut it out!" I laugh.

"You know I told Sage all about our night alone together."

"You did not! Please tell me you're joking."

"She loved hearing it. Said she never pegged you as the type to like bondage."

"Josie!" I roll on top of her and shake her.

She laughs.

"No! That's so embarrassing!"

"Worse than your tampon lie?"

"Argh! Josephine Magnolia Hampton you're going to get it now!"

She laughs.

"I mean it! No! I hate you," I pout.

"Relax my kitten. I have tons of stories of Sage's to tell you. It's only fair."

"Why do y'all even share sex stories?"



"Well can't exactly tell my sex stories to you, now can I? You get like this."

"You wait until I get something embarrassing on you," I pin her arms to the bed.


"I'll tell everyone all about it. You'll never live it down."

"Meow, Bryson did get one thing right about you. You get crazy when going on the offensive."


She laughs.

"I hate you," I pout.

"Do you really? Because I'm kinda feeling a different way about you right now." She starts rocking her hips up and down.

I feel my heart skip a beat and my cheeks heat up as I realize I'm sitting on her hips, only a thin layer of panties between us.

"We have school in like a few hours." I point out.

"That's just enough time." She smirks.

While locking eyes with her I gently start moving my hips up and down to let her know I'm interested. She lets out a soft moan and closes her eyes to enjoy the feeling. I lean down and kiss her, keeping her hands pinned to the bed.

By the time school rolls around I'm exhausted and sore. But I force myself out of bed and take a shower borrowing some of Josie's clothes.

"Let me do your make-up," Josie says as we get ready.

"K, I'm too tired to do it myself anyway." I yawn.

"Not me, I feel a million times better." She says.

"Well I was the one who did all the work, this is why I like being bottom," I complain.

"It's fun to switch it up every now and then. You did good, I just a have few notes."

"Nope, I'm not in the headspace for criticism right now." I cross my arms.

"Kidding," she giggles before pecking me on the lips.

"You better be." I smile against her lips before kissing her again.

We get ready, making sure to look extra fabulous and extra gay. Josie even gives me rainbow lips by using various shades of her lipstick. Then with the bullhorn in tow, I drive to school. Amanda meets me there, and she's not alone.

Apparently, Bryson is currently seeing four girls at once. All of whom jumped at the chance for revenge and humiliation. I introduced myself and led them over to where this would all take place.

Students and teachers are already gathered in curiosity. Lucky for me the prick of a principal always gets to school late. Which gives me just enough time to embarrass Bryson before making my statement to the school.

"Attention!" I turn on the bullhorn.

Everyone gathers around.

Bryson walks over to me with a smirk until he sees who is standing next to me, then I see him go stark white.

That's right baby, two can play this game.

I wink at him and he tries to back away but Josie holds him in place.

"I have an announcement to make!" I say.

I nod to Sage, who gives the signal to Sophie, who signals Tammy. Then out of the PA system starts to play Y.A.S. by Todrick hall.

"This one goes out to my wonderful loving ex, Bryson Ortega! Most of you saw that video yesterday, well let me present to you, my new friends. We have lucky girl number one! Amanda! Amanda is a social media influencer, plays volleyball, and likes dogs. Oh, and she's also Bryson's girlfriend!"

Amanda grabs the bullhorn from me, "On to girl number two! Here we have the wonderful and loving Bree. She plays violin, loves vegan foods, and works to conserve the environment! And, she's also Bryson's girlfriend! Give it up for Bree!" Amanda hands her the bullhorn.

Everyone is looking at Bryson as he tries to shrink in on himself.

"Let's not forget Lucky girl number three! Here we have the beautiful and hilarious, Faith! Faith is a comedian, has two cats, and can do a handstand. She is also Bryson's girlfriend!" Bree hands the bullhorn to Faith.

"What up my people! Douchebags am I right? Let's hear it for my girl, lucky girl number four Trinity! She can sing, act, and she's also a skilled martial artist and can kick anyone's ass! And you guessed it, she's also Bryson's girlfriend!" she hands over the bullhorn.

"But we can't forget our lovely PA operator, the wonderful Tammy. Who is Bryson's booty Call!" Trinity says.

"I have a dick," Tammy says over the PA in a deep man's voice.

I can't help but laugh.

Bryson turns so red, he looks like he has a bad sunburn.

"Say cheese, honey!" Amanda records him.

I skip over to Bryson and pat him on the chest, "Relax Bryson, get with the times my man, let your freak flag fly."

He has tears in his eyes.

"Not fun when you are the one outed now is it?" I say.

"Fuck you!" He barks.

"You called me crazy, well now you can see just how crazy I am. You fucked with the wrong girl. You ruined my life, now I ruined yours."

He pushes past me and runs away with everyone laughing at him, even his buddies. Amanda comes over to me and we high-five. Perfect timing too, just as the song ends and Principal Prick arrives on campus with the police.

Trinity hands me back the bullhorn and I march over to the Principal.

"Did you do this!?" he says to me.

I turn the volume up all the way and get right in his face before saying, "We've had enough of your tyranny!"

He flinches back.

"Your homophobic actions are no longer welcome on campus. The student body has spoken! For too long we let you oppress us, well no longer. Here is a sign you can't ignore. Love is love! It is beautiful and colorful and all around you. Whether you like it or not."

He slaps the bullhorn out of my hand and two officers arrest me, slamming me against the ground, even though I wasn't resisting.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Josie walks over to me.

They pull me up and march me off campus.

People cheer for me and clap, at least I went out with a bang.

That makes me smile.

Revenge, complete.

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