《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 29


Chapter 29: Crazy Eights

Third Person POV

Almost an hour had gone by and Dean had barely spoken, let alone talked about what was up between him and his student crush.

Gavin had been supporting his brother Dean with his crush on the younger magic user since some of the first days of the school year. He hadn’t been asking about it lately as Dean had been happy for a long time so he didn’t feel the need to meddle. Now, though, he wished that he had kept up and known what had happened.

Dean went to finish his beer and for some reason, seeing the satisfied gulps Dean made as he drank got on Gavin’s last nerve.

“Alright, your time is up.” Gavin stated loudly, startling his little brother who jumped from the noise. “You are going to tell me what’s going on. Then, I am going to give you some sweet brotherly advice which is the only thing that I am good for these days before you leave, completely prepared to win back that kid.”

Dean blinked stupidly at his brother’s words before smiling bashfully. He wasn’t sure why he thought that Gavin wouldn’t eventually bring up his situation again but he had still hoped. Still, though, it always made him smile to see his brother relax.

Gavin McCain acted like a real old man around his students and was pretty stiff about most things. But around friends and family, the guy could be a goof too. He was still usually a tight-ass but he had his moments. This was one of them.

“You are oddly prepared for someone who still doesn’t know what’s actually going on.” Dean softly smiled over the neck of his beer bottle. Gavin waved him off with a simple flick of his hand.

“I’m your brother, it’s my job.” Gavin said, dismissing Dean’s comment easily. “Now, stop changing the subject, get to the chase.”

Dean sighed deeply, still hesitant to say it, but finally started explaining the situation. Gavin was calm and silent while Dean talked, only speaking when he needed more clarification and had a question. When Dean finished, Gavin stroked his chin thoughtfully and relaxed back into his chair.

“Well, you did kind of fuck it up, man.” Gavin starts, not even blinking when Dean groans and nods his head.


“Yeah, I thought so too. Any other brilliant observations?” Dean asked sarcastically, his words rude and slightly spiteful. Gavin rolled his eyes.

“Calm.” He drawled, grinning at Dean’s insulted look at being treated like a dog. “Although you did mess up, you did what you did for a reason, right?”

Dean seems a bit confused as to what Gavin was implying so Gavin continued.

“I mean, it sounds like you don’t trust him.”

Dean quickly opens his mouth, preparing to argue against the assumption but freezes when he has nothing to say. Slowly, Dean closes his mouth again to think. Gavin stays silent, allowing Dean to collect his thoughts.

“It’s- It’s not-” Dean cut himself off and finally sighed. “Fine, I don’t trust Sebastian.” When Gavin started to nod his head slowly, like he expected this, Dean scrambled to explain.

“But, it’s not because of anything he did. I just . . . you know more than anyone that people can be selfish and greedy. I didn’t want my fame or the idea of immortality to distract him and take away from our relationship. So yeah, I might not trust him yet, but I want to. I want to possibly marry him and give him immortality as well because I love him and he loves me, not because I love him and he loves living forever. I want it to be real Gavin.”

Gavin didn’t even miss a beat.

“Is it?” He asks calmly, looking Dean straight in the eye. “Is it real, Dean? Because if not, I’m not sure that it is worth the trouble.”

Some would have expected Dean to hesitate, to carefully think over his time spent with Sebastian, their compatibility, and other factors that would lead to his answer. But when it came to his feelings for Sebastian, Dean didn’t even need to blink.

“Yes. Yes, it is real.”

Gavin smirked and leaned forward.

“Then you need to make it clear to Sebastian that you care about him. Let him know that the trust will come because the love is already there.”

Dean smiled widely and threw himself out of his seat before nearly crushing his brother with a hug.

“You really did get good at the whole advice thing.” Dean complimented with a grin. Gavin smiled and shrugged casually.

“I know, but don’t let my students know or else they will never leave me alone.” He said, shivering violently at the thought. “Those kids got so many freaking issues. Like gosh, what are they feeding them these days?”


Dean laughed, not only because of how dumb it might have sounded but also because it was true.

It seemed like the more time that passed, the faster kids were growing up. And with that growth came problems that shouldn't be showing up for years showing up right now.

“I really don’t know, Gavin.” Dean told his brother honestly before laughing. “Maybe they grew up eating too many of those GMOs.”

Gavin snorted loudly and shook his head.

“You shouldn't joke about those, Dean. The human dimension had the biggest problem once those foods started causing problems with peoples’ health.” Gavin hissed lowly, almost as if he was afraid of someone hearing them. “Although the other communities tried to warn them not to and they didn’t listen, they are still a bit sensitive about the topic.”

“But you’re a human who is not.” Dean reminded his brother. “Eventually, we will look back on that period of time and laugh. I can imagine it now. ‘It was so funny when we thought that GMOs were a good idea, it was almost as bad as when we elected that guy Trump as president!’”

Gavin and Dean held their stomachs from the pain that came from laughing. It had been a long time since the Trump administration had been a thing and GMOs have been banned for closer to a decade now, but both topics still amused the two now that they weren’t angered over them.

The brothers decided to prepare some dinner together and when a bit over an hour passed, they had a full meal of veggie lasagna ready to eat. The two enjoyed dinner and conversation, catching up on any changes in the others’ life until they finished their meal.

Dean let out a noisy burp, grinning cheekily as Gavin scrunched up his face.

“Gross.” His older brother started waving his hand in front of his face after the simple statement and Dean chuckled.

“It is a natural process brother. Get over it.”

Gavin shook his head in disagreement and stood up.

“I’ll get over it if you stay for some Crazy Eight Count Down.” Gavin said, walking across his living room and picking up the stack of cards with a raised brow. Dean smiled and nodded his head yes.

“Sure, man.” Dean agreed. He loved the game, which was basically the card version of UNO. He and Gavin had been playing it since they were kids and still hadn’t gotten tired of the game. It was great.

The rest of the evening was spent with the two adult teachers talking, laughing, and arguing over the simple game. Any person who walked in to see the scene probably would have laughed, but the brothers didn’t notice. They were having a blast and Dean was so glad to be spending time with his older brother. The two stuck together through the challenges in their lives like losing their parents in their teens, struggling to pay for their schooling despite scholarships, and a broken engagement between Gavin and an ex.

But, working for the same school brought them this, time to be together. When the day came that they might have to separate and won’t be able to talk every evening, Dean knew that he would always appreciate this time. Thinking about the future, Dean’s thoughts went to Sebastian.

“Hey, Gavin.” Gavin looked up from his cards when Dean called him. “Thank you for giving me that advice.”

Now that Dean was thinking about the future and Sebastian his thoughts went elsewhere. In the midst of sweet, innocent, and also not so innocent thoughts, Dean suddenly had an idea. He wanted to immediately blurt it out and get Gavin’s opinion but stayed silent until Gavin eventually won the game. Dean would’ve been upset and butthurt, but he was too excited about his idea.

“Gavin, you wouldn’t mind if I ran an idea by you quickly, would you?” Dean asked, his bright and excited expression grabbing his older brother's attention.

“Yeah, of course.” Gavin agreed immediately. Putting away the cards and leaning forward, Gavin gave his brother all of his attention. “What is it?”


Hello Guys!

If you are following me, you probably saw that I posted this right at 6:30 pm on Tuesday so hey, good for me.



Happy Lunar New Year! Feel extra proud if you were born in the year of the Pig, this is your time to shine!


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